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Goats and lambs belong to the Bovidae family and come under the Caprinae subfamily. These two animals are related to each other and also share distinct features.

Key Takeaways

  1. Goats and lambs are distinct species of animals: goats belong to the species “Capra Aegagrus Hircus,” while lambs are young sheep from the species Ovis aries.
  2. Goats are more independent and agile, able to climb and navigate steep terrain, whereas lambs, like sheep, are more likely to stay in groups and graze on flat or gently sloping grasslands.
  3. Both animals are sources of meat, milk, and fiber, but goat meat is called chevon or mutton, while lamb meat is called lamb.

Goat vs. Lamb

The difference between a goat and a lamb is that goat is a much wiser creature and distinctly has horns. At the same time, the lamb is a younger member of the Ovis aries species and needs the care and nurturing of the flock.

Goat vs Lamb

Goats are part of the subspecies of C. aegagrus and belong to the Bovidae family. Humans have been domesticating goats for a long time and using them for various purposes, such as food and clothing.

Lambs are just sheep that are less than one year old. Lambs belong to the Ovis aries species, and they are used for obtaining food resources as their meat is quite tender.


Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonGoatLamb
SpeciesThey belong to the Capra hircus species and the Bovinae family.They belong to the Ovis aries species and come under the Bovinae family.
AppearanceGoats are seen to have horns and tails that point up. They don’t have hair that must be tended.Lambs are younger and do not have any prominent horns. They have cropped tails and fleece that must be shaved periodically.
Eating habitGoats feed off the top part of plants, and many subspecies feed on the plants at higher places.Lambs are smaller in size and are forced to feed on plant life that is closer to the ground.
Fat content (milk and meat)Goats milk and meat is lower in fat content and better a choice in terms of being healthier.Lambs provide milk and meat rich in fat content and contribute significantly to higher cholesterol.
MaturityGoats are much more intelligent creatures and can fend off themselves.Lambs are just sheep under the age of 1 year and depend on their flock for survival.
Life spanThe average lifespan of a goat is between 15 to 20 years.The average lifespan of a lamb as it grows into a sheep is 10 to 12 years.


What is Goat?

Goats have been domesticated by humankind for as long as there has been a need for food and clothing. These creatures belong to the Bovinae family, the Caprinae subfamily, and, more specifically, are part of the Capra hircus species.

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Some subspecies are considered to be intelligent and able to fend off many predators with distinct features and appearance that set them apart from many other animals, such as:

  1. Goats have thick and rough fur, colors ranging from brown, white, and red. This fur does not need tending to or needing to be removed without cause.
  2. They have beards and prominent horns.
  3. The weight of a goat ranges from 20kgs to 130kgs depending on the breed. The goats with more mass can fight off predators with the help of their muscular build, such as the mountain goat.

In terms of habitat, most goats (domestic) can be found in terrestrial biomes, where there is plentiful grass to eat and shelter. Other goats, such as mountain goats, reside in places such as rocky mountains, and with the help of their cloven hooves, they can climb mountainsides and escape any predator with ease if needed.

Goats also provide meat and milk that have a lower fat content than other cattle animals. Their life expectancy is about 15 to 20 years, and as they age, they are slaughtered and used for meat.


What is Lamb?

Lambs are just young sheep that are under the age of one year. They belong to the Bovinae family and are part of the Ovis aries species.

Lambs are younger members of the bovine; hence, they need to be cared for by the flock and cannot wander about independently. Lambs are not able to fight off predators or fend off for themselves.

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As they are younger, they have distinguishing physical features such as –

  1. They have a thick covering of fur called “fleece.” Most lambs, as they grow up, can help produce wool.
  2. Lambs do not have any prominent distinguishing horns like the older bovine members.
  3. They are smaller in size and regularly feed off the plant life that is closer to the ground.

Regarding food, lambs provide tender and soft meat, making them a delicacy in many regions. The meat they provide, as well as the milk, are, however, very rich in fat and cholesterol content.

The average life expectancy of a lamb, if not utilized for meat, is about 10 to 12 years.


Main Differences Between Goat and Lamb

  1. Goats are wiser animals who can fend off predators and live independently, while lambs are younger and need the care of their flock to survive.
  2. Goats belong to the Capra hircus species, while lambs belong to the Ovis aries species.
  3. Goats have an average life expectancy of about 15 to 20 years, while the life expectancy of a lamb is 10 to 12 years.
  4. Goats have thick fur that does not need to be removed, but the lamb coat is removed periodically, such as once a year.
  5. Goats eat the top of the plants or in higher places, whereas lambs eat plants closer to the ground due to their smaller size.
Difference Between Goat and Lamb

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.