OCI vs PIO: Difference and Comparison

Indian citizens who live in foreign lands have a choice to either apply for an OCI card or a PIO card. OCI refers to Overseas Citizenship of India, and PIO refers to Person of Indian Origin.

These cards are issued by Indians who live abroad but still want to stay connected with India. OCI and PIO will be further discussed ahead. 

Key Takeaways

  1. OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) and PIO (Person of Indian Origin) cards provide different statuses for foreign nationals of Indian descent.
  2. OCIs have lifelong visas and more rights, while PIO cards offer a 15-year visa with fewer rights.
  3. The Indian government has discontinued PIO cards, merging them with the OCI program.


OCI is a cloud-based infrastructure that provides various services, including computing, storage, networking, and databases. PIO is a cloud-based object storage service that provides a cost-effective way to store and retrieve data. OCI offers a more customizable storage solution, unlike PIO.


OCI stands for Overseas Citizenship of India. An OCI card is a card that allows the issuer (who is an Indian, staying abroad) to reside permanently in India without having Indian citizenship.

The issuer doesn’t have the right to vote. No matter for how many years OCI cardholders stay in India, they are exempted from registering with FRRO.

PIO stands for Person of Indian Origin. A PIO card is issued by an Indian who has citizenship in another country yet wishes to stay connected to India.

The PIO cardholder can visit India for the next 15 years and stay for approximately 180 days. The issuer must register with FRRO if they wish to stay in India for over 180 days.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOCIPOI
Full-FormOCI is an abbreviation of Overseas Citizenship of India. POI is an abbreviation of Person Of Indian Origin. 
EligibilityThe issuer needs to reside in India for continuous six months.The issuer’s parents or grandparents were born in India and permanently resided in India.
SignificanceIt provides permanent residency to citizens to work and live in India indefinitely.It facilitates the participation of Indians staying abroad in the progress of India. 
ValidityThe OCI card is a lifelong visa that is valid throughout.The POI card is valid till 15 years of issuing it.
FRRO RegistrationNo requirement for an FRRO registration.An FRRO registration is required.
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What is OCI?

OCI advertises to Overseas Citizenship of India. It provides permanent residency to Indians so that they can live and work in India for as long as they wish.

It allows abroad-settled Indians to keep a connection with India and also allows them to visit the country as as they want to. 

The OCI card is valid for a long time. The OCI cardholder does not need to register with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) if they wish to reside in India for a longer duration (contrary to the case of a POI card issuer)

The cardholder is eligible to issue the OCI card under the following eligibility points:

  • A citizen who belongs to a place that became a part of India after 1947.
  • People who are a citizen of India after 1950.
  • The issuer should reside in India for a continuous period of six months.

There are a few mandatory documents one must carry with themselves to issue an Overseas Citizenship of India card. These documents are photographs of the issuer, a copy of a foreign passport, a copy of a Naturalization Certificate, an original domicile certificate, a birth certificate if born outside India, an OCI card of parents or spouse, and many other files.

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What is POI?

POI refers to the term Person Of Indian Origin. It refers to people of Indian origin or whose ancestors resided in India. According to the Ministry of External Affairs, there are around 32 million POIs currently.

The Person of Indian Origin card is valid for 5 years. The POI cardholder is allowed to stay in India for a continuous period of 180 days.

If the issuer wishes to stay in India any longer, they must register with the FRRO ( Foreigners Regional Registration Office).  A Person Of Indian Origin card issuer needs to stick to certain eligibility criteria. These criteria are listed below:

  • At some point in time, the issuer must have owned an Indian passport.
  • The issuer, their parents, or their grandparents were born and permanently resided in India.
  • The spouse of the issuer should be an Indian citizen.

There are certain documentation works done while issuing a POI card. The documents required to issue a Person Of Indian Origin card are the Indian passport of the issuer or issuer’s related family member, revenue records, domicile certificate, proof of the previous nationality of the issuer or their parent or grandparent, etc. These are taken into consideration.

Main Differences Between OCI and POI

  1. OCI directs to overseas Citizenship of India, while on the other hand, POI directs to Person Of Indian Origin.
  2. The OCI card is valid for lifelong service, while on the other hand, the POI card is valid for only 15 years.
  3. FRRO registration is not required for an OCI card, while on the other hand, an FRRO registration is required to issue a POI card.
  4. OCI was first launched on the 15th of September 2002 while on the other hand, while POI was first launched in 1999. 
  5. There are around 6 million OCI cardholders while, on the other hand 32 million POI cardholders.

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.