ISO vs CMMI: Difference and Comparison

ISO is an international standard that aims at maintaining high-quality standards within the industries.

The CMMI has been blueprinted astoundingly to help companies that engage in software development to determine how they can improve their processes over time.

Key Takeaways

  1. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) develops and publishes international standards for various industries, products, and services.
  2. CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a process improvement framework designed to help organizations optimize their performance and development processes.
  3. ISO focuses on standardization across industries, while CMMI targets process improvement within software development and service organizations.


The difference between ISO and CMMI is that ISO lists the processes that need to be followed and the management standards that need to be adhered to have quality standards with global standards, whereas Capability Maturity Model Integration is a framework designed to measure and improve the quality of an organization’s processes.


ISO is an initialism for International Organization for Standardization which is a non-profit organization that sets international standards.

ISO standards are therefore officially recognized across the world. They are used to encourage transparency and communication, and they play a big part in international agreements that are made between countries.

CMMI is an initialism for Capability Maturity Model Integration and is utilized by companies across different industries to assess and improve their software products as well as processes that go into making those products such as design, testing, and development.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonISOCMMI
Acronym International Organization for Standardization.Capability Maturity Model Integration.
DefinitionISO is an international organization that sets standards for a range of industries.The process is an indication of the maturity of an organization’s software or systems development processes, from initial design to final implementation.
ObjectiveTo improve productivity within businesses by implementing and adhering to universal standards.To plan and manage various stages of software development by ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of the transitions stage and budget.
ConsumptionThe product must be supported by at least two other independent member organizations.It is utilized in conjunction with a framework to help decide which level of maturity an organization needs to achieve.
IllustrationMeteorology, healthcare, entertainment industry, and food safety standards.Company projects.
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What is ISO?

The ISO sets many international standards as well as work-related norms and conformity assessments.

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These procedures help with quality assurance, public health and safety issues, electromagnetic compatibility, transportation safety, and maritime security. ISO aims to advance technology through standardization.

The standardization process requires the creation of a standard or set of standards, which are then adopted by many organizations to communicate technical information.

The ISO assists set standards of measurement and quality for various fields, most notably photography and videography, which account for a large portion of its revenue.

For instance, ISO certifies many video editing software packages as compatible with its standards. This helps ensure that video editors can do their job efficiently without worrying about whether or not the software is of poor quality.

Photography, videography, and publishing are just a few examples of what ISO does to help the entertainment industry.

The advantage of using ISO can be many. For instance, a photographer or videographer can feel self-assured about the standard of their work as long as it encounters ISO standards.

Before doing so, however, a client should make certain that their chosen software is compatible with the company’s grade.

For instance, publishers can utilize testing techniques to make certain that the grade of a book meets industry standards before publishing it. This can help a publishing company save money and time.


What is CMMI?

CMMI is a Process Improvement Methodology.

This process improvement methodology, which was developed by the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and is currently used by many in the software industry, helps organizations to increase their productivity, reduce costs and improve quality.

CMMI is an iterative process used to assess and improve the maturity of a software product over three phases. The first two phases are focused on understanding the current state of the product and improving upon the current state.

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The first phase is focused on requirements analysis, where the focus is on understanding what needs to be done.

The second phase is pivoted on executing a software blueprint document and code analysis. The pivot of this phase is to tower the level of confidence that the software product will meet the requirements.

This will be attained by ensuring that the blueprint is properly organized, intact, and fit for its intended motive. The code analysis will ensure adherence to testing standards.

The third phase is pivoted on the acceptance of the software product. This phase will make certain that each necessity has been met and will be properly utilized.

This phase is conveyed by an unrelated test team. A well-defined testing strategy, plan, and test cases must be fabricated before any authentic testing can begin.

After all phases of software development have transpired, the first phase tackles again with a re-estimation of necessities, blueprint documents, and code analysis.

Main Differences Between ISO and CMMI

  1. The ISO elision is International Organization for Standardization, whereas the CMMI elision is Capability Maturity Model Integration.
  2. The ISO is strict in that it requires employees to go through a manual audit each year, whereas the CMMI is not so strict in that it requires employees to go through a manual audit each year.
  3. The objective of ISO is to enhance production within businesses by executing and clinging to towering standards, whereas the objective of CMMI is to intent and supervise dissimilar phases of software development
  4. The ISO is focused on documentation, whereas the CMMI is an extremely different standard as it is not so focused on documentation.
  5. The illustrations of ISO encompass healthcare, photography, videography, and food standards, whereas the illustrations of ISO encompass the company projects.


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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.