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Earth is full of all kinds of resources, from minerals like gold and silver to all the elements like carbon that make up a lot of substances trapped beneath the earth’s ground, from copper to all other substances. These all can be found lying on deep surfaces, in the atmosphere, or simply on the habitual surface.

Water is the resource that simply covers up to 70 per cent of the earth’s surface and is found today in many forms like water, solid glaciers and liquated form.

Though the surface might still be covered with 70 per cent water, many countries like Africa are dying of water scarcity and droughts making land infertile to grow crops. It is because that 67 per cent of the water in the ocean contains a very high amount of salt content that is unfit for any type of personal or commercial use.

Only 3 per cent of the water found underground and frozen in glaciers is fit for drinking, and many countries constantly race to obtain this. Many countries today, like Gulf and South Africa, suffer from water scarcity leading people to die because of thirst and food shortage.

Key Takeaways

  1. Oceans are large water bodies that cover a major part of the earth’s surface, containing salt water and connected, while lakes are landlocked bodies of water that can be freshwater, saltwater or brackish.
  2. Oceans are much deeper than lakes and have a wide range of biodiversity, including marine plants, fishes, and mammals, while lakes have comparatively less diverse ecosystems.
  3. Oceans are affected by tides, currents, and waves, while lakes are still, with no currents or tides, and are used for various recreational activities like swimming, boating, and fishing.

Ocean vs Lake

The difference between an ocean and a lake is that the ocean is naturally made and has existed since the earth was born. They were formed when huge cracks developed between continents leading to oceans, whereas the lake is a stagnant body that is manmade or it may occur naturally. Moreover, the ocean is a flowing body, whereas the lake is a still or very little flowing body.

Ocean vs Lake

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLakeOcean
MeaningThe ocean is a vast body of at least 96 per cent of Earth’s water that may not be fit for commercial or even personal use as the high salt content might cause health hazards.All lakes might be naturally occurring, and are human-made for tourist attraction or welfare.
NatureAll lakes might be naturally occurring and are human-made for tourist attraction or welfare.The Lake is a stagnant water body that does not open further into a water body but is supplied through a lake.
SourceIt is a source of natural water for personal and agricultural use.It is a source of saltwater source used in many industries.
Opens Into?Opensan independentInto?The ocean water opens into much more significant and smaller rivers used for many purposes and is called distributaries.
Surface Area CoveredThe Lake is a tiny water body that is scattered in different places.The ocean covers 2/3rd of the earth’s surface.

What is Lake?

Lake is a stagnant or still with very little movement water body used for many commercial but mainly personal purposes.

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Lake is found between any habitation or people residing near the lake for the continuous water source. Lake can be naturally occurring or artificial for tourist attractions and fun activities like boating and rafting.

Lake contains abundance source of fresh water which is perfectly fit for human consumption as well as places where agriculture is the way of living.

There are many types of naturally occurring lakes; Tectonic lakes are formed when a major earthquake occurs, leaving deep cracks on the surface and filling with water over time.

Second are the glacial lakes formed when glaciers melt and are found in cold places.

Oxbow lakes are formed when a very high-pressure flowing river cuts out from the main river due to pressure and forms a lake called oxbow lake.

Lakes can also lead to diseases like dengue and malaria if the river gets polluted and slows down the water flow leading to mosquito breeding.


What are Oceans?

Oceans cover 70 per cent of the earth’s surface and contain high salt, making them unusable for personal or commercial use.

Ocean is defined as the part that comprises the hydrosphere and all world oceans, that is the Pacific Ocean, Artic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean comprises and makes the world ocean.

The ocean gives birth to the most valuable and rare ocean species and plants; moreover, only 15 per cent of the ocean has been discovered by mankind.

Moreover, the ocean is divided by nautical miles by many countries in nautical miles. Every country owns at least 11 nautical miles of the ocean, and entry is probated that is constantly guarded by the coast guard.

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The deepest part of the ocean is the marina trench or the challenger deep between the Pacific Ocean, 35000 feet below the ocean level. The pressure is intolerable and can be withstood by humans without special suits; moreover, it is a place where unique species, like sperm and blue whales, are found.


Main Differences Between Lake and Ocean

  1. The ocean is a significant saline source of saltwater used for many purposes like trim level electricity production, as saline water is a great conductor of electricity. In contrast, lake water, a tremendous freshwater source, is used for many personal uses like drinking, cooking, etc., and domestic use like agriculture and fishing on a tiny scale.
  2. Ocean water is unsuitable for commercial and personal use as it might negatively affect the body, whereas a lake is an excellent water source. Still, these lakes might give birth to diseases like dengue as the river water is stagnant, and no activity may lead to mosquito breeding.
  3. Ocean has a lower temperature because of very deficits in activities as the water remains untouched without many sun rays touching it. In contrast, the lakes have an increased temperature due to constant movement.
  4. Many species are found in the centre of the ocean, which is either used for consumption or selling purposes ocean also allows large-scale fishing. In contrast, a minimal number of species are found in the lake.
  5. Oceans are bottomless and can extend up to 35 thousand feet and a min range of 13 thousand, whereas the lakes are shallow and can extend up to a thousand feet.
Difference Between Ocean and Lake
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.