Inverter vs Generator: Difference and Comparison

There is a very narrow line of difference between an inverter and a generator. All things considered, both of them mostly have the same job, which is to consume fuel, they control an engine which is joined to an alternator, which then produces electrical power.

However, there is a couple of differences between the two by the way they achieve that work, and relying upon your necessities, all things considered, one will turn out preferred for you over the other.

Key Takeaways

  1. Inverters convert DC power to AC power, while generators produce electricity from mechanical energy.
  2. Inverters are quieter, more fuel-efficient, and produce cleaner power than generators.
  3. Generators can produce more power and are better suited for heavy-duty applications, while inverters are ideal for small appliances and sensitive electronics.

Inverter vs Generator

Inverter is a device that converts one type of electric current to another. It can be used to convert the direct current output of electricity into an alternating current that can be used by appliances. A generator is a device that produces electrical power by converting the calorific value of diesel.

Inverter vs Generator

An inverter, in short, is a portable, rectangular-moulded piece of hardware that is fueled by either a mix of batteries placed together parallelly or by a single 12V or 24V battery.

Reciprocally, these batteries can be charged by gas generators, vehicle motors, solar-powered chargers, or some other ordinary power supply.

A generator is any gadget that is equipped for changing mechanical energy over to electrical energy. Compact electric generators that are regularly utilized in homes run on fuel like diesel or propane.

The diesel runs the engine at about a steady speed of 3000 rpm, and an alternator changes over the rotational active energy into an AC electric source.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonInverterGenerator
Size and WeightInverters are very compact in size and also very lightweight. They are also portable.Generators are very big in size and also very heavy in weight.
Power OutputThe maximum Power output for inverters ranges between 1000 to 4000 watts.The maximum power output of a generator varies from 500 to 50,000 watts.
Source of PowerInverters work on batteries and henceforth they charge their batteries with electricity itself.Generators run on Power sources like Petroleum, diesel, or kerosene.
Noise and pollutionInverters are almost soundless and they create no pollution.Generators make a lot of noise and they also emit smoke which causes pollution.
MaintenanceInverters require almost no maintenance as they run on batteries.Generators, especially their engines require maintenance at regular intervals.
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What is Inverter?

An inverter is an electrical gadget that changes over DC voltage, from batteries, into standard family AC voltage so it can be utilized by normal appliances.

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So, an inverter changes from direct current into alternating current. Direct Current is utilized in large numbers of the little electrical gears, for example, solar-based force frameworks, since the solar cells are simply ready to deliver DC.

They are likewise utilized where a small quantity of voltage is to be utilized or delivered, for example, power batteries that produce just DC.

Other than these, energy units and other power sources likewise produce DC. We all realize that the fundamental power provided to our homes from the power stations is Alternating current at 220 Volts.

That is one fundamental explanation that the electrical hardware, which requires high voltages and flows, is fabricated to such an extent that they work on AC since it is provided to our homes.

Other than this, AC power is utilized, and the greater part of the machines require a somewhat higher measure of force than DC can supply since DC power is intended to deal with low voltages.

So because of the explanation that the power created by DC delivering gadgets must be made accessible to our customary machines, we need inverters these days.


What is Generator?

A generator is a piece of equipment that changes the compound energy in diesel over to electrical energy. It does this using a diesel engine and a forced-air system alternator coupled together.

They furthermore routinely have a fuel tank, control board, and radiator. The diesel engine curves the alternator making a climate control system electrical stream.

This is used to control electrical stuff. They can be used to supply an assortment of employment like schools, crisis centres, creation lines, and homes.

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They can be used either as the primary power source or then again if there ought to emerge an event of power breakdown. Burning diesel or different fuels makes exhaust gasses.

Diesel generators produce carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and particulate matter. These generators release this into the environment and extensively decline air quality in the nearby regions.

Every litre of fuel has 0.73 kg of pure carbon, 2.6 kg of carbon dioxide conveyed per litre of diesel fuel.

Generators need wary routine help at conventional stretches. This depends upon the creator, be that as it may, the primary concern to be changed normally is the engine.

Engines customarily require changing after 250 or 500 hours, yet the help stretch is portrayed by the engine maker.


Main Differences Between Inverter and Generator

  1. Inverters are compact. They are really versatile and stow away. You can undoubtedly transfer an inverter in your vehicle, whereas generators are very cumbersome. To move them, you will require a major metal casing and wheels.
  2. The Inverter changes over 12 volts of DC power into 120 volts of AC power while Generator straightforwardly creates 120 volts of AC supply at 60 hertz supply recurrence.
  3. Generators make a commotion and furthermore produce smoke which causes both clamor and air contamination though, Inverters are soundless and contamination-free.
  4. Generators require manual work to begin, though. Inverters start all alone when there is a force cut.
  5. Generators are accessible in high capacity though Inverters are accessible in a lower capacity.
  6. Generators require the storage of fuels, while in the inverter, there is no necessity for fuel stockpiling.
Difference Between Inverter and Generator

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.