Latte vs Mocha: Difference and Comparison

Latte and mocha may seem the same type of fancy drink to those who only stick to shots of espresso while working the night or are not a coffee person at all.

For making latte and mocha, both the ingredients are the final appearance of the drink are almost the same. But, to identify these drinks correctly, one needs to have a little bit more knowledge.

Key Takeaways

  1. Latte is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk, while mocha includes chocolate syrup or cocoa powder.
  2. Mocha has a sweeter, more chocolatey flavor, whereas a latte has a milder, more balanced taste.
  3. Mochas include whipped cream as a topping, while lattes may be topped with a small amount of frothed milk.

Latte vs Mocha

Latte is a coffee drink whose origin is from European countries. Its main ingredients are espresso and milk. Syrups can be added to make the flavor better. A designed topping is added with steamed milk in the latte. The origin of mocha is Al-Makha. Steamed milk, chocolate syrup and espresso shots are the main ingredients of mocha. Whipped cream or chocolate can be added as a topping.

Latte vs Mocha

Latte is a classic coffee drink with espresso and milk as the main ingredients. To make a cup of latte, ⅓ espresso is mixed with ⅔ steamed milk.

This is the standard ratio on the basis of which the baristas can customize the size of the latte. A latte can be made tastier with flavouring syrups like caramel and vanilla. 

Mocha is the short form for “mocha latte” or a “cafe mocha”. The basic ingredients for making a mocha are the same as a latte.

But, in mocha, chocolate syrup is mixed with espresso. Mocha is a highly customizable coffee drink, as one can put both steamed milk and milk foam in the drink. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLatteMocha
OriginIt originated from the European countries of Italy and France, and it didn’t become famous before the 20th century. Mocha originated from Al-Makha, a city on the Arabian peninsula, and its history date back to the 17th century. 
IngredientsEspresso and milk are the basic ingredients, but flavouring syrups of your choice can be added. Espresso shots and steamed milk are mixed with chocolate syrup of cocoa powder.
ToppingsThe way of pouring the steamed milk creates a beautiful design on the top of the drink, like leaves and flowers. A mocha is topped with a lot of whipped cream, white or dark chocolates, chocolate syrups, and a variety of sprinkles. 
ConsistencyA latte is not a very thick coffee drink. The consistency of mocha is dense due to the added cocoa powder or chocolate syrup.
CaloriesA standard cup of latte (12 oz) contains 200 calories. A standard cup of mocha (10-12 oz) contains 230 calories.  
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What is Latte?

A latte is a type of coffee drink that originated from the land of Italy and France. Though mixing coffee with milk and making beverages started during the 1600s, the word “caffè e latte” was used for the first time in 1867.

Latte is the short form or more common word for caffè e latte. Latte is a very common drink today, which is found in every cafe around the world. 

For making a latte, ⅓ espresso is mixed with ⅔ steamed milk. The layer of microfoam on the surface is very thin.

Latte can become your go-to coffee if you want the caffeine to hit you every morning, yet dilute it with milk to tone down its strength. The standard size of a latte ranges from 10-12 ounces, but the size is customizable, keeping the ratio of espresso and milk constant. 

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The baristas make beautiful designs of flowers, leaves, emojis, etc., on your latte by pouring the milk in a specific way. So, if you wondered now which coffee drink those beautiful designs show up, you have the answer.

A latte is also a much healthier drink since the amount of sweetness is less compared to a mocha. 


What is Mocha?

Mocha is a very sweet drink that can be consumed if you are a coffee lover as much as a dessert lover. One element that makes mocha distinct from a latte or a cappuccino is the presence of chocolate.

Mocha is prepared with espresso shots, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup or cocoa powder. This increases the sweetness of the drink.

The amount of each ingredient is customizable. The name mocha was derived from the word al-Makha, a port city on the Arabian peninsula.

The Middle East is very famous as one of the birthplaces of coffee, while the other one is Europe, where people started mixing coffee with chocolate. This gave birth to what we know today as cafe mocha more than 200 years ago. 

Cafe mocha is also very famous and liked by people having a sweet tooth for the enriched toppings. Baristas put whipped cream, different sprinkles, dark and white chocolate, and chocolate syrup as toppings for mocha.

So, if one wants a coffee that indulges in chocolaty flavour, this is the right choice to make. 


Main Differences Between Latte and Mocha

  1. Latte originated from the European countries of France and Italy, and it became a popular drink after the 20th century. Mocha is named after the city of Yemen, Al-Makha, and its history dates back to the 17th century. 
  2. Latte is made with espresso and steamed milk. Flavouring of your choice (caramel, vanilla, etc.) can be poured additionally. Mocha is made with espresso shots, steamed milk, and cocoa powder or chocolate syrup. 
  3. The toppings in the latte are made by a specific style of pouring the milk and creating beautiful designs. On the other hand, a lot of whipped cream, shaved chocolates, cinnamon powder, sprinkles, etc., are used as toppings on mocha. 
  4. Latte is not a very thick drink as compared to mocha, while the whipped cream, cocoa powder, and chocolate syrup make mocha very dense and thick. 
  5. A cup of latte contains 200 calories, whereas the same amount of mocha contains 230 calories. 
Difference Between Latte and Mocha
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.