Microsoft Remote Desktop vs Chrome Remote Desktop: Difference and Comparison

Remote desktop enables the use of a desktop computer remotely. Users can connect and use a distant computer and access the files of the system using a remote desktop. Users can access the system without being physically present in front of the computer. This is possible using several protocols like RDP.

Unlike cloud computing, a remote desktop allows access to a particular server. Microsoft remote desktop and Chrome remote desktop are such programs that give access to a computer without being physically present.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft Remote Desktop is a Windows-only application, while Chrome Remote Desktop works across multiple platforms.
  2. Chrome Remote Desktop requires a Google account and Chrome browser for access, whereas Microsoft Remote Desktop utilizes native Windows authentication.
  3. Microsoft Remote Desktop offers more advanced features and better integration with the Windows ecosystem.

Microsoft Remote Desktop vs Chrome Remote Desktop

Microsoft Remote Desktop is a software developed by Microsoft that enables users to connect to a remote computer and access its files, applications, and resources. Chrome Remote Desktop is a web-based tool developed by Google that enables users to access and control another computer remotely.

Microsoft Remote Desktop vs Chrome Remote Desktop

Microsoft remote desktop or Terminal Services is a software developed by Microsoft in 2008. It enables a user to access any remote desktop that supports the software. The functionality varies with changes in the version. The encrypted channel prohibits another person’s entry during a usage session. The Microsoft remote desktop protocol or RDP is used in this software.

Chrome remote desktop is another remote desktop software that was released by Google in 2011. It is known for its easiness of handling and security. The AES encryption provides a safe environment. The access code generated is a surety for safety. Users can access the system using their Android or iOS phones. It can work between several operating systems and can give access to multiple monitors. The regular updates and simple installation are highlights of the Chrome remote desktop.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMicrosoft Remote DesktopChrome Remote Desktop
AccessSupports Mac and WindowsSupports Mac, Windows, and Linux
User ExperienceComplex proceduresSimple set up and installation

What is Microsoft Remote Desktop? 

Microsoft remote desktop is an application that helps users to connect to another server and access the device files. It is a remote control software. Using the internet, one can get resources from another system. The client computer or the computer user is connecting to must change some settings to enable remote access.

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Since the user is physically absent in the client’s computer, the sleep or hibernates settings should be changed to never. Users need to add their username to the client computer remote desktop list. It can be enabled by going to the Windows control panel “system and maintenance” part. Users must add the full name of the computer, which is found in the welcome centre.

The process of remote desktop setup includes sending the signal through the internet and requesting permission to connect. After giving the required credentials, the verification is done. The actions on the user’s computer are transferred to the client’s computer. Only one remote desktop connection is possible at a time.

Microsoft remote desktop has a lot of security aspects that protect the client’s computer and the user. Passwords, encryptions, and periodic checks on the event viewer can halt any malfunction. The Microsoft remote desktop can be used on Android, iOS, or Windows. Users with Windows 10 Pro can enable this feature. Go to the start icon. Navigate to the system settings and then enable remote desktop. Search for the remote connection that is set up already and connect to it. 

What is Chrome Remote Desktop?

Chrome remote desktop is software made by Google that helps users to connect to another system. The activities on one computer are transferred to the other. It is available on Android as well as iOS devices. The client computer has to enable remote support and has to download the extension. It must support Chromium extensions.

 The VP8 video encoding system helps to display the client computer even in low bandwidth connections. The Chrome remote desktop software has a limit of 100 clients. No more systems can be added. It is a fast and convenient way to connect to computers. WebRTC technology is used for secure connections. It is a completely free setup. Signing into the Google account can enable a Chrome remote desktop. Chrome remote desktop does not pause any logistical issues and provides cross-device functioning.

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Initially, download the Chrome extension on the client’s computer. The extension is in the Chrome Web store. Then enter the username of the system that the user wants to give access to. This remote desktop is very responsive with good internet connectivity.

Main Differences Between Microsoft Remote Desktop and Chrome Remote Desktop

  1. Chrome remote desktop can access any system with its browser extension. But Microsoft remote desktop does not give support for Linux.
  2. The feature of enabling a mouse through mobile is present in Microsoft remote desktop. While Chrome remote desktops do not have such modifiers in their mobile applications.
  3. Microsoft remote desktop requires the authentic enterprise version of Windows, which is costly. But Chrome remote desktop is free.
  4. Chrome remote desktop is easy to use and set up than Microsoft remote desktop.
  5. Microsoft remote desktop has chat support, while Chrome remote desktop has no such capability.

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Microsoft Remote Desktop vs Chrome Remote Desktop: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed explanation of Microsoft Remote Desktop and Chrome Remote Desktop functionalities and their differences presents a comprehensive overview of their capabilities and benefits for users.

  2. Microsoft Remote Desktop is the more sophisticated choice to access a remote computer system, but Chrome Remote Desktop offers a more user-friendly and cost-effective solution.

  3. The references provided support the in-depth analysis of remote desktop technologies and their performance, contributing to the credibility and reliability of the information presented in the article.

  4. The key differences between Microsoft Remote Desktop and Chrome Remote Desktop in terms of functionality and features are quite critical for choosing the most suitable option for the user’s specific needs.

  5. The comparison table of Microsoft Remote Desktop and Chrome Remote Desktop effectively summarizes the key parameters for evaluating their suitability and determining the most appropriate remote desktop solution.

  6. The process of setting up remote desktop access on both Microsoft Remote Desktop and Chrome Remote Desktop should be discussed to provide an in-depth understanding of their usability and implementation.

  7. The comparison of the access, support, and user experience aspects between Microsoft Remote Desktop and Chrome Remote Desktop provides valuable insights into making an informed decision for remote desktop access.

  8. Microsoft Remote Desktop offers enhanced security and advanced features compared to Chrome Remote Desktop, but both are efficient tools that cater to different user requirements and preferences.


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