RPC vs RMI: Difference and Comparison

RPC and RMI are the protocols that enable a Client to invoke a process or system on the server through contact between the client and the server, RMI. The major distinction between RMI and RPC is that regular data structures have been used for the parameters passed to remote operations.

RMI follows an object-focused paradigm in which the user has to know the object and object function he has to invoke.

RPC is not object-focused and can not handle objects by contrast. Rather, it calls those subroutines which have already been created. RPC is based on C, while on the other hand, RMI is a Java-based technology that is object-oriented due to formal programming semantics.

Key Takeaways

  1. RPC is a protocol that allows communication between different processes on a network, while RMI is a Java-specific implementation of RPC.
  2. RPC is platform-agnostic and can be used with various programming languages, while RMI is limited to Java.
  3. RPC uses a client-server architecture, while RMI uses a distributed object-oriented architecture.


Communication among various processes can be done through a protocol called RPC (Remote Procedure Call). It is a type of client-server architecture. Different types of protocols are used for RPC. RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is a type of object-oriented architecture. RMI uses Java RMI protocol. RMI supports complicated data structures.


RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call processes supporting the programming of procedures.

The mechanisms allow the IPC to handle sharing information In conjunction with an environment in which entirely various processes are subject to the death penalty on individual systems and are necessary for contact dependent on messages.

RMI stands for Remote Method Invocation, which is similar to the PRC but supports objective-based software, which is characteristic of Java. A thread can decide the technique for an external entity.

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The RMI passes artifacts as a parameter instead of the normal data. A string on a distant item is permitted to call the interaction. It carries out far-off objects utilizing stubs and skeletons to guarantee customer and worker mystery.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRPCRMI
CharacteristicsRPC is a website for libraries and OS.It is a forum for java.
FeatureRPC facilitates the programming of the procedures.RMI supports programming oriented to the object.
PowerRPC is less powerful.RMI is more powerful.
ProtectionThere is no protection for RPC.It offers protection at the customer level.
ApplicationFor basic RPC applications, several codes are required.Multiple codes for basic RMI applications are not necessary.
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What is RPC?

The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a common process communication (IPC) paradigm between processes on separate network computers. It is found extensively in different distributed systems.

Although the implementation is conceptually easy and convenient, several distinct and subtle problems arise, resulting in different implementation procedures for RPC.

A programming language function for distributed computing based on local procedure calls’ semantics is Remote Procedure Call (RPC). It is the commonest type of remote service and was intended to summarise the calling procedure between network-connected networks. 

With RPC, you are able to call remote functions exported to servers. With RMI, you are able to get remote references and invoke their processes. More remote object references can also be passed and returned, so it is much stronger.

The IPC framework helps the processes manage shared data and handle an environment where various processes operate on individual systems and need to communicate by message.

These RPCs will discuss their design goals, functionality, call semantics, orphan handling, linking, transport protocols enabled, security/authentication, data representation, and application programming interface.

What is RMI?

The RMI is similar to the RPC but has a language and Java feature. Remote Methods Invocation, A thread on a remote object is allowed to call the process. It implements remote objects using stubs and skeletons to ensure client and server secrecy.

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The stub for the remote method is named whenever a client calls a remote method.

The customer stub shall have responsibility for producing and sending the packet, which contains the name of the procedure and the criteria in the marshal, and the skeleton shall receive the parcel.

With its high overhead protocols in both data and round trips, the Java RMI has poor communication performance through slow wireless connections.

RMI stands out where something more complicated than the architecture of the customer-server is required. The distribution of objects through a network is very easy, allowing all customers to communicate without directly establishing individual links.

It can be improved with minor modifications to its current device and networking host reliability and without violating the Java RMI specification.

The report analyses the factors behind Java RMI’s low results, describes a mediator-based approach, and assesses the performance of a solution implementing a prototype.

Main Differences Between RPC and RMI

  1. RPC supports C-specific paradigms for procedure programming, whereas RMI supports Java-specific paradigms.
  2. The data structures in ordinary parameters are transferred to remote procedures in the RPC, whereas RMI passes objects to the remote method as a parameter.
  3. The RPC is known to be the oldest RMI version, and it is used to support procedural programming in the programming languages, whereas RMI is developed according to a contemporary approach to programming and could use the value or reference pass.
  4. The RPC passed parameters must be “in,” which ensures the same data forms of the passed-in value and the output value, whereas the passing of “in-out” parameters in RMI is unnecessary.
  5. References in RPC cannot be likely because there is a distinct address space in both processes, whereas this is feasible when using RMI.
  1. http://webster.cs.uga.edu/~maria/pads/papers/p747-maassen.pdf
  2. http://webster.cs.uga.edu/~maria/pads/papers/p747-maassen.pdf

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.