Platinum vs Titanium: Difference and Comparison

Both Platinum and Titanium are d square components. They are normally known as transition metals. Like other transition metals, both metals can frame compounds with several oxidation states and form complexes with other metals.

Since both the metals are expensive as compared to other transition metals, their limit of use is less.

Key Takeaways

  1. Platinum is a rare, precious metal, while titanium is a relatively abundant industrial metal.
  2. Platinum is more expensive and valuable than titanium, making it a popular choice for luxury items like jewelry.
  3. Titanium is stronger and lighter than platinum, making it ideal for aerospace, automotive, and medical applications.

Platinum vs Titanium

Platinum is a dense, malleable, and ductile metal with a high melting point and resistance to corrosion. Titanium is a strong, lightweight, corrosion-resistant metal used in a variety of industries including aerospace, medical, and automotive.

Platinum vs Titanium

Platinum or Pt is the transition metal with the atomic number 78. It is in a similar periodic table as nickel and palladium. Hence, it has an electron design like a nickel with external orbitals having an s2 d8 arrangement.

Likewise, this metal forms mainly +2 and +4 oxidation states. However, it can frame +1 and +3 oxidation states as well.

Titanium is a compound component with the atomic number 22, and the symbolic representation is Ti. It is a d square component and is present in the fourth period of the periodic table.

Besides, it favors framing compounds with a +4 oxidation state. But, it can likewise have +3 oxidation states. When doing the welding of titanium is mainly done in an inert- atmosphere in order to stop it from reacting.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPlatinumTitanium
DefinitionIt is a transition metal with an atomic number 78.It is a transition metal with the atomic number 22.
Symbolic RepresentationPtTi
OxidationDoesn’t oxidize at any temperature.It oxidizes to form Titanium dioxide.
CostHighly expensiveLess expensive
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What is Platinum?

Platinum or Pt is the transition metal, which is also called the “Noble metal.” It has properties similar to Nickel (Ni) and Palladium (Pd) as these three elements belong to the same group in the periodic table.

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Platinum has an electron structure like a nickel, with external orbitals having an s2 d8 arrangement. Likewise, this metal most normally forms +2 and +4 oxidation states.

Platinum is ductile, highly unreactive, malleable, and it is silverish-white in color. Compared to these properties, it is a very precious metal also.

Platinum is gleaming grey-white and has a higher thickness. It doesn’t oxidize or respond with HCl or nitric corrosive. Besides, it is highly resistant to corrosion. Also, it can withstand high temperatures without melting.

Coming to its magnetic properties, Platinum is paramagnetic in nature. Also, it is an extremely rare metal, which is mainly used in ring making.

Platinum rings are over the expensive top rings in the world. Apart from this, Platinum metal is also used as an electrode in electrochemical sensors and cells.

Platinum is also used in catalytic converters platinum-resistant thermometers and used in the glass industry to manipulate molten glass.

Being one of the rare metals, it is mainly found in uncombined forms with other alloys, mainly with other platinum-group metals. It is mainly produced as a by-product of Nickel and Copper during the mining process.


What is Titanium?

Titanium is a chemical component with the atomic number 22 and with the representation Ti. It is a d square component and is present in the fourth period of the periodic table.

Additionally, it forms compounds with a +4 oxidation state. In any case, it can also have +3 oxidation states. It is a transition metal with a sparkling silver color tone. Furthermore, it is solid but has a low density as compared to the Platinum metal.

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One of the most important properties of Titanium metal is that it is highly corrosion-resistant, and the strength-to-density ratio is the highest of any metallic element.

Titanium is resistant to high temperatures, which makes it useful for refractory metal. It is also paramagnetic in nature and has low electrical and warm conductivities.

As it can react with oxygen thus, it can shape Titanium Oxide after responding with oxygen. Hence, this titanium dioxide layer goes about as a defensive layer on this metal and keeps it safe from corrosion.

Titanium dioxide is used in paper, paint, and plastic manufacturing industries. Since it doesn’t corrode with the ocean water, thus it is used to make the ship parts that are in contact with the ocean water, like rotors and hulls of a ship.

Due to its high strength and low density, it is also used in making airplane components, which reduces the overall weight of the aircraft and thus provides more efficiency.

Titanium is a precious metal. Subsequently, which is also used in making the rings a well.


Main Differences Between Platinum and Titanium 

  1. Platinum is a heavier metal as compared to Titanium metal which is lighter in strength-to-weight ratio. Thus, it is used in airplane parts manufacturing.
  2. Platinum is a gleaming grey-white in color, whereas Titanium is sparkling white in color.
  3. The hardness strength of Platinum is low when compared to Titanium metal which is way much harder than Platinum, and both metals have the property of being scratch-resistant.
  4. As both the metals are expensive, when compared to Platinum and Titanium, Platinum is highly expensive, while Titanium is less expensive.
  5. The thermal conductivity property is high for Platinum, while Titanium has low thermal conductivity.
Difference Between Platinum and Titanium
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.