Pentium vs Centrino: Difference and Comparison

Computers are the next human being with more abilities than human beings. The Pentium and Centrino are two different brands that produce microprocessors.

It is used in the central processing unit of computers. Pentium and Centrino are big brands in the tech industries in the world.

Key Takeaways

  1. Pentium is a brand of microprocessors, while Centrino is a brand for a combination of processors, chipsets, and wireless network interfaces.
  2. Pentium processors are used in various devices, whereas Centrino targets laptops and mobile devices.
  3. Centrino technology focuses on power efficiency and wireless connectivity, while Pentium processors prioritize performance.

Pentium vs Centrino

The difference between Pentium and Centrino is their platforms. The Pentium is a brand operated by Intel for its processors.
The Centrino is a brand used by Intel for its mobile platforms. Both have diverse purposes and properties. Pentium is used only in the processors. Centrino has different uses in different things like processors, chips, etc.

Pentium vs Centrino

Pentium is nothing but the brand name of Intel for its microprocessors. The series x86 used the name Pentium as its brand name. Intel is the producer. In 1993, the original Pentium was released.

After 1993, many versions of Pentium were released and replaced. The Pentium is considered an entry-level product of Intel. The intel gives two starts ratings for the Pentium products.

They work above the Celeron series and below the Xeon series. Because of this reason, they got two stars rating from Intel.

Centrino is nothing but a brand name used by Intel. The Centrino means Wi-Fi and WiMAX. The name is used in platform marketing and then replaced with these functions.

In 2010, the meaning of the brand name changed to wireless computer networking. The combination of chipsets denotes the old platform of Centrino.

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When compared to non-Centrino systems, the system with Centrino works better and has longer battery life. The Intel Centrino is the new brand name used by Intel for its wireless functions.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonPentiumCentrino
Clock speedClock speed is faster in PentiumClock speed is slower in Centrino
Hyper-ThreadingHyperthreading is present in PentiumHyperthreading is absent in Centrino
Cache amountPentium has less cacheCentrino has more amount of cache
Power efficiencyPower efficiency is greater in PentiumPower efficiency is lower in Centrino
ConcernPentium is concerned about processorsCentrino is concerned about processors, and adapters.
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What is Pentium?

By architecture, Pentium has the best and highest performance when compared to others. Hyperthreading is a unique feature of Pentium.

But the i-series may disable unique features of Pentium sometimes. The word Pentium is derived from the Greek term Pente. The term pente means five. The ium ending is taken from Latin.

It denotes the 80×86 processors. The Pentium was split into two by Intel in 2017. They are Pentium Silver and Pentium Gold.

The Pentium Silver target low-power devices, whereas Pentium Gold targets entry-level laptops. Kaby Lake is an example of Pentium gold.

The Pentium is used in laptops, desktops, and servers. They used it in their skins. 586 or i586 are the name of the original Pentium branded. The Pentium processors are a huge success for Intel and will make sure to continue for future generations.

Intel changed the name of the Pentium from dual-core to Wolfdale-3M in 2009 since it became disappeared in 2006 and made a comeback in 2007.

The logos of Pentium have undergone various changes since 2005. The current Pentium has two different logos for gold and silver split-ups.

The gold Pentium has a gold square at the end, and the silver Pentium has a silver square at the end. Both the logo has an intel name and Pentium font in the center.

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What is Centrino?

In 2003, Intel released the first generation Centrino in the name of Carmel. It is considered the code name of Centrino. It undergoes various criticisms for its lack of ability to connect to IEEE 802.11g.

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In 2005, Intel released the second generation Centrino in the name of Sonoma. It is the code name of second-generation Centrino. The battery life of Sonoma has proven its excellence.

In 2006, Intel released its third generation Centrino in the name of Napa Platform. It is the code of third-generation Centrino.

The fourth-generation Centrino is called the Santa Rosa platform, which was released in 2007. The fifth-generation Centrino is called the Monetiva platform, which was released in 2008.

The sixth-generation Centrino is called the Calpella platform, which was released in 2009. The seventh-generation Centrino is called the Huron River platform, which was released in 2011.

The eighth-generation Centrino is called the Cheif River platform, which is released in 2012. The ninth-generation Centrino is called the Shark Bay platform, which was released in 2013.

The Centrino is not just a processor but a platform with a combination of processors, chips, etc. It is simply called marketing type.

It is used to promote laptops with wireless functions. It overcomes many lacks and becomes a stable processor with many versions. It provides long-lasting battery life and high compatibility within the systems.

Main Differences Between Pentium and Centrino

  1. Pentium is a processor working inside Centrino, whereas Centrino is a platform.
  2. Comparatively, Pentium uses less amount of power, whereas Centrino uses a large amount of power.
  3. Pentium has a large amount of cache, whereas Centrino has less amount of cache.
  4. The clock speed of Pentium is faster, whereas the clock speed of Centrino is slower.
  5. Pentium has two split-ups, whereas Centrino has nine different generations.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.