Zeta vs Nernst Potential: Difference and Comparison

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What is Zeta Potential?

Zeta potential is a measure of the electrical potential at the shear plane, or the interface between a solid surface and a surrounding liquid medium (water) in a colloidal system. Colloids are mixtures in which tiny particles are dispersed throughout a liquid, and they can include substances like nanoparticles, proteins, or suspended solids.

Zeta potential arises due to the charge distribution on the surface of the colloidal particles or the solid surfaces in the system. This electrical potential affects the stability and behavior of colloidal dispersions because it determines the forces of attraction or repulsion between particles.

What is Nernst Potential?

The Nernst potential, also known as the Nernst equilibrium potential or simply the Nernst potential, is a concept in electrochemistry and physiology that describes the electrical potential difference across a cell membrane or other semi-permeable barrier when a single ion species is at equilibrium. It is named after the German physicist and chemist Walther Nernst.

The Nernst potential is used to calculate the membrane potential that would occur if a specific ion were the only one allowed to move across the membrane, based on the concentration gradient of that ion.

Difference Between Zeta and Nernst Potential

  1. Zeta potential is primarily used in colloidal chemistry and refers to the electrical potential difference at the shear plane of colloidal particles in a liquid medium. Nernst potential is used in electrochemistry and physiology to describe the equilibrium potential of a specific ion across a cell membrane or semi-permeable barrier.
  2. Zeta Potential describes the electrical potential in colloidal systems, where particles or suspended solids disperse in a liquid medium. Nernst Potential pertains to the electrical potential across a cell membrane, such as in nerve cells or muscle cells.
  3. Zeta Potential doesn’t involve a specific ion and is related to the overall charge distribution on colloidal particles. Nernst Potential is ion-specific, describing the equilibrium potential for a particular ion (e.g., sodium, potassium) based on its concentration gradient and charge.
  4. Zeta Potential is measured using techniques like electrophoresis, laser Doppler velocimetry, or streaming potential. Nernst Potential is calculated using the Nernst equation, which takes into account ion concentrations and charges.
  5. Zeta Potential is used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and materials science to assess and control the stability of colloidal dispersions. Nernst Potential is critical in physiology to understand the resting membrane potential, action potentials, and ion movements in nerve and muscle cells.
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Comparison Between Zeta and Nernst Potential

Parameters of ComparisonZeta PotentialNernst Potential
Physical StreamColloidal dispersionsBiological cell membranes
Origin of PotentialCharge distribution on particles or surfacesThe concentration gradient of specific ions
UnitsMeasured in volts (V)Measured in volts (V)
Role in StabilityDetermines colloidal stabilityRelates to cellular excitability and ion transport
Importance in IndustryUsed in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and materials scienceEssential in physiology for nerve impulses and muscle contractions
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931009002944
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021979707009629
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.