Hunger vs Appetite: Difference and Comparison

Human beings have several factors and elements that go inside their bodies. These desires and emotions are of several types and can occur at different times.

Human beings feel these desires and do the necessary things to complete them. Right from the onset of a human being’s existence, these emotions and desires are either completed by their guardians or by themselves when they grow up.

These several desires include hunger, thirst, sleep, family, status, social contact, independence, and many more. These things might seem like sometimes because they have other things similar to them, but they do have some differences.

Two of those desires are 1. Hunger, and 2. Appetite.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hunger represents a physiological need for food, while appetite involves a psychological desire to eat.
  2. Hunger occurs due to low levels of nutrients in the body, whereas factors like mood, culture, and environment influence appetite.
  3. Satiety helps control hunger while managing appetite requires mindfulness and awareness of emotional and environmental cues.

Hunger vs Appetite

Hunger is a response from the body and a sensation that indicates the need to eat something. Hunger informs the human body to eat and sustain existence. Appetite is a response from the body and a desire for food that can occur at any time due to external cues, even after the human body is satisfied.

Hunger vs Appetite

The sensation that is also a response from the human body that entails us to eat is known as hunger.

Whenever a human being’s stomach is empty, the body tells us to eat and gives us hunger pangs. Depending on the appetite of the respective human being, food is consumed, and hunger is satisfied.

The desire for food, which is also a response from the human brain, is known as appetite.

Appetite can occur even if a human body is satisfied and has consumed enough food. It occurs even by seeing a food dish or by listening to somebody talking about food in general.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHungerAppetite
Meaning/ DefinitionThe sensation that is also a response from the human body that entails us to eat is known as hunger.The desire for food that is also a response from the human brain is known as appetite.
Type ofSensationDesire, craving, wish, feeling
Occurs fromHuman bodyHuman brain
OccurrenceA person feels hungry whenever his or her stomach is empty or if a person has not eaten anything in a while.A person’s appetite can make a person like eating something even if a person is full and it can occur anytime.
Result ofInternal cuesExternal cues
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What is Hunger?

The sensation that is also a response from the human body that entails us to eat is known as hunger. It is a response from the human body, and it is a need to eat something in order to sustain existence.

People depending on their dietary schedule, eat various types of foodstuff and satisfy their hunger.

Whenever a human being’s stomach is empty, the body tells us to eat and gives us hunger pangs. Depending on the appetite of the respective human being, food is consumed, and hunger is satisfied.

People confuse hunger with their appetite, but these are two separate things and do have their differences. Various parameters make them different from each other.

Many people try to harm themselves by not eating enough food and staying hungry for a longer time, and things like these lead to problematic situations in the human body.

Sometimes people try to eat more than the required amount, and this, too, leads to problematic situations. The physical and mental effects of these things are immense, and they grow more in a wrong manner if not treated properly.

There are several disorders associated with a person’s dietary schedule. For instance, if a person lacks the desire to eat food or ignores hunger or tries to eat less for any possible reason, then that person may be suffering from anorexia.

Alike that, there are other problems and disorders too that occur in human beings. Depending on the gravity and type of these issues, proper aid is suggested, and treatment is given.


What is Appetite?

The desire for food, also a response from the human brain, is known as appetite. It is a signal from the human brain, and it is a sensation, craving, or feeling of eating something, and it may occur at any instance of time to a human being.

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Appetite can occur even if a human body is satisfied and has consumed enough food. It occurs even by seeing a food dish or by listening to somebody talking about food in general.

People confuse appetite with their hunger, but these are two separate things and have their differences. There are several parameters that differentiate these two terminologies.

People must understand the importance of a balanced diet and also the importance of eating only the food that is harmless for their body and knowing to eat it in proportion.

Overeating or lack of a balanced diet leads to disorders in the human body, and these disorders lead to some physical and mental changes in a person’s life.

One must try to satisfy their hunger by eating the right amount and right quality of food and must take the necessary precautions to avoid disorders from being introduced to their bodies.

If a person wants to live a healthy and happy life, then he or she must take care of their appetite by eating healthy and right.


Main Differences Between Hunger and Appetite

  1. Hunger is a need to eat something. On the other hand, appetite is a wish, craving, or sensation to eat something.
  2. Hunger cues arise from the human body once the human stomach is empty. On the other hand, appetite cues arise from the human brain, and it occurs either when the stomach is empty or when the stomach is not empty.
  3. A person can feel hungry only when his or her stomach is empty. On the other hand, appetite cravings can occur at any instance of time.
  4. Hunger is a result of internal cues and signals. On the other hand, appetite is a result of external cues and signals.
  5. The sensation that is also a response from the human body that entails us to eat is known as hunger. On the other hand, the desire for food, which is also a response from the human brain, is known as appetite.
Difference Between Hunger and Appetite

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.