Meq vs Mmol: Difference and Comparison

As a student, a person comes across many units of measurement in life when it comes to measuring different objects.

All this is mostly what a person comes through in our school days, and this makes a person well versed with the common measuring units such as centimetres and millimetres. Two other measuring units are the Meq and Mmol.

Key Takeaways

  1. mEq and mmol are both units of measurement used to express the concentration of ions in a solution.
  2. mEq stands for milliequivalent and measures the number of charged ions in a solution, while mmol stands for millimole and measures the amount of a substance in a solution.
  3. mEq is used in medical settings to express the concentration of electrolytes in the body. In contrast, mmol is used in chemistry to express the amount of a substance in a solution.

Meq vs Mmol

Meq (Milliequivalent) is a unit used to measure an electrode. This unit was invented in 1925. People use ORS to consume electrolytes. It helps to rehydrate the body of the person suffering from stomach pain and vomiting. Mmol (Millimole) is a unit used to measure various entities. This unit was invented in 1960. This measuring unit is very helpful for nurses and doctors as it can be used to measure sugar levels. 

Meq vs Mmol

Meq is the short version and is used as an abbreviation for the word Milliequivalent. This is calculated by stating that it is equal to the one-thousandth part of a chemical in the subject of science.

This measurement unit helps measure the quantity of a substance of an electrolyte in the laboratory.

Mmol is the short version and is used as an abbreviation for the word millimole. This is calculated by denoting that this is equal to the one-thousandth part of a gram molecular substance.

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This is used for measuring the quantity of a substance with different amounts of units that include an electrode, molecule, and photon in a laboratory.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMeqMmol
Full formsThis is the short form of the word Milliequivalent.This is the short form of Milimole.
MeaningThis is a measuring unit that helps in the measurement of an electrode.This is a measuring unit that helps in measuring different entities.
Year of inventionThis measuring unit was introduced and accepted back in the year 1925.This measuring unit was introduced and accepted back in the year 1960.
CharacteristicThis is the unit of measurement referred to as the one-thousandth part of a chemical in chemistry.This is the unit of measurement referred to as the one-thousandth part of a gram molecule in chemistry.
UseThis is not used that commonly.This is used by doctors and nurses for knowing sugar levels in the blood.
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What is Meq?

Meq is the short version and is used as an abbreviation for the word Milliequivalent. This is calculated by stating that it is equal to the one-thousandth part of a chemical in the subject of science. This is a measuring unit that helps measure the quantity of a substance of an electrolyte in a laboratory.

Electrodes reference the body of a compound that is involved in chemical activities in chemicals such as magnesium and potassium.

The person gets in a drug store is what this measuring unit is while measuring the vial of an electrode that can be purchased from there. Administration of these electrodes takes place through an intravenous path which helps in recovering faster.

This helps when only a minute of an electrode is left in a patient’s blood and helps them to recover faster. Some people can even consume electrolytes by drinking ORS or electrode powder which is even available in flavours.

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They help to rehydrate the body of a person going through continuous vomiting and a bad stomach or even for people doing rigorous sports activities.

What is Mmol?

Mmol is the short version and is used as an abbreviation for the word millimole. This is calculated by denoting that this is equal to the one-thousandth part of a gram molecular substance.

This is used for measuring the quantity of a substance with different amounts of units that include an electrode, molecule, and photon in a laboratory.

This unit of measurement was introduced and accepted in the year 1960. This unit of measurement helps to know the amount of substance. The use of this measuring unit can be seen in many laboratories throughout the world for various blood Glucose matters.

This unit of measurement is known to be the standard unit of measurement for measuring the sugar and blood levels in the human body.

Through this unit of measurement, a doctor or a nurse can properly know if a patient has too much sugar level in the blood of a patient or very little sugar in the blood of a patient. Hence, this unit of measurement plays a very important role for doctors and nurses.

Main Differences Between Meq and Mmol

  1. Meq is the short form of the word Milliequivalent; on the other hand, Mmol is the short form of Milimole.
  2. Meq is the unit of measurement referred to as the one-thousandth part of a chemical in chemistry, and on the other hand, Mmol is the unit of measurement referred to as the one-thousandth part of a gram molecule in chemistry.
  3. The Meq is a measuring unit that helps measure an electrode; on the other hand, the Mmol is a measuring unit that helps measure different entities.
  4. The Meq is a unit of measurement which was introduced and accepted back in the year 1925, and on the other hand, the Mmol is a unit of measurement which was introduced and accepted in the year 1960.
  5. The Meq is a unit of measurement that is not that commonly used, and on the other hand, the Mmol is the most commonly used in clinics by doctors and nurses.

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.