Training vs Development: Difference and Comparison

It is human nature to get evolve and learn new things. This nature is the main factor that contributed to evolution.

Development and training are two different things that supplement each other in many ways. For the desired development, a reasonable duration of training is always required.

Key Takeaways

  1. Training focuses on teaching specific skills or knowledge required for a particular job or task.
  2. Development is a broader process that aims to improve an individual’s professional growth and career progression.
  3. Training is short-term and task-oriented, while development is long-term and focuses on personal growth.

Training vs Development

The difference between training and development is that training is necessary for the progress of a particular skill in a person. At the same time, development is something that occurs naturally in certain things for overall evolution. A person enrols for training with his consent, while development is an independent state of growth.

Training vs Development

Training is a process of learning or teaching so one can improve the skills of oneself or others.

Training can be considered a facility provided so a person can enhance his performance on a particular subject or maybe his present job. To master any skill or art, one needs proper training.

The process of improvement in an object or person is known to be development. Development is a natural phenomenon that occurs in multiple forms and can not be restricted.

But some things need to be developed by training and other things.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonTrainingDevelopment
MeaningDevelopment is a great naturalness that occurs during learning or making something to get positive results.Training is a structured program to achieve certain goals and has a prefixed duration necessary to learn.
DurationThe main focus of development is on the constant progress of human ideas or other living things.Duration of development can not be measured since it keeps happening from the start to the end.
Focused onThe main focus of training is to enhance the technical skills of the people to be prepared for performing multiple tasks.The training procedure is most mainly to satisfy the needs related to the present and immediately required.
FeaturesDevelopment is a procedure that keeps going on, and the results are more futuristic.The training procedure is mainly to satisfy the needs related to the present and immediately required.
LiabilitiesDevelopment doesn’t depend on organizations but is a self-assessment procedure and the individual himself is responsible.The organization that provides the training is responsible for the entire training program structure.
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What is Training?

Training is advantageous for various purposes and goals related to fitness, mental health, knowledge, sports, skill development, etc.

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Good training is the key to unlocking the door to one’s most wanted goal. Training is beneficial to give required results by making people or trainees more effective than before enrolling in the training program.

Training is required for competitive goals such as martial arts or joining the army.

Training is an immensely exciting way to learn a thing; for example, if a person is told something, the great chances are he will forget it later, or if a person is taught how to do something, he might remember them. Still, it is not criticized he could perform them.

But if he is trained to perform specifically with the required equipment, he will become a master of it by sine time since training provides practice, and practice makes a man perfect.

The three standard learning methods or styles included in the training are audio, visuals, and kinesthetic.

The method of training tends to vary depending on the goal. There are several types of exercise, such as mental training, physical training, occupational skill training, spiritual training, job training, etc.

training 1

What is Development?

The term development can have various definitions and meanings depending on the context. Economics is the branch that includes and describes development more than any other medium.

Development can occur in regions, nations, societies, organisms, etc. Economic growth can be measured in levels via GDP or GDP per capita. Regarding living beings, development occurs naturally, with or without consent.

Development is the most necessary thing to get evolve to acquire higher levels. The main feature of nature is development that,t keeps happening at every stage. Psychological Development leads to the mental capacity towards maturity. The present condition of human civilization has been only possible by the spontaneous flow of development where the economy’s growth increased in every corner of the world year by year to reach the point where a person can travel to another planet.

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The development is divided into five primary divisions that are moral, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical. Moral development is associated with the person’s habits that change from childhood to adulthood.

Social development is learning the ways of an ideal society, while emotional development is an increment in understanding. Intellectual development leads the person to grasp new information and practice it in life, while physical development is a change in the body shape.


Main Differences Between Training and Development

  1. Development becomes part of the life of a person from his birth. On the other hand, it depends on a person’s desire and what kind of training he wants.
  2. Development is a natural phenomenon that can not be bought to get admitted to a training program. The person has to satisfy the fee structure.
  3. Other words like evolution, growth, the increment can be used in the place of development. On the other hand, words like teaching, mentoring, and coaching can be used to denote training.
  4. Organizations do not provide development. Instead, it happens automatically, while training is a well-structured program institutes and organisations offer.
  5. Development remains present for the person’s entire life, while training always comes with a fixed duration that is reasonable to sharpen the skills.
Difference Between Training and Development
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.