Honesty vs Integrity: Difference and Comparison

A human being possesses several attributes and personality traits. In the entire existence of a human being, he follows several things and adapts to several things.

Whenever a person interacts with another person, he represents himself and carries out himself in a certain way, and that brings out those traits and vices in front of others.

Key Takeaways

  1. Honesty refers to being truthful and transparent in one’s words and actions.
  2. Integrity refers to having strong moral principles and upholding them even in difficult situations.
  3. The main difference between Honesty and Integrity is the focus on truthfulness versus adherence to moral principles.

Honesty vs Integrity

Honesty is the quality of being truthful, sincere, and straightforward in one’s dealings with others. An honest person is someone who tells the truth and doesn’t deceive or mislead others. Integrity goes beyond honesty to encompass a broader set of values and principles. Integrity is the quality of having strong moral and ethical principles and adhering to them, even when it is difficult or inconvenient to do so.

Honesty vs Integrity

Honesty is one of the most important attributes of human life. An honest person will always be considered a good person because he/she would choose to be honest in any situation.

A person who is consistently honest and unbiased in his/her conduct is said to have integrity. A person’s integrity ought to be questioned, doubted, and put to the test whenever he/she is found suspicion of a certain thing.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHonestyIntegrity
MeaningThe state of being truthful and sincere.The state of being consistently honest and sticking to a moral or ethical code throughout.
Person’s ConductA person is truthful and sincere.A person strictly adheres to a moral or ethical code.
Emphasis OnWordsActions
ImplicationA person does not follow a moral or ethical code.A person does follow a moral or ethical code strictly and adheres to that.
GuaranteeHonestly does not guarantee integrity.Integrity does guarantee honestly.
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What is Honesty?

The state of being truthful and sincere towards a certain thing or with a certain person is known as honesty. Honesty is the best policy is said by many people, and many people agree with the statement.

Honesty is one of the most important attributes of human life. An honest person will always be considered a good person because he/she would choose to be honest in any situation.

Honesty deals with words and phrases that a person speaks, and a person who is free of deceit is said to be honest. Various intellects, scholars and philosophers have stated different sayings regarding honesty.

There are various fictional stories and moral stories that entail people, to be honest. There are several folk tales and other literary material that entail people to be honest in their entire existence.

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What is Integrity?

The state of being consistently honest and following a certain ethical or moral code is known as integrity. If a person sticks to the ethical or more code and is honest in an uncompromising manner, then he/she has integrity.

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A person who is consistently honest and unbiased in his/her conduct is said to have integrity. A person’s integrity ought to be questioned, doubted, and put to the test whenever he/she is found suspicious of a certain thing.

Many intellects and philosophers have quoted various sayings regarding integrity. If one’s actions are accurately honest, truthful, sincere in his actions with great consistency, then a person has integrity.

There are various fictional stories and moral stories that entail people to adhere to their integrity. There are several folk tales and other literary material that entail people to be honest and stick to their integrity throughout their entire existence.


Main Differences Between Honesty and Integrity

  1. Honesty does not imply that a person sticks to or adheres to a moral or ethical code. On the other hand, integrity does imply that a person sticks to or adheres to a moral or ethical code.
  2. An honest person’s conduct deals with being truthful and sincere; on the other hand, a person who has integrity behaves in a way where he/she sticks or adheres to a moral or ethical code.
Difference Between Honesty and Integrity
  1. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1964-05839-001
  2. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/292912

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. The comparison table is a useful visual for understanding the differences between honesty and integrity. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This article eloquently explains the meanings of honesty and integrity with some outstanding references.

  3. The comparison table is a great way to visualize the differences between honesty and integrity. Very informative article.

  4. The focus on the person’s conduct in this comparison provides a clear understanding of the differences between honesty and integrity. Well-written.

  5. This is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of honesty and integrity. The comparison table is a helpful addition to the discussion.

  6. The way the article explains the meaning of honesty and integrity is very clear, and the comparison table adds great value to the discussion.

  7. Thank you for this valuable insight into honesty and integrity. It’s interesting to see how they go hand-in-hand, but are not identical.

  8. The explanation of honesty and integrity in terms of person’s conduct is particularly illuminating. This article is very informative.

    • I found the explanation of the main differences to be exceptionally clear. Thank you for sharing this insightful piece.

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