Raven vs Crow: Difference and Comparison

Ravens, larger and more robust, boast deep, resonant calls echoing through forests, symbolizing wisdom and mystery. Crows, sleeker and adaptable urban dwellers, exhibit complex social behaviors and a sharp intelligence, associated with cunning and resourcefulness.

Key Takeaways

  1. Raven is a giant bird with a wedge-shaped tail, shaggy throat feathers, and a croaking call.
  2. Crow is a smaller bird with a fan-shaped tail, smooth throat feathers, and a cawing call.
  3. Raven has a larger and more powerful beak than a crow and is known for its intelligence and problem-solving abilities.

Raven vs Crow

The difference between a Raven and Crow is that crows are more minor and flat, but ravens are bigger and more powerful. Crows can live for a maximum of eight years, whereas ravens can live for 30 years. Crows are found in urban and populated areas, while ravens on the opposite side are not social and mostly live in wilder areas.

Raven vs Crow

If you ever see a raven and a crow side by side, you will notice quickly that the former is slightly larger than the latter. Typically, a crow is somewhat similar in size to a pigeon.

It has an approximate length of around 17 inches and weighs around 20 ounces. However, when you consider a raven, it will be quite a large size.

The length of a raven varies from around 24 inches to 27 inches, and it also weighs almost double the weight of a crow at around 40 ounces.

Comparison Table

SizeLarger and heavier (24-27 inches, 1.2 kg)Smaller and lighter (17-18 inches, 0.6 kg)
BuildMore robust and bulkySlimmer and sleeker
Tail ShapeWedge-shapedFan-shaped
BeakLarger, thicker, and curvedSmaller, straighter, and less prominent
Throat FeathersShaggy and prominent “hackles”Smooth and less noticeable
FlightSoars more frequently, appears more acrobaticFlaps wings more regularly, less soaring
CallDeep, croaking, and resonantHigh-pitched “caw”
HabitatRemote and wild areas (forests, mountains)More adaptable, including urban and suburban areas
Social BehaviorLess social, more solitaryMore social, seen in groups
IntelligenceConsidered highly intelligentIntelligent, but not to the same extent as ravens
DietMore diverse, including carrion, small mammals, and scavenged foodPrimarily insects, fruits, and grains
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What is Raven?

Ravens, scientifically known as Corvus corax, are large, black birds belonging to the Corvidae family. They measure between 24 to 27 inches in length, with wingspans reaching up to 4 feet. Renowned for their glossy black plumage, ravens possess robust bodies and wedge-shaped tails. Their distinguishing features include thick, curved beaks and shaggy throat feathers.

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Habitat and Distribution

Ravens are widely distributed across the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting a diverse range of ecosystems including forests, mountains, tundra, and coastal regions. They are particularly adaptable birds, found in both rural and urban environments. Ravens demonstrate a preference for remote, secluded areas for nesting, selecting tall trees or rocky cliffs for their large, sturdy nests.

Behavior and Intelligence

Highly intelligent and social creatures, ravens exhibit complex behaviors and communication skills. They form tight-knit family groups and maintain intricate social hierarchies within their communities. Ravens are proficient problem solvers, capable of using tools and demonstrating advanced problem-solving abilities. Their vocalizations are diverse, ranging from deep croaks and caws to a wide array of clicks and whistles. Ravens are opportunistic feeders, scavenging for carrion, small mammals, birds, eggs, insects, and a variety of plant matter.

Cultural Significance

Throughout history, ravens have held a prominent place in mythology, folklore, and literature. Revered for their intelligence and enigmatic presence, ravens feature prominently in the mythology of numerous cultures, symbolizing wisdom, prophecy, and mystery. In Norse mythology, the god Odin is accompanied by two ravens, Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory), who serve as his messengers and scouts. Among Indigenous peoples of North America, ravens are revered as powerful spiritual beings and symbols of transformation and creation.

Conservation Status

While not currently considered globally threatened, certain populations of ravens may face localized threats due to habitat loss, persecution, and collisions with vehicles and structures. Despite these challenges, ravens are adaptable and resilient birds, capable of thriving in a variety of environments.


What is Crow?

