Microsoft Office Student vs Business: Difference and Comparison

Microsoft is a multinational corporation that produces software, computer peripherals, and applications suitable for different needs.

Microsoft Office is one of the company’s popular products that provides various applications like Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, and many more in one place to increase productivity.

Microsoft offices have different plans like business, education, enterprise, and home. Each plan varies in access and applications.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft Office Student is designed for personal and educational use, while Office Business targets small-to-medium-sized businesses.
  2. Office Student includes core applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, while Office Business adds applications like Outlook, Publisher, and Access.
  3. Office Business includes additional collaboration features and business support, which are not available in Office Student.

Microsoft Office Student vs Business

Microsoft Office Student is a version of Office designed for students and home users, offering basic applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Microsoft Business is a suite for small to medium-sized businesses, including Outlook, Publisher, Access and Teams, designed to improve productivity.

Microsoft Office Student vs Business

Microsoft Office Student is a cloud service available for educators and students to improve the learning experience and increase collaboration among students.

Students can access office applications on PC and mobile devices from anywhere. The Office suite is free for students to explore learning and understand the concepts with the help of Microsoft assistance.

Microsoft Office Business Suite is for small and large business organisations to reduce the cost of IT and increase productivity within the organization. The business suite will come in four plans with different application accessibility.

The suite provides one TB of cloud storage, ensures security and compliance to data, and gives access to data from anywhere.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonMicrosoft Office StudentMicrosoft Office Business  
Useful forIt is a useful tool for students and educators to explore innovative learning and collaboration from anywhere.It is useful for business organizations to do work virtually, securely access business documents from anywhere.
Apps and servicesWord, PowerPoint, Excel, outlook, one drive, OneNote, Exchange, Teams, SharePoint, forms, data sync, power app, stream, power automateword, outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, one drive, Access, Publisher, SharePoint, exchange, teams
CostFreePaid with a free trial of a moth
License typeStandardsubscription
Cloud storageone TBone TB
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What is Microsoft Office Student?

In this modern era, schools and educational institutes prefer to teach with the help of technology. Educators prepare presentations, assign assessments online, and evaluate the performance using technology.

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Microsoft Office is a cloud-based application from Microsoft Corporation that provides a secure means of connection to educators and students.

It allows the institute’s educators, students, and IT staff to enhance the classroom experience, improve learning outcomes, and save time and cost.

For educators and students, Microsoft Office 365 is available for free. Students from recognized institutes can access Microsoft Office 365 from anywhere to enhance their learning experience.

It will provide learning tools and save the work in the cloud. Some of the applications available in Office 365 are Outlook, word, excel, access, teams, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Publisher.

These tools are available in 45 languages.

There are learning tools that help readers and writers to improve their reading and writing skills and improve communication.

Math assistance is available that helps students understand and solve math problems.  Microsoft will help educators and students to set up a safe, secure learning environment by providing free training.

MS Office 365 has different prices for students and educators. For students, it has three plans, MS Office 365 A1, A3, and A5, that cost from free to paid.

What is Microsoft Office Business?

Remote work is becoming popular in the business industries as it is found to be productive. Virtual work not only increases productivity but also increases innovation within the workplace.

It connects management and employees to explore new ideas.  Microsoft Office 365 also has a business suite. The business suite will enhance cybersecurity, improve productivity and reduce the cost of IT.

MS Office for Business will securely connect the employees via chat, call, or meeting. It allows the teams to share documents over the cloud securely.

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All business applications and services are available in one place, reducing IT cost and maintenance issues.

The applications are available in desktop and mobile versions. Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel are also available in the web version. All the applications are updated automatically.

Employees are restricted from copying the document.  It has a free trial for one month, and then the application is charged a suitable subscription fee.

Microsoft Office 365 for Business comes in four plans, each with a free trial version of a month. The basic plan has applications and services like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, one drive, teams, exchange, and SharePoint.

The standard plan has all the basic plan applications and services along with Access and published that are accessible only on PC.

The premium plan has all the applications and services of the standard plan, along with Intune and Azure information protection. MS Office 365 for business has Word, Excel, PowerPoint, one drive, outlook, Access, and Publisher.

It also provides 1 TB of cloud storage, anytime support on the phone or web, and standard security.

Main Differences Between Microsoft Office Student and Business

  1. Microsoft Office Student is a package for students and teachers to increase collaboration and enhance learning from anywhere, whereas Microsoft office business is a package for organizations to access, meet, and share business documents over the cloud securely.
  2. MS Office Student does not have Access and Publisher applications, whereas MS Office Business does.
  3. MS Office Students has more services than MS Office Business.
  4. MS Office Student is cost-free for registered institute students, whereas the MS Office business plan charges subscription-based with a free trial of the month.
  5. MS Office Student is installed only on one pc per user, whereas MS Office Business can be installed on a minimum of five PCs.

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.