Lessonly vs Trainual: Difference and Comparison

As the data is increasing day by day, therefore, for no data redundancy and mismanagement of data, cloud storage is formed where a large amount of used or unwanted data is stored virtually. Data are important because anytime anybody can ask for data verification.

Therefore, they are needed to be stored in a safe and secure place.

Lessonly and Trainual are software that helps people to store their data in a cloud-based system. They are also used for learning or educational purposes.

Big companies and institutions store their employees’ data in these types of software and provide their employees with assignments and other types of training by using this software.

Key Takeaways

  1. Lessonly is a learning management system that allows users to create and distribute training content. At the same time, Trainual is a knowledge management system that helps businesses create and organize their standard operating procedures and training materials.
  2. Lessonly focuses on helping employees learn specific skills, while Trainual provides a centralized location for all training materials.
  3. Lessonly offers interactive training exercises and quizzes, while Trainual offers video recording and screen-sharing features.

Lessonly vs Trainual

The difference between Lessonly and Trainual is that Lessonly is a software that handles the bulk of data and training assignments for big companies with many employees. While Trainual is a learning or training software that can only handle up to 1000 employees, and it is for individual-powered companies.

Lessonly vs Trainual

Lessonly is a US-based software that helps organizations and businesses to grow by educating them about business ethics and understanding. This software was formed in 2013, and from it started growing worldwide.

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Businesses and organizations get themselves registered in this software by taking available paid subscriptions.

Trainual was launched in 2017, and it became a popular software among small businesses and institutions as it provides a good virtual training experience and full knowledge lessons for employees to grow.

This software’s capacity is somewhat less than Lessonly, and it is up to 1000 only, but the way this software manages data is preferred more.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLessonlyTrainual
DefinitionLessonly software helps companies and organizations set up training or learning sessions for their employees to grow their businesses.Trainual is a platform where you get acknowledged about business rules and techniques with the help of which you can grow your business.
Handling capacityLessonly can handle up to 1-1000+ users with ease or without any problem.Trainual can only handle up to 1000 users, not more than that.
Launching dateLessonly was launched in 2013, and it is US-based software.Trainual was created in 2017, and it is also US-based.
Virtual learningLessonly does not offer virtual learning or simulation learning.Trainual offers a virtual learning platform where the real problems and materials are educated virtually.
Webinars and in-person learningThis software does not conduct webinars, but in-person learning is available.Trainual conducts several types of webinars, but in-person training is not conducted.
Customer supportAll types of customer support are available on this platform, but it comes with a limited time duration only.This platform also supports all types of customer facility for 24/7.
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What is Lessonly?

Lessonly is a cloud-based learning software where companies set up assessments and tests for their employees to test their working staff’s knowledge.

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This software also provides a learning facility for the new employees about a company’s product or their way of conducting business.

The software cloud-based learning system protects user data from any crash, and also users can assess the data anytime without any problem.

Several types of learning techniques are conducted for employed or business owners, like interactive video lectures, quizzes, and several types of discussion forums.

Lessonly was launched in 2013 and became popular for its wide learning variety and good capacity to handle more than 1000 users without any problems or data crashes.

lessonly 1

What is Trainual?

Trainual is a learning platform suitable for small businesses and organizations with a capacity of 1000 users. It offers a virtual learning system where users can interact and learn from live sessions conducted as per the schedule.

Trainual also offers a free trial system in which users can avail and use Trainual free for a limited time. Then, if they like or are willing to work using Trainual, they can buy their monthly subscription package.

The customer support of this platform does not have any time restrictions, and it is available 24/7.

Trainual was created in 2017, and it is US-based. It supports Andriod’s working environment; people can download their app for free from the play store.

Main Differences Between Lessonly and Trainual

  1. Lessonly software helps companies and organizations for setting up training or learning sessions for their employees to grow their businesses. While Trainual is a learning or training software that is only capable of handling up to 1000 employees, and it is for individual-powered companies.
  2. Trainual conducts several types of webinars, but in-person training is not conducted. Whereas Lessonly software does not conduct webinars, in-person learning is available.
  3. Lessonly does not offer virtual learning or simulation learning, and it lacks interactive sessions. On the other hand, Trainual offers a virtual learning platform where real problems and materials are educated virtually.
  4. The trainual platform supports all types of customer facility for 24/7. While Lessonly does not provide 24/7 customer service, they only provide it for a specific period of time.
  5. Lessonly supports arrangements or working on data and sessions on desktops like Mac, Windows, etc. In contrast, Trainual does not provide a working or grouping environment on the desktop.
  1. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/69aa/0b027dd30e61ffbaefdebbfe507e3c037c9d.pdf
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/P-L-Joshi/publication/351575378_Change_Management_and_Management_of_Mindset/links/609f5f3a458515c265908ce9/Change-Management-and-Management-of-Mindset.pdf

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.