Crows, members of the Corvidae family, are medium-sized birds characterized by their glossy black plumage, stout bodies, and strong, slightly curved bills. Common species include the American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) and the carrion crow (Corvus corone). They measure around 17 to 21 inches in length, with wingspans averaging between 32 to 40 inches. Crows exhibit a sleek silhouette with rounded tails and proportionate legs.

Habitat and Distribution

Crows are highly adaptable birds found in a wide range of habitats, including forests, grasslands, farmlands, and urban areas. They thrive in both rural and urban environments, nesting in tall trees, shrubs, or even man-made structures such as buildings and utility poles. Crows have a cosmopolitan distribution, with species inhabiting diverse regions across North America, Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa.

Behavior and Intelligence

Renowned for their intelligence and complex social behaviors, crows demonstrate remarkable problem-solving abilities and cognitive flexibility. They form tight-knit family groups and maintain intricate social hierarchies within their communities. Crows exhibit sophisticated communication skills, utilizing a variety of vocalizations, body language, and gestures to convey information and coordinate group activities. They are opportunistic omnivores, feeding on a diverse diet that includes insects, small mammals, birds, eggs, carrion, fruits, seeds, and human food scraps.

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Cultural Significance

Crows have long held a significant place in human culture, folklore, and mythology. Revered for their intelligence and adaptability, crows feature prominently in the mythologies and belief systems of numerous cultures around the world. In many Indigenous traditions, crows are considered sacred beings associated with creation, transformation, and spiritual guidance. In Western folklore, crows are portrayed as symbols of mystery, trickery, and cunning, appearing as trickster figures in various myths and legends.

Conservation Status

Crows are not considered globally threatened and are widespread and abundant across their range. However, they may face localized threats due to habitat loss, urbanization, pesticide use, and persecution. Despite these challenges, crows are resilient birds capable of thriving in a variety of environments. Conservation efforts focused on preserving natural habitats, reducing human-wildlife conflicts, and promoting coexistence with these intelligent avian neighbors are essential for ensuring the continued well-being of crow populations.


Main Differences Between Raven and Crow

  • Size and Appearance:
    • Ravens are larger, measuring around 24 to 27 inches in length, with wingspans up to 4 feet, while crows are smaller, measuring around 17 to 21 inches in length, with wingspans averaging between 32 to 40 inches.
    • Ravens have robust bodies, wedge-shaped tails, and shaggy throat feathers, whereas crows have sleeker silhouettes with rounded tails.
  • Habitat and Distribution:
    • Ravens are found in remote, secluded areas such as forests, mountains, and coastal regions, while crows are highly adaptable and can thrive in diverse habitats including urban areas, farmlands, and grasslands.
    • Ravens have a broader global distribution, inhabiting the Northern Hemisphere, while crows have a cosmopolitan distribution across North America, Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa.
  • Behavior and Social Structure:
    • Ravens form tight-knit family groups and maintain complex social hierarchies within their communities, whereas crows also exhibit social behavior but may form larger flocks and are seen in urban environments.
    • Ravens are known for their deep, resonant calls, whereas crows have a wider range of vocalizations and are highly communicative, using a variety of calls, body language, and gestures.
  • Diet and Feeding Habits:
    • Both ravens and crows are opportunistic omnivores, feeding on a diverse diet that includes insects, small mammals, birds, eggs, carrion, fruits, seeds, and human food scraps.
    • Ravens may prefer larger prey items such as carrion and small mammals, while crows are more adaptable and may rely more heavily on scavenging and foraging in human-altered environments.
  • Cultural Significance:
    • Ravens are associated with wisdom, prophecy, and mystery in mythology and folklore, featuring prominently in the mythologies of various cultures, whereas crows are portrayed as symbols of intelligence, trickery, and cunning, appearing as trickster figures in many folktales and legends.
    • Ravens have specific cultural associations in Norse mythology, where they are linked to the god Odin, while crows have widespread cultural significance in Indigenous traditions around the world, where they are revered as sacred beings associated with creation and transformation.
Difference Between Raven and Crow
  1. https://sora.unm.edu/sites/default/files/journals/wilson/v053n02/p0103-p0106.pdf
  2. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/595764
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.