Jaundice vs Hepatitis-B: Difference and Comparison

Jaundice and Hepatitis-b are two different types of infection caused by several factors. Both diseases will describe the living conditions of the human body.

The changes in liver conditions will lead to jaundice and Hepatitis-b. Both diseases need a distinct type of prevention technique.

Key Takeaways

  1. Jaundice is characterized by yellowing skin and eyes, whereas Hepatitis B is a viral infection affecting the liver.
  2. Hepatitis B can lead to jaundice, but not all cases are due to Hepatitis B.
  3. Hepatitis B can be prevented with vaccination, while jaundice treatment depends on its underlying cause.

Jaundice vs Hepatitis-B

The difference between jaundice and hepatitis-b is their effect on the liver. The increase of bilirubin level in the liver is called jaundice. The bulged size of the liver tissue is called hepatitis-b. The whites of the eye and skin become yellow color in jaundice conditions, whereas fibrosis of the liver happens in hepatitis conditions.

Jaundice vs Hepatitis B

Icterus is the other name for jaundice. It is detected by the yellowish shade on the skin and whites of the eye. The bilirubin levels get increased in jaundice conditions.

The abnormal heme metabolism and liver dysfunction are symptoms in adults. It may also cause biliary-tract obstruction.

During the first eight weeks of the infants, 80% of infants get jaundice. The bilirubin levels increase rapidly in jaundice.

The inflammation of the liver is called hepatitis. Hepatitis-b is a subclass of hepatitis.

The ‘b’ in hepatitis-b denotes the virus. The liver tissue gets bulged.

Vaccination is the only solution for preventing hepatitis diseases. It is vital to know the HBV status of your sexual partner. You can prevent the disease by knowing the conditions of the diseases in your partners.

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And prevent by giving birth to a child who has hepatitis.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonJaundiceHepatitis-B
DefinitionIn jaundice, the bilirubin levels get increasedIn hepatitis-b, the liver tissue gets bulged
TreatmentDepending on the pathology, jaundice has treatmentDepending on the virus, hepatitis-b has treatment
TypesJaundice has three typesHepatitis-b has two types
Risk factorsGallstone obstructions, and Structural abnormalities of the bile duct.Liver cancer and liver failure
SymptomsYellow discoloration of the skin and sclera of the eyes, and Pruritus.Abdominal pain, and Dark urine
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What is Jaundice?

Icterus is the other name for jaundice. It is detected by the yellowish shade on the skin and whites of the eye. The bilirubin levels get increased in jaundice conditions.

The abnormal heme metabolism and liver dysfunction are symptoms in adults. It may also cause biliary-tract obstruction.

During the first eight weeks of the infants, 80% of infants get jaundice. The bilirubin levels increase rapidly in jaundice.

The change in bilirubin levels is divided into two types. They are unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin.

Fatal is a non-serious condition caused by jaundice. Thyroid problems and hepatitis are other factors caused by jaundice.

During jaundice, there is a chance of excess breaking of red blood cells. Surgery is the only option if a blockage in the bile duct.

Phototherapy or exchange transfusion is a method of treating jaundice in newborn babies.

Jaundice can be classified into three different types. They are Hepatocellular jaundice, Hemolytic jaundice, and Obstructive jaundice.

The liver injury is called hepatocellular jaundice. The rise in hemolysis is called hemolytic jaundice.

The blockage in the bile duct is called obstructive jaundice. Hyperbilirubinemia is the common name for the increase of bilirubin levels.

From the French word jaunisse, the word jaundice is invented.

What is Hepatitis-B?

The inflammation of the liver is called hepatitis. Hepatitis-b is a subclass of hepatitis.

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The ‘b’ in hepatitis-b denotes the virus. The liver tissue gets bulged.

Vaccination is the only solution for preventing hepatitis diseases.

It is vital to know the HBV status of your sexual partner. You can prevent the disease by knowing the conditions of the diseases in your partners.

And prevent by giving birth to a child who has hepatitis.

Hepatitis itself has two types. They are short-term hepatitis and long-term hepatitis.

Short-term hepatitis is an infection, whereas long-term hepatitis is chronic. Based on the virus type, it is divided into five types.

They are Hepatitis-a,b,c,d, and e. Hepatitis-a, hepatitis-b, and hepatitis-c are common. Over 80% of infants got affected by hepatitis, whereas only 2 to 6% of adults are affected by hepatitis.

HBV stands for Hepatitis -B vaccine. Body fluids are also the reason for the transmission of hepatitis-b. Fatigue, poor appetite, and abdominal pain are the symptoms of hepatitis-b.

Hepatitis-b is short-term hepatitis in many people who are diagnosed. Liver cancer is the major risk factor for hepatitis -b.

The child is born with a hepatitis-b disease if the mother has that disease. Sexual and blood are the transmission factors of hepatitis-b.

Main Differences Between Jaundice and Hepatitis-B

  1. The increased bilirubin levels will lead to the disease jaundice, and the increased size of the liver tissue will lead to the disease hepatitis-b.
  2. Jaundice is divided into three types, whereas hepatitis-b is divided into two types.
  3. Depending on the pathology of the disease, jaundice can be treated, whereas, depending on the virus type, hepatitis-b can be treated.
  4. The risk factors of jaundice are Gallstone obstructions and Structural abnormalities of the bile duct, whereas the risk factors of hepatitis-b are liver cancer and liver failure.
  5. The whites of the eye and skin become yellow in jaundice, whereas abdominal pain and dark urine are the symptoms of hepatitis-b.
Difference Between Jaundice and Hepatitis B
  1. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajb/article/view/60358
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1537-2995.1974.tb04519.x

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.