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Studio and house poles for dancing come in varying sizes and diameters. The main objective behind variations in sizes is to cater to the requirements of every dancer.

Buying a dance pole can be an expensive investment. Therefore, it is advisable to investigate the pros and cons of each dance pole.

40mm and 45mm are two variations offered in pole sizes that vary considerably. 

Key Takeaways

  1. 40mm poles are thinner, making them more suitable for beginners and individuals with smaller hands.
  2. 45mm poles offer a larger diameter, providing a more challenging grip and a better workout for advanced users.
  3. Both sizes have advantages, but users should consider their skill level and hand size when choosing a pole.

40mm vs 45mm Pole 

A 45mm pole will be thicker and sturdier than a 40mm pole and may be better suited for heavier curtains or wider windows. For dance, a 45mm pole will be thicker and provide more grip for advanced or experienced dancers, while a 40mm pole may be easier for beginners or those with smaller hands.

40mm vs 45mm Pole

A 40mm pole was first launched in Australia. A merit of the 40mm pole is that it is good for leg hangs.

Over the years, the 40mm pole has become increasingly popular among the Asian dancers. While individual dancers may find it a little difficult to get accustomed to the 40mm pole, the muscles eventually adapt to the smaller pole size. 

A 45mm pole has become the most popularly chosen dance pole all across the world. A 45mm pole is classified as a happy median between the larger and smaller pole sizes.

However, a 45mm pole is an uncomfortable choice for dancers with small hands because they may find it harder to grip. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison40mm Pole 45mm Pole 
Reason for choice A 40mm pole is chosen for its stronger grasp. A 45mm pole is preferred for thigh holds and sits as compared to the 40mm pole. 
Materials UsedThe 40mm pole is offered in chrome and brass.The 45mm pole is offered in stainless steel, titanium gold, powder coated, brass, and chrome. 
Ideal for A 40mm dance pole offers a better grasp for individuals with small hands. A 45mm pole is ideal for dancers with medium and large hands. 
Popularity The 40mm pole is less popular than the 45mm pole. The 45mm pole is more popular and widely chosen than the 40mm pole. 
Demerit A disadvantage of the 40mm pole is that it may be hard for individuals to transition from this pole to a pole of the larger size.A demerit of the 45mm pole is that it is not an ideal choice for households with very high ceilings. 

What is a 40mm Pole?

A 40mm pole was first launched in Australia. The most useful feature of a 40mm pole is that it is ideal for girls and boys with small hands.

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Furthermore, it is ideal for individuals of any sex with an overall stature because of the convenience to hold onto the pole or wrap around it. Over the years, the 40mm pole has become increasingly popular among the Asian dancers. 

Another fundamental merit of a 40mm pole is that it is good for leg hangs. Individual pole dancers who wish to perform knee pits based moves as well as moves where you have to wrap around the pole should opt for the 40mm pole.

Although thigh holds may be a little difficult to adapt to the 40mm pole, extra squeezing can assist to achieve the desired moves. 

A 40mm pole offers a significantly better grip than other larger sizes. While individual dancers may find it a little difficult to get accustomed to the 40mm pole, the muscles eventually adapt to the smaller pole size.

X pole sells the 40mm pole in brass and chrome. 

However, there are some drawbacks to the 40mm pole size that shouldn’t be ignored. Firstly, pole dancers with large hands may find the 40mm diameter hard to grasp.

Secondly, once an individual adapts to the 40mm pole size, it may be difficult for him to transition to the normal 45mm pole. Lastly, it may be less secure and stable for ceilings that are extremely high. 

What is a 45mm Pole?

A 45mm pole has become the most popularly chosen dance pole all across the world. A 45mm pole has become an industrial standard for buying poles for both household dances and competitive purposes.

In addition, the 45mm pole is overtaking the 50mm pole as the standard pole size. A 45mm pole has its own sets of merits and demerits.

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The most immediate advantage of a 45mm pole is that it requires less squeezing for sits and thighs as compared to the 40mm pole.

A 45mm pole is classified as a happy median between the larger and smaller pole sizes. Furthermore, the 45mm pole supports the elbow and thigh tricks better than the smaller sizes. 

A 45mm pole may not be an ideal choice for plus sized women or men or in a house with a very high ceiling.

In case you wish to avail a pole in any of these two scenarios, you may choose a thicker material or reinforce the pole respectively. The websites offering the 45mm pole are Platinum Stages, X Pole, and Pole Danzer. 

A 45mm pole is offered in stainless steel, titanium gold, powder coated, brass, and chrome. A 45mm pole is an uncomfortable choice for dancers with small hands because they may find it harder to grip.

Consequently, such individuals may have to depend more on their muscle movement for various performances. 

Main Differences Between 40mm and 45mm Pole 

  1. While the 40mm pole is offered in chrome and brass, the 45mm pole is offered in stainless steel, titanium gold, powder coated, brass, and chrome. 
  2. The 45mm pole is more popular and widely chosen than the 40mm pole. 
  3. A 45mm pole is preferred for thigh holds and sits as compared to the 40mm pole. 
  4. A 40mm dance pole offers a better grasp for individuals with small hands than a 45mm dance pole. 
  5. A disadvantage of the 40mm pole is that it may be hard for individuals to transition from this pole to a pole of a larger size. In contrast, a demerit of the 45mm pole is that it is not an ideal choice for households with very high ceilings. 
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.