TWS vs RWS: Difference and Comparison

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Key Takeaways

  1. Track-while-search (TWS) is a radar technique that allows simultaneous target tracking and searching for new targets in scenarios with high target density.
  2. Range while scan (RWS) is a radar technique primarily used for scanning a specific range or sector to detect targets in scenarios with lower target density.
  3. TWS maintains continuous tracking of a known target while searching for other targets, while RWS focuses on scanning a specific area for potential targets but does not provide continuous tracking.

What is TWS?

Track-while-search (TWS) is a feature in mobile mapping applications that allows users to see their current location on a map in real-time, even as they search for a destination or navigate to a location. With TWS, the user’s location is constantly updated as they move, and the map automatically adjusts to show their new position.

This feature is particularly useful when driving or walking in unfamiliar areas, as it can help users stay on course and avoid getting lost. TWS is also helpful for users trying to locate specific points of interest, such as restaurants, gas stations, or landmarks, as it allows them to see their current location concerning their destination.

In essence, TWS makes it easier for users to navigate and explore their surroundings by providing real-time location information that helps them stay oriented and on track.

What is RWS?

Range while scan (RWS) is commonly used in radar technology. It refers to the ability of a radar system to detect targets at a certain range while simultaneously scanning the radar beam in another direction to detect other targets.

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In RWS, the radar can track and detect targets at a particular distance while scanning the surrounding area for additional targets. This capability allows the radar to monitor a wide area while focusing on specific targets of interest.

RWS is used in military applications for detecting and tracking multiple targets, such as aircraft or ships, while minimizing the need for multiple radars or sensors. It is also used in civilian applications such as air traffic control, weather forecasting, and maritime surveillance.

Difference Between TWS and RWS

  1. TWS is primarily used to help users navigate and explore their surroundings by providing real-time location information, while RWS is used for detecting and tracking targets in radar systems.
  2. TWS uses location services and GPS technology to track a user’s position, while RWS uses radar technology to detect and track targets.
  3. TWS covers a relatively small area, such as a city or neighborhood, while RWS covers a much larger area, such as a region, country, or even the entire globe.
  4. TWS is not used for detecting targets, whereas RWS is specifically designed to detect and track targets.
  5. TWS is commonly used in mobile mapping applications for navigation, exploration, and location-based services. In contrast, RWS is used in military, aviation, meteorology, and maritime applications for target detection and tracking.

Comparison Between TWS and RWS

Parameters of ComparisonTWSRWS
PurposeNavigation and explorationTarget detection and tracking
TechnologyGPS and location servicesRadar Technology
Target DetectionNot used for detecting targetsSpecifically designed to detect and track targets
Area CoverageSmall, localized areaLarge, regional or global area
ApplicationsMobile mapping applications, location-based servicesMilitary, aviation, meteorology, maritime applications

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.