Microsoft Lync vs Teams: Difference and Comparison

As part of Microsoft’s push to radically improve business telecommunication with its amazing features and versions, Lync and Teams are business communication software that was launched by the same developers.

Whereby through text chat, audio/video chat, and desktop sharing, Microsoft Lync allows users to communicate in real time. Microsoft Teams is the future, which enables new ways for teams to collaborate with other business software. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft Lync is a messaging and video conferencing software, while Teams is a collaboration platform that integrates with Microsoft 365.
  2. Microsoft Lync is primarily used for instant messaging and video conferencing, while Teams offers various features like chat, file sharing, and project management.
  3. Teams allow users to collaborate on files in real-time, while Microsoft Lync does not offer this feature.

Microsoft Lync vs Teams

The difference between Microsoft Lync and Teams is that Microsoft Lync was established in 2007 as a communicator platform for online meetings, video conferences, instant messaging, and presentation sharing. Whereas apart from the above-mentioned features, Microsoft Teams also supports sharing of files via chats, offline messaging, desktop & app sharing, and multi-party HD video. 

Microsoft Lync vs Teams

Microsoft Lync was renamed Skype for Business in 2015. It is an enterprise software application for instant messaging and video conferencing.

Microsoft develops it as one of the elements of the Microsoft Office suite. It offers sharing text, audio, and video chats alongside Microsoft Office (Exchange and SharePoint) features. 

On the other hand, Microsoft Teams is a work-based platform for communication purposes launched by Microsoft in 2017. It mainly offers the possibility to chat, video conference, store, and integrate applications among a network of colleagues.

Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, Microsoft Teams has garnered ample users.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMicrosoft LyncTeams
Meaning Microsoft Lync is enterprise software that is also known as ‘Skype’ for instant business visual communications. Microsoft Teams is a closed-source software business communication platform.
LaunchedIt was launched as a part of the Microsoft Office suite, on 27th October 2007.  It was launched as a part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite on 14th March 2017. 
Operating SystemMicrosoft Lync functions in Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Microsoft Teams is installed on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux. 
FeaturesMicrosoft Lync has audio, video, SIP, Collaborations of other softwares, and instant messaging features.Microsoft Teams consists of team-chat communication, audio/video, conducting Live events, collaborating with other platforms.
PurposeMicrosoft Lync is highly used for business purposes for forthwith telecommunication. Microsoft Teams is mainly used for business and educational institution telecommunications 
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What is Microsoft Lync?

Initially, the well-known Skype for Business, which we use for telephoning a person, was named Microsoft Lync in 2015. This all-purpose software plays a crucial role in any business.

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To put it in simple words, this easy-to-use software was established in 2007 as a communication tool which could offer platforms for texting instantly, video/ audio callings, and desktop sharing. 

Alongside the fundamental functions, Microsoft Lync also has super-cool features, such as ‘Quick Lync’, a menu that offers instant chat with each contact, a ‘favourites’ group feature, a New way to display a contact list based on the relationship, a group, status, etc.

Furthermore, it includes organized conversations every time one uses it, one-click video calling & gallery viewing, plus the flexibility to join meetings instantly from any device.

Aside from that, it allows the usage of PowerPoint, WhiteBoard, polling, and OneNote files. Over and above, it also allows the recipient to record and share video conferences with others. 

On the contrary, Lync uses a lot of bandwidth, eventually interfering with IT and internet management while attending meetings. Consequently, Lync users have to face a lot of interruptions while using the software for work.

It is available for all sorts of users, including macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, and many more. 

What is Teams?

Meanwhile, Microsoft Teams is a business-based communication platform created by the company Microsoft on the 14th of March 2017. This collaborative software was written in TypeScript, Angular, and React Electron.

Therefore, it is supported by macOS, Android, iOS, and other operating systems. 

Speaking of which, Microsoft Teams encompasses efficient features, such as instant communications through chats, which enables users to format text, use emojis.

One or a team of colleagues can join the meetings and calls with just an URL. Furthermore, through channels, one can exchange posts from other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. 

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Additionally, it also broadcasts live events other than group meetings and calls.

Aside from business-related activities, it also plays an important role in students’ education, such as distributing, grading assignments, and incorporating online exams.

Microsoft Teams also facilitates seamless file search, backup, and helpful bots.

However, Microsoft Teams has drawbacks, too, such as a plethora of similar tools, which sometimes might confuse users, unnecessary storage consumption, lack of notification, increased security risks, and limited channels.

On the whole, regarding its users, Microsoft Teams has hit its pinnacle in its count of users, where they have attained over 250 million monthly accounts by 2020. 

microsoft teams

Main Differences Between Microsoft Lync and Teams

  1. Microsoft Lync is a business-telecommunication platform also known as ‘Skype for business’, which was launched on 27th October 2007 as a part of Microsoft Office Suite by Microsoft Developers. On the other hand, Microsoft Teams is a closed-source business communication software that was introduced back on 14th March 2017 by the developers Microsoft as a part of its Microsoft Office 365. 
  2. Microsoft Lync functions only in 4 operating systems, whereas Teams can be installed in 5 operating systems, including Linux. 
  3. Microsoft Lync does not allow a user to save any conversation history folder, but Microsoft Teams saves any chats/conversations in history, and that can be erased unless the user deletes it. 
  4. Microsoft Lync files can be accessed only if the sender, as well as the receiver, stays online. Nevertheless, in the case of Microsoft Teams, users can send or receive files/documents even though offline. 
  5. Speaking of convenience, in Microsoft Lync, users who do not have the application should install a browser that could plug in to join the meeting. Meanwhile, Microsoft teams interact inside or outside the meeting through channels such as Zoom, Google Meet, etc. 

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.