PCI 2.0 vs PCI 2.1: Difference and Comparison

People use computers and laptops frequently based on their work. Most of the population doesn’t know the parts and systems inside the computers which are helping to run.

PCI Express is the slot cards that take place on the motherboard of computers and laptops. PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express. PCI 2.0 and PCI 2.1 are the two different types of slots placed in the motherboard.  

Key Takeaways

  1. PCI 2.0 is an earlier version of the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) standard, while PCI 2.1 is an updated version.
  2. PCI 2.1 supports 66 MHz bus speeds, whereas PCI 2.0 is limited to 33 MHz.
  3. PCI 2.1 introduced improved signalling and voltage standards compared to PCI 2.0.

PCI 2.0 vs PCI 2.1  

The difference between PCI 2.0 and PCI 2.1 is that PCI 2.0 consists of a 32-bit data pathway with 33MHZ, whereas PCI 2.1 upgrades the data path from 32 bits to 64 bits. Both PCI 2.0 and PCI 2.1 are bus cards. PCI Express 2.1 gives high performance compared with PCI 2.0. according to the environment, the volt supporting varies from each other.  

PCI 2.0 vs PCI 2.1

PCI 2.0 is a bus card that is present in the motherboard of a computer. The PCI Express introduced PCI 2.0 in 2007, on 15th January. PCI 2.0 is effective in transmission capacity compared with the PCI 1.0 version.

The PCI 2.0 card had raised the lane to 500 MB/s. The Peripheral Component Interconnect Express 2.0 card is the standard one compared with the PCI 1.0 card.  

In Contrast, PCI 2.1 is a card that had been placed on the motherboard.

PCI 2.1 had used to send and receive the data. PCI 2.1 gives a high performance compared with PCI 2.0. PCI 2.1 had released in March 2009, and interconnection will update with more features.

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The throughput lanes and the bit performances are high compared with the PCI 2.0 card. The PCI Express 2.0, consisting of a 32-lane PCI adapter, will give the output up to 1.6 GB/s.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison PCI 2.0 PCI 2.1 
Meaning   PCI 2.0 is a kind of card that inserts into the motherboard. PCI 2.1 is a feature card that exists in the motherboard. 
Release PCI 2.0 had released in 2007, on 15th January. PCI 2.1 had invented in 2009, March.  
Bits   PCI 2.0 upgraded the data path up to 32 bits. This card had raised to 64 bits.   
Difference PCI 2.0 will send and receive the data highly compared with the previous card and, its performance is lower than PCI 2.1. PCI 2.1 perform highly in sending and receiving data than PCI 2.0.    
Voltage Depending on climate conditions, this card supports up to 3.3 volts. PCI 2.1 card supports at 3.3 V and 5 V depending on signals and climate. 
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What is PCI 2.0?  

The PCI, expanded as Peripheral Component Interconnect, is an enlargement card used for sound, audio and video effects in a computer’s motherboard.

The PCI Express introduced PCI 2.0 on 15th January 2007. PCI 2.0 is effective in transmission capacity compared with the PCI 1.0 version.

The PCI 2.0 had doubled than PCI 1.0 the lane to 500 MB/s output. The Peripheral Component Interconnect Express 2.0 card is the standard one compared with PCI 1.0.

This card consists of a double-lane output capacity compared with PCI 1.0. PCI 2.0 output is up to 500 Mbps, which it increased twice to the previous card.

The PCI Special Interest Group declared PCI 2.0 is a standard card having all the features that control the motherboard system.  

The PCI Express 2.0, consisting of a 32-lane PCI adapter, will give the output up to 1.6 GB/s. Usually, PCI 2.0 supports 32 bits and 33 MHZ in a motherboard. Some of the features that PCI 2.0 have as follows,  

  • Active link speed management  
  • Link with transmission capacity notifications  
  • Structure extension capability  
  • Access the control services  
  • Power Limit  
  • Function reset level  
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The speed of the PCI 2.0 is high than the PCI 1.0 version. Although it has its attributes, the other versions came to the market by having updated features.  

pci 2 0

What is PCI 2.1?  

PCI 2.1 is a card that had released by PCI Express. This is the updated version card of PCI 2.0 that had been placed in the motherboard. PCI 2.1 had released in March 2009.

This interconnection had been updated with more features than previous. The throughput lanes and the bit performances are high compared with the PCI 2.0 card.

The data track is up to 64 bits, which is increased twice that of the PCI 2.0 card. The PCI 2.1 works on sound, video, and network from a computer’s motherboard.

The PCI 2.1 is a calibre card having all the features of PCI 2.0. Primarily this card carries an enormous part in system management.

The representation of PCI 2.1 is high, as it consists of 64-bit slots. The PCI card with a 32-lane adapter and 64-lane adapters can supply output up to 266 Mbps and 532 Mbps at 66 MHz.   

Some of the features of PCI 2.1 are  

  • Protocol specifications  
  • Electrical and Mechanical configurations  
  • Expansion of boards with the above configurations  

The above configurations and specifications support the local bus constituents in the motherboard.

This card had made with forwarding and backward connectivity with 33MHz and 66 MHZ. The PCI 2.1 electrical identification states that it can work at 3.3 Voltage and 5 voltage depending on climate conditions.

The PCI 2.1 card works on troubleshooting techniques.  

pci 2 1

Main Differences Between PCI 2.0 and PCI 2.1  

  1. PCI 2.0 was released in January 2007, whereas PCI 2.1 was declared in March 2009.  
  2. PCI 2.1 supplies high performance by having 64-bit slots, whereas PCI 2.0 consists of 32-bit data tracks.  
  3. PCI 2.0 works up to 3.3 V, whereas PCI 2.1 card supports at 5 V and 3.3 V depending on signals.  
  4. Although both PCI 2.0 and PCI 2.2 had been released by PCI Express, PCI 2.1 function all the PCI 2.0 features.  
  5. PCI 2.1 card provides equality on data and address, whereas PCI 2.0 do not have to provide uniformity.  
  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/769449/
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1008729625855
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383762101000339

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.