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While preparing certain food items, gelatin and pectin are two common ingredients. However, gelatin is quite more popular than pectin. Gelatin is produced from animal-related products, while pectin, on the other side, is vegetarian-based.

Both of these ingredients are used in food manufacturing as they have various health benefits.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gelatin is derived from animal collagen, while pectin comes from plant sources like fruits and vegetables.
  2. Pectin is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, whereas gelatin is not.
  3. Gelatin forms a more elastic, translucent gel, while pectin produces a firmer, cloudier gel.

Gelatin vs Pectin

Gelatin is a protein substance derived from collagen, a fibrous protein found in animals’ skin, bones, and connective tissues such as cows, pigs, and fish. Pectin is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants and used as a thickener in many other food products.

Gelatin vs Pectin

Gelatin is a rich source of protein made from collagen, which is mainly present in animals. This substance is used as an ingredient in food manufacturing and in pharmaceuticals as well.

Jello is a famous dessert that is made from gelatin. It acts as a stabilizer and is hence widely used in ice cream, yoghurt, frozen desserts, and pudding.

Pectin is a vegan ingredient in the cell wall or cell membrane of fruits; hence, this substance is widely used in jellies. It is present in liquid and powder form.

Pectin is a great source of carbohydrates and soluble fibre, providing various benefits.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGelatinPectin
DefinitionGelatin is a colorless and tasteless substance that is rich in protein and made from the collagen which is present in the animal’s bodyPectin is a vegan substance that is present in the cell membrane of the plant and a rich source of carbohydrates and soluble fiber
NatureIt is a non-vegetarian substance made from the bones and skin of the animalIt is a vegetarian substance that is extracted from the fruits and vegetables
Health BenefitIt helps in improving sleep quality, controlling sugar level, improving skin, and is also beneficial for digestive functionsIt helps in constipation, diarrhea, cholesterol, and also support weight loss
UsesGelatin is used in the manufacturing of food products including desserts, candies, etc. and is also used effectively in the pharmaceuticals industry in making ointments and cosmeticsPectin is used effectively in the pharma industry to produce medicines for reducing high cholesterol, preventing cancer, and diabetes
FormationIt is made from the tissues of the animals and derives as a combine mixture of protein and peptidesIt is extracted from the cell membrane and a structural heteropolysaccharide

What is Gelatin?

Gelatin is a colorless and tasteless protein substance that is made from collagen. Collagen is present in the animal’s body and can be extracted from its bones, hides, and skin.

Gelatin is produced when animal bones and skin parts are immersed in a solution containing alkaline and acids for five days, and this process proceeds to extract the minerals and bacteria.

After the extraction procedure, the bones and skin are boiled, which produces gelatin and turns water gelatinous. When gelatinous water is received, now evaporation takes place, and gelatin remains behind in a powdered form.

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Gelatin is widely used in the food manufacturing and pharmaceutical industry as it is a good source of protein and amino acids.

It is used as a stabilizer in ice cream, frozen desserts, pudding, and yoghurt. In the pharma industry, this ingredient is used in the manufacturing of ointments and capsules. Gelatin is beneficial for improving sleep quality, skin health, and cognitive abilities and has other health benefits as well.

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What is Pectin?

Pectin is a carbohydrate-rich substance present in the cell membrane of plants. It sticks to the cell wall of the fruits, and once the fruit gets softened, it collapses into water-soluble sugar.

The pectin level varies from one fruit or vegetable to another. Pectin also contains soluble fibre that has various health benefits. This enormous ingredient is beneficial for constipation, diabetes, diarrhoea, heartburn, and in other medical conditions.

It is widely used in jellies, jams, and in some yoghurts too.


Main Differences Between Gelatin and Pectin

  1. Gelatin and pectin are two important ingredients used in food manufacturing and other industrial products. Gelatin is a colorless and tasteless substance rich in protein and made from the collagen present in the animal’s body.
  2. On the contrary, Pectin is a vegan substance present in the plant’s cell membrane and a rich source of carbohydrates and soluble fibre.
  3. Gelatin is a non-vegetarian substance made from the bones and skin of an animal. In contrast, pectin, on the other side, is a vegetarian substance that is extracted from the cell walls of fruits and vegetables.
  4. Both of these substances and associated with some health benefits. Gelatin helps improve sleep quality, control sugar levels, and improve skin and is also beneficial for digestive functions.
  5. On the contrary, pectin helps in constipation, diarrhoea, and cholesterol and also supports weight loss.
  6. Gelatin is used in manufacturing food products, including desserts, candies, etc., and is used effectively in the pharmaceutical industry to make ointments and cosmetics. In contrast, pectin is effectively used in manufacturing medicines.
  7. Gelatin is made from the tissues of animals and derives as a combined mixture of protein and peptides. While pectin, on the other side, is extracted from the cell membrane and is a structural heteropolysaccharide.
Difference Between Gelatin and Pectin

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.