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VCDs and SVCD are implemented to accumulate videos, photos, and data by MPEG-2 compression format where it is a kind of compression that is utilized for depositing photo and video data.

Both VCD and SVCD may seem exceptionally similar, but they are tremendously different in format.

Key Takeaways

  1. VCD stands for Video Compact Disc, while SVCD stands for Super Video Compact Disc.
  2. VCD uses MPEG-1 compression, while SVCD uses more advanced MPEG-2 compression.
  3. SVCD offers higher video resolution and better picture quality than VCD.


The difference between VCD and SVCD is that a VCD can pile up the data in MPEG and are widely available in the market at a slightly high price, whereas an SVCD can pile up the data in MPEG2-DVD format that are mostly available in the market at a high-price.


VCD can be utilized to be played with a VCD player, where the VCD is a file format most habitually utilized to distribute films on compact discs.

Moreover, the VCDs are playable in committed VCD players, DVD, and Blu-ray Disc players, personal computers, laptops, and video game consoles.

SVCD makes use of 8mm video and audio to make a video that is playable in any standard VCR with a single-play or continuous play mode.

Moreover, they can contain up to three hours of content with an aspect ratio of 1.33:1, which is cropped from the original aspect ratio.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVCDSVCD
Abridgment DepositoryThe MPEG2 compressed video from VCDs is deposited in MPEG-2 file format.The MPEG2 compressed video from SVCDs is deposited in menu video files.
CacheIt utilizes less cache.It utilizes a slightly high cache.
PotentialA VCD with a 1280×768 resolution can hold up to 1.5GB.An SVCD with an 800×600 resolution can only hold about 300MB.
EnactmentComputer, and DVD players.DVD players, and car audio systems.
CostIt is low-priced.It is high-priced.

What is VCD?

VCDs are a sort of vision of disc that is manufactured using the MPEG-2 format. The discs are used for depositing video.

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However, they can also be utilized to pile up computer data, such as a backup copy of documents or digital images.

VCD can deposit up to 2.7 GB, so they’re not suited for high-definition video or anything larger than 128×128 pixels in size.

The user can effortlessly extract the VCD files to the hard drive and play them back without being online.

Moreover, the software that the user needs to playback online or extract the files is free, where a VCD can have a data capacity of up to 1480 MB or more and was designed to be an extension of the CD-ROM format.

VCDs can be played back on a VCD player, where a VCD player is a standalone unit that is inserted directly up to the TV or can be attached to the computer.

If the user has an external CD-ROM drive that is capable of reading and writing CDs and DVDs, then this will also be able to read and write VCDs.

Moreover, this allows the user to access the VCDs from any computer with an Internet connection.

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What is SVCD?

SVCDs are influential for navigation devices such as Global Positioning System systems in computer CD and DVD drives. SVCDs are also utilized for more sophisticated navigation systems

such as integrated voice navigation and car audio units to store instructions on the CD-ROM drive or DVD player regarding how to operate these devices without having to refer to a map or guidebook.

Moreover, they are also used in some country’s postal services and by many airlines.

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SVCD is a similar sort of disc with width as a CD but taller and thicker than a CD. SVCDs accumulate up to 74 minutes of video on each side, which is equivalent to 480 minutes or 7.5 hours on one disc.

SVCD is an analog disc and contains audio and video along with PCM digital audio.

Moreover, the information can be quickly converted from the analog signal to PCM digital and then put on a CD-R for duplication or storage.

SVCD disc layers are physically identical and habitual, but they have a different file format which is possible because the color encoding and modulation schemes are used in the transport of SVCD files,

moreover, the data capacity of a single-layer disc in millimeters that furnish worthy high-quality video.


Main Differences Between VCD and SVCD

  1. The abridgment depository from VCDs is accumulated in MPEG-2 file format, whereas the abridgment depository from SVCDs is deposited in menu video files.
  2. VCD makes use of less cache, whereas SVCD makes use of a slightly high cache.
  3. A VCD has a high-powered potential that can hold up to 1.5GB with a 1280×768 resolution, whereas an SVCD has the potential that can hold only hold about 300MB with an 800×600 resolution.
  4. The enactment of VCD is computer and DVD players, whereas the enactment of SVCD is DVD players and car audio systems.
  5. The VCD is low-budgeted, whereas the SVCD is high-budgeted.
Difference Between X and Y 2023 07 04T172942.880


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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.