iGoogle vs Google Chrome: Difference and Comparison

Google is a giant tech company that is famous for its online search engine. Google has several products which have different features.

Google was the online search engine industry that first electrified the online search engine world. iGoogle and Google chrome both are developed by Google, which seems to be similar, but these two Google products are pretty different.

Key Takeaways

  1. iGoogle was a customizable homepage and personal web portal provided by Google, while Google Chrome is a popular web browser developed by the company.
  2. iGoogle allows users to add and arrange widgets for personalized content, whereas Google Chrome focuses on fast and secure browsing with extension support.
  3. iGoogle was discontinued in 2013, while Google Chrome remains one of the most widely used web browsers worldwide.

IGoogle vs Google Chrome

iGoogle is a personalized page provided by google company for the user’s own research and personal preferences. Google Chrome is a web browser that provides a platform for a user to perform different tasks including searching, watching videos, etc. It provides internet access to the user.

IGoogle vs Google Chrome

iGoogle is a formerly personalized homepage of Google, an Ajax-based customizable personal web portal or start page. Google has made the service of iGoogle available in several localized versions.

It was launched by Google in May 2005. But on 1st November of 2013, Google discontinued iGoogle as it had decayed over time.

Google Chrome is Google’s free web browser that is used for accessing the internet. It was first developed in 2008 for Microsoft Windows.

It was built with free software components from Mozilla Firefox and Apple Webkit. As of May 2020, Google Chrome was the most popular and preferable web browser worldwide, with over 60% market share of the web browser.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIGoogleGoogle Chrome
DefinitioniGoogle is a formerly personalized homepage developed by Google. It was an Ajax-based customizable personal web portal or start page.
Google Chrome refers to a web browser of Google. It is used for accessing the internet.
FeaturesiGoogle provides its user with a single web page for tracking tasks, sending and viewing emails, finding directions, checking flights, and doing other important business tasks.
Google Chrome is mainly used as a web browser. It allows its users to synchronize their settings, history, and bookmarks across all devices with this browser installed on it through a Google account. Other features include security, password management, malware blocking, providing privacy mode, and so on. 
Launch iGoogle was launched on 19th May 2005.
Google Chrome was launched in 2008.
Current statusiGoogle was discontinued on 1st November 2013.
Google Chrome acquired a 69% global market share of desktop internet browsers (as of June 2021).
ReplacementigHome, Ustart, Netvibes, MyMSN, My Yahoo, Protopage, Symbaloo.
Opera, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Brave, Iron, Internet Explorer, and Rambox.

What is iGoogle?

iGoogle refers to Google’s formerly web portal or start page that is Ajax-based and customisable. iGoogle was launched on 19th May 2005.

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But it was discontinued on 1st November 2013 due to the continuous erosion of the value and needed for the web portal.

As of 2007, iGoogle was available in many regional versions in forty-two local languages and more than seventy countries. More than seven million people used the service of iGoogle in February of 2007.

Twenty per cent of Google homepage visits were from iGoogle in April 2008.

iGoogle used to provide its users with a single web page for tracking tasks, sending and viewing emails, finding directions, checking flights, and doing other important business tasks. Users of iGoogle could select different types of themes for the Google homepage.

Google designed some of the themes of Google, and third parties provided other themes. The gadgets of iGoogle used to interact with its users, and it also had some of the Google desktop gadgets on it.

In July 2008, Google introduced a new testing version of iGoogle which altered some of its features, like the tabs were replaced by left navigation, and a chat function was added. But nearly 600 users reported the inefficiency of the new version.

Later in October 2008, another version of iGoogle failed to satisfy its users.


What is Google Chrome?

Google Chrome is an internet browser launched by Google on 11th December 2008. It is used for accessing the internet. Google Chrome is mainly used as a web browser.

It allows its users to synchronize their settings, history, and bookmarks across all devices with this browser installed on it through a Google account. Other features include security, auto-translation, password management, malware blocking, providing privacy mode, and so on.

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Google Chrome has a feature called Omnibox, an integrated search or address bar. Google Chrome offers a private browsing facility which is called incognito mode.

The incognito mode allows its users to browse in an isolated sandbox. This mode gives temporary control over session identity and browsing history as the browsing history and logins disappear after closing the browser in this mode.

Google Chrome works pretty well with Google services and sites like Gmail and YouTube. The browser also manages the resources of its system differently.

Google developed Chrome’s V8 JavaScript from scratch, improving users’ experience on applications and websites that are heavily scripted. Google Chrome acquired a 69% global market share of desktop internet browsers (as of June 2021).

Because of its huge success, Google has expanded Chrome’s brand name to its other products like Chromecast, Chromebox, Chromebit, Chromebook, and Chrome OS.

google chrome

Main Differences Between IGoogle and Google Chrome

  1. iGoogle is a formerly personalized homepage developed by Google. It was an Ajax-based customizable personal web portal or start page. On the other hand, Google Chrome refers to a web browser of Google. It is used for accessing the internet.
  2. iGoogle provides its user with a single web page for tracking tasks, sending and viewing emails, finding directions, checking flights, and doing other important business tasks. Google Chrome is mainly used as a web browser. It allows its users to synchronize their settings, history, and bookmarks across all devices with this browser installed on it through a Google account. Other features include security, auto-translation, password management, malware blocking, providing privacy mode, etc.
  3. iGoogle was launched on 19th May 2005. Google Chrome was launched in 2008.
  4. iGoogle was discontinued on 1st November 2013. Google Chrome acquired a 69% global market share of desktop internet browsers (as of June 2021).
  5. Some of the replacements for iGoogle are igHome, Ustart, Netvibes, MyMSN, My Yahoo, Protopage, and Symbaloo. On the other hand, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Brave, Iron, Internet Explorer, and Rambox were some of the replacements for Google chrome.
Difference Between IGoogle and Google Chrome
  1. https://www.proquest.com/openview/8ec4901cb75c58e6915868e548e2bcd4/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=38018
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0162643419841546

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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17 thoughts on “iGoogle vs Google Chrome: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article presents a detailed and informative breakdown of the history, features, and market reach of iGoogle and Google Chrome.

  2. I found the article to be overly technical and lacking in engaging content. It failed to capture my interest in these Google products.

    • I understand your perspective, but the level of detail provided in the article is aimed at a more technically-minded audience.

  3. This article provides a comprehensive comparison of iGoogle and Google Chrome. It is fascinating to learn about the history and features of these two Google products.

  4. The article effectively highlights the contrast between iGoogle and Google Chrome, shedding light on their respective functions and purpose.

    • I appreciate how the article delves into the global market share and expansion of Google Chrome, showing its significance in the tech industry.

  5. The article lacks a critical analysis of the user experiences with iGoogle and Google Chrome, which would have added depth to the comparison.

    • I see your point, but the article’s focus seems to be more on the technical specifications rather than user feedback.


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