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Meditation is a technique meant for resting the mind and achieving a state of consciousness that is completely different from the regular walking state. Through mediation, the mind gets clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused.

The meditation process sounds simple, but it makes one more than that. It requires discipline, the mind, and the body to be calm.

Two different types of meditation practiced worldwide are Hindu and Buddhist meditation.

The purpose behind meditation in Hindu mythology is much more towards the spiritual aspect than religion. The purpose can vary from person to person, such as physical well-being, mental peace, growth, and spiritual enhancement.

In Buddhist meditation, they consider meditation a key part of their religion. They meditated to achieve nirvana.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hindu meditation is practised to achieve spiritual awakening, union with the divine, or enlightenment; Buddhist meditation aims to develop mindfulness, concentration, and insight into the nature of reality.
  2. Hindu meditation involves chanting, visualization, or devotion to a deity; Buddhist meditation may involve different techniques, such as mindfulness of breathing, body scan, or loving-kindness meditation.
  3. Hindu meditation is rooted in the Vedas and Hindu scriptures; Buddhist meditation is based on the teachings of Buddha and the Buddhist scriptures.

Hindu vs. Buddhist Meditation

Hindu meditation focuses on mental, physical, or spiritual betterment. Years are required to become a master in Hindu meditation as it is based on some difficult techniques. Buddhist meditation focuses on ethical behavior and is considered an important part of religion. It is much simpler.

Hindu vs Buddhist meditation

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonHindu MeditationBuddhist Meditation
FounderIt was not founded by a single personFounded by  Gautam Buddha
FollowerMajorly in IndiaIt has followers in East and South East Asia
FocusFocuses on religious beliefFocuses on Ethical behavior
WorshipWorships many idolsBelieves in the idea of god but does not follow it
IdeologySpiritual ideologyAn important part of the region
TechniqueThe techniques are quite difficultSimpler techniques

What is Hindu Mediation?

Meditation originated in India and since then evolved with Hinduism (sanatana dharma). In Hindu meditation, the goal is to achieve oneness with the soul or mind (atman), along with getting in touch with Brahman (the almighty) and achieving the state of moksha (nirvana).

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It is an exclusive and inclusive process as one withdraws their mind and sense from all the distractions occurring in the world and aims upon one particular idea of concentration.

According to the Hindu scripture, a certain posture helps to attain the meditation state. The posture is known as yoga.

Several references are found about yoga and meditation in the Vedas and Upanishads.

Hindu meditation is also known as “dhyana.” Dhyana is a Sanskrit word where “dhi” means a receptacle or the mind and “yana” means moving or going.

Hence dhyana means a journey or movement of the mind. It is a mental activity of the mind.

hindu meditation

What is Buddhist Meditation?

Buddhist meditation is closely linked with religion and philosophy. In Buddhism, it is known as Bhavana, which means development, and jhana or dhyana meaning mental training resulting in a calm and luminous mind.

The Buddhist practice of meditation is a part of looking forward to liberation, awakening, and nirvana. Buddhist meditation involves techniques such as shamata (mindfulness), which focuses on developing calm, clarity, and stability within a person, metta or loving-kindness, and contemplative meditation focuses on contemplative manners.

People have practiced Buddhist meditation principles for several years to affect mundane and worldly benefits. By precisely looking at things, they help one develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and calmness.

According to Gautam Buddha, Buddhist meditation has the quality of serenity and tranquility that helps to compose and concentrate any mind and gives an insight into the world; it allows sentiments such as matter, perception, and consciousness.

buddhist meditation

Main Differences Between Hindu and Buddhist Meditation

  1. Hindu meditation was not founded y a single person, whereas Buddhist meditation was founded particularly by Gautam Buddha.
  2. The followers of Hindu meditation majorly reside in India, whereas the followers of Buddhist meditation are found in East and South East Asia.
  3. Hindu meditation mainly focuses on religious belief, whereas Buddhist meditation focuses on a person’s ethical behavior.
  4. In Hindu meditation, they believe and worship many idols, but in Buddhist meditation, they believe in the idea of god but do not follow it.
  5. Hindu meditation focuses on spiritual ideologies, whereas Buddhist meditation focuses on the important parts of meditation.
  6. The techniques of Hindu meditation are quite difficult, and they take years to master. In contrast, in the case of Buddhist meditation, the techniques are comparatively easier, and they do not take much practice to be mastered.
Difference Between Hindu and Buddhist Meditation
Also Read:  Meditation vs Yoga Nidra: Difference and Comparison
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.