Motion vs Resolution: Difference and Comparison

The words “motion” and “resolution” are fairly common in the context of a meeting or convention. Their meanings are not the same. However, excessive and unwise use can cause great confusion among readers. The confusion can be avoided if you know the difference between motion and resolution.

Key Takeaways

  1. A motion is a formal proposal made in a meeting or assembly to discuss, debate, or decide on a specific issue or topic.
  2. A resolution is a formal statement that outlines the decisions or opinions reached by a group or organization after a motion has been discussed and voted upon.
  3. Motions serve as the basis for debate and decision-making, while resolutions represent the outcome or agreed-upon stance.
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Motion vs Resolution

A motion is an opinion of one person or organization. This opinion is put in front of others for discussion. A final result cannot be predicted from motion. A motion can be accepted or rejected by the majority. A resolution is also an opinion that is accepted by most of the people. A resolution can be used as an authentic reference.

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonMotionResolution
DefinitionMotion is an opinion that has been put forward in front of other stakeholders for scrutinize and discussionThe resolution is a motion approved by the majority of stakeholders and now is ready to be worked on and voted on.
CredibilityMotion has less credibility. It may or may not be traced back to the originatorA resolution has more credibility in the world. In some cases, it can be used as a highly credible reference
Legal BindingMotions are not known to be legally binding at all. They can be mostly identified as agendaResolutions can be legally binding in most scenarios. Relations are serious and regarded as valid conditions.
ShortcomingsThe motion does not reflect the final result of the opinion of the stakeholders. Motion can go forward or be deniedResolution is free from such shortcomings. Resolutions can be very strong depending on the nature of legal binding.
MechanismEvery motion I make may or may not go in the end as a resolution. It may be accepted or denied.Any kind of resolution is born out of a certain motion. The motion goes through the procedure and becomes a resolution
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What is Motion?

Motion is a word that has a variety of meanings in many places. In general science, the word “motion” means “to move something. This means that motion implies moving something static.

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A general idea can be derived from the meaning of this word. A motion is an idea or opinion of one or more members that requires vetting other members.

A motion may or may not reflect the entirety of the opinion of all the members of the entity or organization.

In that sense, the motion is just an opinion. For example, there can be a motion to the board of directors’ meeting for any executive orders that will change something. That means moving something or changing something. That is the purpose of motion in our everyday life.

Although it is very important, it may not be legally binding. It can be just a discussion that will be lost as soon as the meeting ends. It may go forward as a common opinion if someone else seconds it.

A motion can easily be withdrawn. Anyone who puts in a motion can easily withdraw it within the given.

What is Resolution?

A resolution is a motion that is accepted by the majority. It can be an accepted motion that is voted on in a meeting or assembly. All the resolutions must have a motion. Motion can be called the mother of resolution. Unlike motion, a resolution is quite binding. It is accurately noted in the meeting minutes, and it will change the assembly’s policy. It affects the entity in full.

Resolutions are responsible for creating national policies and laws. People deliberate a lot with a motion to find out the best course of action or resolution.

As easy as withdrawing a motion sounds, the withdrawal of a resolution is not that easy. Since it has already become a resolution, there are a lot of bindings.

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First, a motion needs to be made in favour of disbanding the previous resolution. The motion will be voted on and scrutinized. And then they will be changed.

Main Differences Between Motion and Resolution

The important differences between motion and resolution are given below:

  1.  A motion may be only the opinion of one or more than one member. A resolution is the general opinion of the majority.
  2. Generally speaking, all motions may end up or may not end up as a resolution. However, all resolutions come from motions.
  3. Motions are not normally legally binding. Resolutions are normally binding and accountable.
  4. Motions are unofficial opinions that may or may not be taken into account. Relations are noted and recorded.
  5. The motion does not reflect the opinion of all the stakeholders. The resolution does not reflect the opinion of the entire entity.

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.