RJ11 vs RJ12: Difference and Comparison

The telephone was one of the prime innovations that humanity experienced in the 20th century. This revolutionary device made two-way communication possible at lightning speed.

However, early telephones were connected to telephone lines by tapes. These connections were bungling and broke quickly.

The innovation of registered jack brought a solution to this problem. A connection with a registered jack was sturdy, and all telecommunication companies accepted its standard format.

Rj11 and Rj12 are very common jacks used in most telecommunication systems. From the appearance, both of them look the same. For this reason, many people fail to distinguish the difference between them.

Key Takeaways

  1. RJ11 is a modular connector commonly used for single-line telephone connections, featuring a six-position, two-conductor design.
  2. RJ12 connectors are similar in appearance but include six conductors, allowing for more complex wiring configurations and communication systems.
  3. Although the connectors physically resemble each other, the number of conductors and their specific uses set them apart.

RJ11 vs RJ12

The difference between Rj11 and Rj12 is that Rj11 is a connection jack that creates a bridged connection for a single telephone line, which uses flat stain cable for household wire telephone and modem connections. At the same time, Rj12 is a connection jack that enjoins the central telephone system with single telephone lines through a line circuit that uses specialized RJ12 6-flat ribbon standard cables for centralized telephone networks in offices.

RJ11 vs RJ12 1


Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonRj11Rj12
What is itA connection jack that creates a bridged connection for a single telephone lineA connection jack that enjoins a central telephone system with single telephone lines through a line circuit.
Full formRegistered jack 11Registered jack 12
Connector6P2C & 6P4C6P6C
CableFlat stain cableSpecialized RJ12 6-flat ribbon standard cables
Used inHousehold wire telephone and modem connectionsOffices for centralized telephone network
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What is RJ11?

The complete form of Rj11 is registered jack 11. A connection jack creates a bridged connection for a single telephone line. The Rj11 connection jack is an analog system.

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This connection jack transmits low-voltage electrical signals through it. Rj11 is used for the two-way connection. It can both send and receive low-voltage electrical alerts through it.

This jack uses a 6P2C connector. It has six slots for wearing connections. However, all the slots of this jack are not used for wiring.

Usually, only two slots in the middle bridge the connection. However, four slots 6P4C are used when low-voltage power is sent to the indicator lamp of the telephone.

The Rj11 jack was designed in the 70’s era to revolutionize the telecommunication system. It is a male part of the connection system.

The jack must fit the Rj11 compatible female section to establish the connection. This jack made a connection between two lines easy. Not all cables are designed to fit with the Rj11 connector jack.

Only flat stain cables with 2-4 copper wires can attach to the Rj11 connector, and a crimper tool is required to make the connection permanent.

All telecommunication companies around the world accepted the Rj11 jack. The jack was able to standardize the telecommunication connector system for the world.

Even in this digital age, all wired telephones and dial-up modems use this connector.


What is RJ12?

The complete form of Rj12 is registered jack 12. A connection jack enjoins a central telephone system with single telephone lines through a line circuit. It is a male plug and only connects with the Rj12 female jack to establish the connection.

The Rj12 uses a 6P6C connector. It has six slots for connection wearing, all used for communication. Specialized RJ12 6-flat ribbon standard cables are used for Rj12 connectors.

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This cable contains six thin copper cables and transmits & receives electrical signals through it.

In This standard ribbon cable, all six copper wires are color coded. These colors are white, black, red, green, yellow, and blue. Unlike other wearing systems, the Rj12 is entirely different and complex.

The cable technician has to set the copper-wearing system in the correct order to make it functional.

The Rj12 connector went widespread in the 80’s era when various corporate offices required a centralized telephone network for private use.

This connector can easily set up a local area network in the office with telephones. Even in this digital age, many offices use this connector to set up their intercom system.


Main Differences Between RJ11 and RJ12

  1. Rj11 is a connection jack that creates a bridged connection for a single telephone line, while Rj12 is a connection jack that enjoins a central telephone system with single telephone lines through a line circuit.
  2. The complete form of Rj11 is registered jack 11. On the other hand, the complete form of Rj12 is registered jack 12.
  3. Generally, Rj11 uses a standard 6P2C connector for a standard telephone connection. It only uses a 6P4C connector when low voltage power is required to send to the indicator lamp of the telephone. But the Rj12 jack always uses a 6P6C connector.
  4. The Rj11 jack uses a flat stain cable containing two thin copper wires. However, the Rj12 jack requires specialized RJ12 6-flat ribbon standard cables; it contains six thin color-coded copper wires.
  5. Rj11 jack is used in regular household wire telephone and modem connections. But the Rj12 jack is only used for centralized telephone networks in offices.
Difference Between RJ11 and RJ12

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Registered_jack
  2. http://www.railwaybob.com/Modules/WiringRJ12s/RJ12s01.html
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.