Mozilla Firefox vs Google Chrome: Difference and Comparison

The world is becoming more digital day by day, and heavy traffic over the internet mostly comes from the different search engines Individuals have their preferences over choosing the search engines and browsers they decide based on which browser is faster and with which their work is being done faster.

Apart from this, many questions are coming to mind like better search results, caching passwords, history, etc., so here we are going to discuss two browsers, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Key Takeaways

  1. Firefox is an open-source browser, while Chrome is a proprietary product of Google.
  2. Chrome has faster loading times, but Firefox offers more privacy features.
  3. Firefox allows more extensive customization through add-ons and themes, whereas Chrome has a more streamlined interface.

Mozilla Firefox vs Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox is a free, open-source web browser by Mozilla introduced in 2002. Users have the ability to customise the software according to their preferences. It protects the data of users by blocking third-party cookies. Google Chrome is a web browser by Google Inc. launched in 2008. Chrome has a casting feature that allows easy connectivity to multiple devices. It does not block third-party cookies.

Mozilla Firefox vs Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser that supports multiple search engines and which could be set as default from settings. It was created or developed by Mozilla Organization and launched back in September 2002.

Mozilla does not have a search engine, and Mozilla Firefox uses different search engines in different regions.

Google Chrome is not an open-source web browser however, they do publish the entire code to the community for educational purposes or research.

Google Chrome was developed by Google Inc. back on Sep 2, 2008. Google Chrome uses Google as a search engine, which Google Inc. Google again had started an open-source discussion for the Chromium version of Google Chrome, but later they closed it.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonMozilla FirefoxGoogle Chrome
Launched on Mozilla Firefox was launched on September 23, 2002.Google chrome was launched on September 2, 2008
Software    Mozilla Firefox browser allows users to customize the software as per their needs.Chrome does not allow users to customize the software.  
PerformanceMozilla Firefox is the fastest web browser on desktop and mobile screens because its RAM consumption is quite good.Chrome works fast on desktop but has some performance issues on mobile. The RAM consumption is very heavy. 
Privacy     Mozilla Firefox blocks third-party cookies to protect important user dataGoogle Chrome does not block third-party cookies.
CastMozilla Firefox does not support the Cast feature.Chrome supports the casting feature, in which if you want to watch YouTube videos on a bigger screen, then through this feature you can easily connect another device and watch the video easily.
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What is Mozilla Firefox?

Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross were the first to start the Mozilla project, which they started working on. They made it for the browser and added all the features to it.

After noticing software bloat in the Mozilla suite, he created a stand-alone browser that could replace the Mozilla suite. Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser that supports multiple search engines and which could be set as default from settings.

It was created or developed by Mozilla Organization and launched back in September 2002. Mozilla does not have a search engine, and Mozilla Firefox uses different search engines in different regions.

Talking about the features of Firefox, it has a huge add-on library in which you can find anything. This browser also includes features like minor built-ins like capture tools, etc. With its help, you can comfortably take a screenshot that covers the entire screen.

Other features include a reading mode that makes for the perfect interface for reading. It also has the option of customization. All the features of Firefox are available on mobile, but it also depends on the user experience.

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It has a built-in QR reader, which is useful. There is also an option to change the desktop mode to night mode, which has less impact on the eyes.


What is Google Chrome?

Google Chrome was initially developed for webcomic, and its development was initially opposed by the CEO for a long time, but later, after gaining popularity for educational purposes or research.

Google Chrome was developed by Google Inc. back on Sep 2, 2008. Google had started an open-source discussion for the Chromium version of Google Chrome, but later they closed it.

Google Chrome uses Google as a search engine Windows beta app, and they launched it for macOS and Linux operating systems as well.

Google Chrome is also a web browser that is not open source, and we get confused about freeware and open source. Chrome is freeware; however, they do publish the entire code to the community, which is again handled by Google Inc. 

Google Chrome uses its process for each of the web pages, so if something goes wrong, then the entire browser won’t go down, and we can smoothly web search. Google uses its javascript Engine, which is also a significant factor for interactive web page feels. 

Google offers a casting feature through which you can cast video services directly from apps like YouTube or Netflix.

For example, in Chrome, if you want to watch a video on YouTube, then by clicking on the casting button in it, you can play it on your Smart TV, which has YouTube already installed.

google chrome

Main Differences Between Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are both web browsers; however, there is plenty of difference between their layouts, architectural differences, and how they utilize the RAM for better performance.

The distinguishing factor between Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome can be summed up on the following grounds:

  1. Mozilla Firefox does not support Adobe Flash Player, whereas Google Chrome supports Adobe Flash Player.
  2. Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, whereas Google Chrome is not open-source.
  3. Mozilla Firefox always discusses future projects, mockups, and designs, whereas Google Chrome does not do that.
  4. Mozilla never does code drop, whereas Chrome does code drop, releasing a bunch of features all of a sudden.
  5. Mozilla Firefox uses the Gecko code library for engine layouts, whereas Chrome uses Webkit engine layouts, which have become popular in the past few years.
Difference Between Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.