What is Audit Plan? | Definition, Preparation, Pros vs Cons

Conducting an audit is a highly tedious job. It comprises several steps, among which preparing an audit plan constitutes the first step. Simply put, it is a scheme comprising approaches and strategies adopted by an auditor while administering an audit.

To conduct an audit, the auditor must have the relevant evidence to complement his opinion. Collecting those pieces of evidence sets the stage for the administration of an audit. For that, the auditor must prepare a proper course of action outline. An audit plan serves as one of the tools to draft this working sketch.

Key Takeaways

  1. An audit plan is a detailed outline of the steps and procedures used to conduct an audit.
  2. The plan includes the objectives of the audit, the scope of the audit, and the criteria that will be used to evaluate the audit.
  3. The plan also identifies the resources needed to complete the audit and the timeline for each stage.
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How is an Audit Plan prepared?

An audit plan is not merely a compilation of strategies. It is much more than that.  Besides the guidelines and strategies, the audit plan comprises the nature, scope, date and time of an audit to be administered by the engagement team members to obtain relevant evidence. Furthermore, it includes an assessment of the risks involved in the audit.

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To prepare a proper audit plan, the following five components must be taken into consideration:

1. Do Thorough Research on the Audit Area.

To begin with the audit, the auditor must first know and understand the area; he is going to audit. That is to say, he has to get familiar with the processes and functions of the enterprise he intends to audit. Accordingly, he must do thorough research by scrolling the internet for information, reviewing internal procedures and consulting field experts.

2. Keeping the Communication Channels open throughout the Planning Process.

Any audit is considered a daunting process by the auditees. Therefore, the auditors must keep their communication channels open to mitigate any apprehensions concerning an audit. Getting familiar with the auditee before starting an audit is always preferable. It helps get the cooperation of the organisation’s personnel being audited. Consequently, evidence collection becomes a more straightforward task.

3. Conduct an in-person interview and inspection with the auditee for evidence collection.

When it comes to evidence collection, an in-person inspection is always desirable. Exploring the concerned organisation personally helps the auditor gather information related to the organisation’s objectives, rules, regulations, size, nature, complexity, etc.

4. Assessing the risks in an organisation’s structures, processes or functions.

Identification and assessment of risks is a critical component of an auditing process. For that, the auditor needs to discuss with the auditee the risks encountered by the organisation to meet its objectives and the mechanisms employed to mitigate them. Following this, the auditor can rate the perils as per their impact and frequency and evaluate the control systems based on their risk mitigation potentials.

5. Acquiring all the relevant data before venturing into fieldwork.

Data analysis is the primary focus of any audit in contemporary times. The reason is that an early assessment of collected data gives a prior knowledge of the organisation’s potential weaknesses and risks before the beginning of the fieldwork.

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Advantages of Audit Plan

The following are some of the significant advantages of an Audit Plan:

  1. It enables the auditor to understand the risk areas that must be specifically focused upon.
  2. The auditor can anticipate the possible problems he may face during the auditing process through an audit plan.
  3. It helps the auditor to chalk out his course of action for the aiding process. Consequently, a hassle-free and successful audit is conducted.
  4. It allows the auditees to get all their apprehensions regarding the audit mitigated.

Disadvantages of Audit Plan

Despite its various advantages, preparing an Audit Plan has its limitations. Some of the significant demerits of an audit plan include the following:

  1. It follows specific guidelines and patterns. Consequently, the creativity of the auditors is choked, and the entire process becomes too mechanical.
  2. Preparing an audit plan automates the entire auditing process, leaving little scope for the auditors to use their creativity and innovation. As a result, the auditors lack a sense of responsibility and duty.
  1. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/tjar/4/2014/4_4.2014.01/_article/-char/ja/
  2. https://meridian.allenpress.com/jeta/article-abstract/17/1/89/437690
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Chara Yadav
Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.


  1. I found the article to be too rigid in its view of the limitations of an audit plan. There are pros and cons to this process, though the content leans heavily towards the negative.

    • Your point about the negative overtone of the limitations is valid. However, the advantages presented are quite compelling.

  2. The content aptly emphasizes the significance of the audit plan. However, I find the description of limitations overly critical and somewhat dismissive.

    • A balanced view of the advantages and limitations would have provided a more rounded understanding of the audit planning process.

    • Indeed, the pros and cons could have been presented in a more equitable light to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

  3. I was aware of the general aspects of an audit plan, but this content goes above and beyond in explaining the intricate details. Excellent resource!

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive nature of the article is commendable. It is a valuable insight into the audit process.

  4. The article makes a compelling case for the importance of an audit plan. However, the criticisms surrounding its limitations could have been presented more constructively.

    • Certainly, a more balanced portrayal of the limitations would have provided a comprehensive view of the audit planning process.

    • Agreed. A more nuanced analysis of the drawbacks would have offered a more insightful understanding of the complexities related to audit planning.

  5. This article delves into the audit planning process with incredible depth. The advantages and disadvantages are articulated in a meaningful manner for the reader.

    • The article indeed provides enriching knowledge on the intricate aspects of an audit plan. An excellent source of information.

  6. Although the article provides valuable information, it seems to lack a certain level of creativity. The systematic approach, while useful, might hinder innovation.

    • The piece could have better highlighted the need for a blend of structure and innovative approaches to audit planning.

    • Indeed, a cautious balance is required for the successful execution of an audit. This article draws attention to a notable aspect.

  7. The article does an excellent job of detailing the critical components of preparing an audit plan. The depth of insight is commendable.

    • The comprehensive outline prompts a thorough understanding of the audit planning process. It serves as an insightful guide.

  8. An audit plan certainly seems to be a tedious undertaking, but this article offers valuable tips for a successful audit. The advantages and disadvantages presented are thought-provoking.

    • I agree, the detailed nature of the information will be immensely helpful for those involved in auditing processes.

  9. The detailed explanation of the audit plan components is truly valuable. A thorough understanding of these components is vital for a successful audit.

    • I concur. The step-wise explanation enhances the comprehension of the audit planning process and its significance.

  10. I deeply appreciate the comprehensive explanation of the audit process that this article provides. The complex nature of the task is well-explained.

    • This article provides excellent insight into the steps involved in the preparation of an audit plan. I found it greatly informative.

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