Invention vs Innovation: Difference and Comparison

In this competitive world, coming up with new ideas and inventing something new are becoming a challenge. To start something, we need to invent something which will lead to a new invention.

During that invention process, we need to be creative with our ideas so that they will produce innovative results. These two things combined will make the end result more attractive among people.

Key Takeaways

  1. The invention is the creation of a new product or process, while innovation is the improvement of an existing product or process.
  2. The invention is driven by scientific discovery or technological breakthroughs, while innovation is driven by market demand or customer needs.
  3. Invention requires a higher level of creativity and risk-taking than innovation, which requires a more systematic approach to problem-solving.

Invention vs Innovation

Invention is the creation of a new idea, product, or process through scientific research, technological advancements, or creative thinking. Innovation is the process of improving an existing product to improve its functionality. It can be incremental or disruptive depending on the degree of change introduced.

Invention vs Innovation

An invention is something created by a single person or group from scratch. Many inventions in this world have helped many people in their lives.

Before inventing something, we should consider the competition and challenges involved in making it. Also, once we have completed it, we should get feedback from trusted groups to get genuine opinions.

Innovation is coming up with ideas so that it will make the existing product into a good one. Innovation in education is important. If teachers develop innovative ideas to teach students, they will show more interest in their studies.

Innovation helps them to look at problem-solving differently and helps them to solve it faster with their innovative ideas. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonInventionInnovation
DefinitionIt is an idea that has never been made by anyone before for a product or a processIt is implementing an idea for a product or process which is done for the very first time
CalledIt is called the creation of something newIt is called adding value to an already existing product
SkillsPeople should have scientific skillsPeople should have strategic, marketing, and technical skills
ConceptIt involves the concept of the original ideaIt involves the concept of implementing the already existing idea
OccurrenceIt will occur whenever a scientist gets a new ideaIt will occur when we feel a need or improvement for an already existing product
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What is Invention?

Invention is the process of inventing something new. It is something that we figure to make up. For example, many year’s, computers were invented. With that help, people are doing lots of things from their homes.

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It is one of the best inventions so far. When we create a story, then it is also called invention. Whatever we make from scratch is considered an invention. Inventions are significant in human lives. It will make our life easy. 

It will help us improve our knowledge and make the tasks more manageable. Every year, people invent new things. To invent something, we need to think and be creative.

Inventions in the medical field will help doctors to treat their patients and give them the care to treat them well soon. We can even invent things as a group.

In that way, we can interact with others and learn more from them. Often things invented by groups will be more effective and good.

Many creative inventions changed our lives. Consider the wheel. It paved the way for many things, which led to new innovative ideas. To invent something, we need to first believe in ourselves.

We should concentrate on problems that are worth solving. Then we should start doing proper research. And the most important step in this process is protecting your idea from others.

Once you have the result, you should manufacture or license your invention. These are some of the steps for inventing something.


What is Innovation?

Innovation is the process of inventing something new. If you work successfully on something and achieve it within a given amount of time, then people around you will call your ideas innovative.

Whenever we work on something new, we need some innovative ideas to make the end result look good. Without innovative ideas, the product we develop or something we do won’t look good. It will be seen as a normal one.

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One of the main purposes of innovation is to develop new ideas and technologies to increase productivity and produce good output and value with the same amount of input.

In the business sector, innovative ideas are very important as they will increase the business’s profit and help them reach many people. Four types of innovations are available such as incremental, architectural, radical, and disruptive. 

Not only these four will depict innovation. Also, some other things will be considered. The important thing is to find the correct type that works for our company to make our business successful.

For an individual, innovation means being creative, coming up with original ideas, and not stealing from others. We should be genuine in whatever work we do. Or else it will be counted as a plagiarized one. 


Main Differences Between Invention and Innovation

  1. Invention is the process of creating something new which people have not made before. On the other hand, innovation is implementing our ideas into something that we do.
  2. The invention is called the creation of something new. On the other hand, innovation is called the process of adding value to our existing product.
  3. For invention, people should have some specific skills. On the other hand, we should have strategic, marketing, and technical skills for innovation.
  4. Invention means involving the concept of the original idea. On the other hand, innovation means the concept of implementing an already existing idea.
  5. The invention will happen whenever a scientist gets some new idea. On the other hand, innovation will happen when we need to improve something on an existing product. 
Difference Between Invention and Innovation
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. The elaboration on the significance of inventions in the medical field and the importance of innovative ideas in business showcases the wide-ranging impact of these concepts. It is essential for individuals and organizations to harness the potential of both invention and innovation.

  2. We can see from the article that invention and innovation have a great role in our lives and society in general. Both have a big difference, but it is important to have them both in the present and future.

  3. The comparison table provides a clear distinction between invention and innovation, emphasizing the different skills, concepts, and occurrences. This helps in understanding the unique aspects of each process.

  4. It’s interesting to note the detailed description of invention and innovation, especially the involvement of scientific skills in invention and strategic, marketing, and technical skills in innovation. These insights are significant in comprehending the complexities of these processes.

    • Yes, the article effectively illustrates the fundamental differences between invention and innovation, shedding light on the nuances that define each concept.

  5. The article highlights the benefits and impact of invention and innovation in various sectors, such as science, business, and education. It is evident that these concepts play a crucial role in driving progress and development.

  6. The article effectively differentiates between invention and innovation, highlighting their respective roles and characteristics. This comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights for understanding the intricate nature of these processes.

    • The in-depth exploration of invention and innovation delivers a thought-provoking perspective on the transformative power of creative ideas and strategic implementation. It offers a compelling narrative that captures the essence of progress and development.

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