LLP vs Partnership: Difference and Comparison

A businessperson’s first thinking before establishing a business is what sort of business they want to start. There are several sorts of business formations from which to pick.

A single proprietorship, partnership, LLP, Joint-Stock Company, and other popular formats are sole proprietorship, partnership, LLP, Joint-Stock Company, and so on.

It makes sense to begin a business by understanding the benefits and drawbacks of various businesses.

Key Takeaways

  1. Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) provide limited liability to their partners, protecting their assets, while general partnerships hold partners personally liable for business debts.
  2. LLPs require registration and adherence to government regulations, whereas general partnerships have fewer formalities and regulations.
  3. LLPs have a separate legal entity, which means they can own property and enter into contracts independently, unlike general partnerships.

LLP vs Partnership

LLP stands for Limited Liability Partnership, is a type of business entity in which the partners have limited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership. A partnership is a type of business entity in which two or more individuals own and operate a business together.

LLP vs Partnership

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is an acronym for Limited Liability Partnership. It’s an alternative corporate business structure that combines the benefits of a company’s limited liability with the flexibility of a partnership.

A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a legal body that is accountable for the full amount of its assets, but a partner’s responsibility is limited to their contribution to the LLP.

A partnership is defined as an agreement between two or more people to pool their separate cash and resources and combine them for the purpose of contributing to the business.

It might be operated by all of them or just one of them on behalf of others. The partners also agree to share earnings and losses in accordance with the terms of the Partnership Deed.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLLPPartnership
AgreementThe LLP Agreement regulates the LLP’s operations, management, decision-making procedures, and other activities.The partnership’s operation, management, and decision-making procedures, as well as other activities, are governed by the partnership deed.
PartnersThe number of partners in an LLP must be at least two, with no higher limit.
A partnership firm can have a minimum of two participants and a maximum of twenty.
Minor PartnerNo minor is allowed to be a partner.Minor has the potential to be a partner.
TransferAfter receiving the required authorization from all of the LLP’s partners, shares can be simply transferred to another individual.After receiving the appropriate consent from all of the Partners in a Partnership, shares can be transferred to another individual.
ConversionAlthough an LLP cannot be turned back to a partnership, it can simply be transformed to LLP or a PLC.Converting a partnership to an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) or a Private Limited Company is a time-consuming process.
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What is LLP?

LLP is an abbreviation for Limited Liability Partnership. It is an alternative corporate business structure that combines the benefits of a company’s limited liability with the freedom of a partnership.

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The LLP is a legal entity that is accountable for the full amount of its assets, but a partner’s responsibility is limited to their contribution to the LLP.

In an LLP, one partner is not accountable for the conduct of another. The partner will only be held accountable for his own behaviour.

Because it has characteristics of both organizational structures, an LLP is referred to as a hybrid between a corporation and a partnership.

One of the most significant distinctions between being an LLP and a partnership is the responsibility of the partners. Because the partner, as well as the firm, are seen as independent legal entities.

As a result, the partners’ responsibility is restricted to the extent invested in the business.

After receiving the requisite authorization from all of the LLP’s partners, shares can be simply transferred to another individual. The transferee does not instantly become a partner.

Although an LLP cannot be turned back into a partnership, it may be transformed into a Limited Liability Partnership or a Private Limited Company.

What is Partnership?

The partnership is among the oldest and most popular business entities in India. With a minimal set of rules and regulations, it is quite simple to start up.

A partnership is defined as an arrangement between two or more people to pool their cash and skills and merge them for the purpose of contributing to a business.

It might be operated on behalf of others by all or any of them. In addition, the partners agree to split earnings and losses according to the Partnership Deed’s regulations.

Because the firm and the partner are not regarded as different legal entities, as a result, partners are individually accountable for the partnership’s infinite obligations.

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After receiving the appropriate approval from all of the Partners in a Partnership, shares can be transferred to another individual. The transferability of a partnership is a time-consuming process.

Converting a partnership to an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) or a Private Limited Company is time-consuming.

Boundless. Partners are equally and severally accountable for each other’s and the firm’s conduct, and this accountability extends to their personal assets.

The revenue of a partnership is taxed at a rate of 30% plus any applicable education surcharge.

In the event of death, the heirs are entitled to a return of the capital contribution plus a portion of the accrued earnings, if any. Legal heirs will not be allowed to join the partnership.

According to the Tax Act, partner businesses are only obligated to undergo auditing of their records.


Main Differences Between Llp and Partnership

  1. The Indian Partnership Act of 1932 governs the business. On the other hand, LLPs in India are governed under the Limited Liability Partnership Act of 2008.
  2. The formation of an LLP is required, whereas the formation of a partnership is optional.
  3. The LLP agreement is the charter instrument, as opposed to a limited liability partnership agreement, whereas the Partnership Deed is the instrument that governs the partnership.
  4. The LLP, on the other hand, has the ability to sue and be sued in its own name, whereas a partnership can’t sign a contract in its own name.
  5. LLP is a separate legal entity, whereas a partnership has no independent legal standing from its partners, as each participant is referred to as a partner only,.
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.