PayPal Gift vs Invoice: Difference and Comparison

PayPal is widely used all over the world for multi-purpose, especially for transactions. A variety of options are available on PayPal that let users easily send or receive transactions.

Additionally, it allows sending eGift cards to loved ones. Online transaction is a significant part of the digital world, thus PayPal is one of the largest trusted payment processors.

Key Takeaways

  1. PayPal Gift transactions have no fees, but Invoice transactions incur fees for the seller.
  2. Unlike Gift transactions, invoices provide better buyer protection through PayPal’s dispute resolution process.
  3. PayPal Invoices are professional and customizable, while Gift transactions are informal and simple.

PayPal Gift vs Invoice 

PayPal Gift, a tool by PayPal, allows users to send money as a gift to friends, family or others, without fees being charged to the recipient. PayPal Invoice is a tool also provided by PayPal but for businesses and freelancers to create and send professional invoices to their clients or customers.

PayPal Gift vs Invoice

PayPal Gift is a feature of PayPal that allows users to send an eGift card of any brand to loved ones of varying amounts. In other words, it is equivalent to a monetary amount in the form of an eGift card.

Moreover, there are a variety of brands of eGift cards are available. But, the gift has a certain value and is not refundable. 

PayPal Invoice is a feature of PayPal that allows users to create and send a billing to customers all over the world and receive payment without any hassle. It is used for business purposes.

Additionally, the template of the Invoice is saved and can be used again. Moreover, the Invoice can be scheduled and delivered automatically. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparison PayPal Gift PayPal Invoice
Definition Paypal Gift is a monetary eGift card that can be sent on any occasion.PayPal Invoice is used for billing and being virtually paid all over the world. 
WorkDifferent types of eGift cards of brands are available on PayPal Gift. PayPal Invoice lets users create and send invoices to be paid. 
UsePayPal Gift is used for personal use.PayPal Invoice is used for business purposes. 
Monetary amount PayPal Gift has a certain money worth.PayPal Invoice lets customers add a tip as well. 
RefundablePayPal Gifts are not refundable.PayPal Invoice is refundable.
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What is PayPal Gift?

PayPal Gift is a feature of PayPal that allows users to send an eGift card of any brand to loved ones of varying amounts. In other words, it is equivalent to a monetary amount in the form of an eGift card.

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Moreover, there are a variety of brands of eGift cards are available. But, the gift has a certain value and is not refundable. 

PayPal is known for transactions and other billing as well. But, it lets you send gift cards to family and friends.

A variety of gifting options are also available on the platform and let users choose among all the available brand gift cards to them. 

PayPal Gift is an eGift that can be sent to family and friends. The eGift card contains a monetary amount that can be used however you want.

And the gift is sent to the email of the loved one. 

PayPal Gift card allows purchasing products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows, and more. And it can also be used to purchase in-app purchases.

It has a certain monetary amount and is not refundable at all. 

Moreover, it can also be used at the location of the store of the brand. The varying amount, such as 10USD to 100USD can be sent.

Even, the amount can be defined by your wish as well. Although, it may be not applicable to another payment. 

Apart from that, it also has the option of getting inspiration for gift ideas. The gift ideas are sorted on the basis of different topics.

In addition to that, it also listed popular gift cards for easier choosing of gift cards. 

What is PayPal Invoice?

PayPal is used all over the world for transactions in the same countries different countries. It has a variety of options and features to enhance transactions easily and quickly.

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In addition to that, it also let’s send invoices, gifts, etc to one another in a protected way. 

Invoice is billing that records transactions of a buyer and seller. PayPal has an option that lets users create and send invoices maintaining a professional way.

Receiving and sending payment becomes a lot easier with the help of PayPal Invoice. 

PayPal Invoice allows users to customize invoices and save templates for later use as well as schedule sending billing to the clients. It also makes billing easier and sends invoices free.

Aside from that, It allows you to add your logo, contact information, and add custom fields through customization. Additionally, it also saves templates for further use as well. 

Usually, it is paid within one day of sending invoices. Apparently, it accepts payment through debit and credit cards, PayPal credits, and Paypal. And it is used by businesses to maintain invoices of businesses. 

To conclude, the customized invoice templates are saved, easy scheduling, receive notification if undelivered, accept 200+ payments, and maintain transaction records.

paypal invoice

Main Differences Between PayPal Gift vs Invoice 

The digital world is developing day by day. Therefore, even transaction is taking place in the digital world. So, Many software is being made for safer and easy transactions.

One of them is PayPal which has lots of features to enhance the experience and faster transactions. One of the features is Gift and Invoice, they are very different from each other.

However, they both involve a monetary amount. But, it has different functions. 

  1. Paypal Gift is the monetary eGift card that can be sent on any occasion, while PayPal Invoice is used for billing and being virtually paid all over the world. 
  2. PayPal Gift is used for personal use, while PayPal Invoice is used for business purposes. 
  3. Different types of eGift cards of brands are available on PayPal Gift. Meanwhile, PayPal Invoice lets users create and send invoices to be paid. 
  4. PayPal Gift has certain money worth, while PayPal Invoice lets customers add a tip as well. 
  5. PayPal Gifts are not refundable, while PayPal Invoice is refundable.
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.