Public Speaking vs Mass Communication: Difference and Comparison

Communication is a process in which a person conveys a message to another person.

The exchange of information and knowledge takes place through communication, where a sender conveys the message, and a receiver receives the message/information. 

There are types of communication: Interpersonal Communication, Intrapersonal Communication, Group Communication, Public Communication, and Mass Communication.

Key Takeaways

  1. Public speaking refers to delivering a speech or presentation to a live audience, whereas mass communication involves communicating a message to a large audience through various media channels.
  2. Public speaking is done face-to-face, while mass communication can be done through television, radio, or the internet.
  3. Public speaking is intended to inform, persuade, or entertain a specific audience, while mass communication can reach a broader audience and may have a more general purpose.

Public Speaking vs Mass Communication

The difference between Public Speaking and Mass communication is that Public Communication focuses on the sender and where a person is conveying his message to a large audience. In contrast, Mass Communication is a receiver-focused type of communication where the message is conveyed to a large audience through the print of electronics.

Public Speaking vs Mass Communication

Public Speaking is a type of communication where a sender conveys his message or information to a large audience. It is a sender-focused type of communication. Here a sender personally conveys his message to the audience and gets immediate feedback. It is a very effective way of communication as there is a direct personal interaction between the public/audience and the sender.

Mass Communication is a type of communication where the message/information is conveyed through print or electronics. There is no personal interaction in public speaking. Still, an advantage it has is that the message is conveyed to a very large audience without taking much time, making it a more convenient way of communication.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPublic SpeakingMass Communication
DefinitionIt is a type of communication where information is conveyed by a sender personally.It is a type of communication where a sender conveys information through some medium.
Main FocusThe main focus is on the sender.The main focus is not the sender.
Personal ConnectionThere is a personal connection.There is not any personal connection.
Medium UsedThe message is conveyed personally.The message is conveyed through Electronic media or print media.
FeedbackImmediate feedbackLack of immediate feedback.
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What is Public Speaking?

Public Speaking is a type of communication in which communication takes place with a large audience when the sender conveys his message to them.

It is mainly a sender-focused type of communication as the sender has to be confident enough to convey the message properly and have the confidence to take public feedback.

This type of communication takes place live, and it has several benefits such as:

  1. Increase Confidence Level: the main advantage of it is that it leads to an increase in the individual’s confidence level.
  2. Betterment in research skills: when performing public speaking sender has to research first; this helps in bettering the research skills.
  3. Advancement in career: public speaking has some career options; hence there is advancement in career too.
  4. Personality Development: through public speaking, an all-around personality is developed in an individual as he becomes courageous and confident.
  5. Other benefits include learning to take criticism and a better understanding level.

Therefore, it is clear that public communication has several benefits. Still, the only disadvantage arises when the sender cannot clearly deliver its message to the public or cannot take feedback.

public speaking

What is Mass Communication?

Mass Communication is a type of communication that takes place through a medium of mass media, either print or electronic media, like public speaking.

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A large number audience is involved in this kind of communication, but this process is not live and is not a sender-focused communication.


  1. Short period: in a short period, information is exchanged.
  2. Increases knowledge: through mass communication, anyone can increase their knowledge only thing required is some electronic device or newspaper.
  3. Helpful for businesses: the business uses mass communications to promote its products and businesses.


  1. Can be Addictive: electronic devices tend to be addictive, which is unsuitable for the individual’s health.
  2. Frauds: there is a high chance of fraud in mass communication as anyone can provide wrong information over mass media.
  3. Other disadvantages can be using mass communication to promote a toxic or illegal product or if someone is trying to hack through this.
mass communication

Main Differences Between Public Speaking and Mass Communication 

  1. Public Speaking is a sender-focused type of communication where the sender conveys his message to the public. In contrast, Mass Communication is not a sender-focused communication; the sender conveys his message through Print or Electronic Media.
  2. In Public Speaking, the sender is the main focus as he conveys the message to a large audience through personal interaction. In Mass Communication, the sender is not the main focus as the message is conveyed through other media, not through any personal interaction.
  3. There is a personal interaction as direct communication in Public Speaking, whereas no such interaction occurs in Mass Communication.
  4. In Public Speaking, the sender is the medium of message conveying, whereas in Mass Communication medium of getting the message is in print or electronic media.
  5. In Public Speaking, there is immediate feedback from the audience, but there is a lack of feedback in Mass Communication.
Difference Between Public Speaking and Mass Communication
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.