Earth Day vs Earth Hour: Difference and Comparison

The World Wildlife Fund has started plenty of programs to promote and make people aware of the adverse effects of global warming on climate change and the environment.

People around the world get confused between Earth Day and Earth Hour. Both these events take place on different days.

Key Takeaways

  1. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide on April 22 to promote environmental awareness and protection. Earth Hour is an annual global lights-off event held on the last Saturday of March to raise awareness about climate change.
  2. Earth Day focuses on environmental education, activism, and community projects, while Earth Hour encourages individuals to turn off non-essential lights for one hour.
  3. Earth Day has a broader scope, addressing various environmental issues, while Earth Hour primarily targets energy conservation and climate change awareness.

Earth Day vs Earth Hour

Earth day is celebrated on April 22 by staging events and discussing environmental issues. It marks the start of the modern environmental movement. Earth hour is an awareness campaign for environmental issues that aims to create responsibility for a sustainable future by turning the lights off for an hour.

Earth Day vs Earth Hour

Earth Day is a day set aside to promote environmental appreciation and understanding of the concerns that endanger it. Technically, based on when people mark Earth Day, that’s one of 2 days.

Many people observe Earth Day during the vernal equinox, which happens on or about March 21st.

Earth Hour is very much an annual event organized by the World Wildlife Fund to encourage protection and management energies that began in 2007.

Civilians are asked to turn off their lamps for one hour during this period to help lessen the consequences of global warming as well as promote awareness of environmental issues and wildlife protection.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonEarth DayEarth Hour
MeaningEarth Day is a whole day that is dedicated towards the promotion and well-being of environmental issues and concerns. Most of the people celebrate this day around 22nd April.Earth Hour is an initiative by WWF to promote the substantial management of the limited forms of energy and reduce the factors affecting climate change.
Celebrated asIn general, it is celebrated on one of the two days marked by people for the same or during the period of vernal equinox.Earth Hour is celebrated between 8:30 to 9:30 any day near the end of March month.
Celebrated forEarth Day is celebrated to encourage people to protect and nurture the wildlife and its vegetation.During Earth Hour, people switch off their lamps and lighting in their house to encourage the management of non-renewable sources of energy.
First Celebrated onAs per the official sources, the Earth Day was first observed in 1970.Whereas, Earth Hour was first celebrated in the year 2007.
Observed inEarth Day was first observed in United States after UNESCO had a meeting in 1969 to commemorate a whole day to celebrate this event.Earth Hour was first observed in the Sydney state of Australia during the year 2007.
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What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is a celebration held every year on April 22 to show a framework for sustainable preservation. It began on April 22, 1970, and has since grown to include a diverse variety of experiences organized worldwide by (previously Earth Day Network), involving over a billion individuals in over 193 nations.

Peace campaigner John McConnell recommended a whole day to commemorate the Planet Earth and the notion of harmony at a UNESCO Conference held in 1969, and it was being commemorated on March 21, 1970, the very first daytime of springtime in the northern latitudes.

The whole day of natural equilibrium was later defined by the United Nations in what seems like a statement drafted by McConnell as well as approved by Secretary-General U Thant.

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Several localities participated in Earth Day Week festivities, a whole week of activities centered on the globe’s ecological problems.

Approximately 100 million individuals all over the world celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2020, in what has been dubbed the world’s foremost online public movement.

earth day

What is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is a global project sponsored by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (WWF). Like a show of support for the ecology, citizens, communities, and institutions are invited to turn off non-essential lighting fixtures for an hour, around 8:30 as well as 9:30 p.m. on a specific day at the end of March.

It all started with a light-off festivity in Sydney, Australia, during 2007. It is shifted a week earlier than normal in times whenever Holy Saturday comes during the last Saturday in the month of March.

Underneath the tag line “The Big Flick,” the idea for a sizable power failure was devised and explored about 2006.

By 2008, Earth Hour had turned into a worldwide pillar of sustainability, with over 50 million individuals from 35 nations and territories.

March 28, 2009, from 8:30 p.m. till 9:30 p.m., the initiative of Earth Hour 2009 occurred. According to the WWF, Earth Hour 2009 was attended by 88 countries, including 4,159 cities, which is 10 times the number of city areas that engaged in Earth Hour 2008.

earth hour

Main Differences Between Earth Hour and Earth Day

  1. Earth Day is a complete day dedicated to promoting environmental issues and problems and ensuring their well-being. The majority of people commemorate this day on April 22nd. Whereas Earth Hour is a WWF campaign to encourage effective management of finite energy resources and reduce climate change-causing variables.
  2. In essence, Earth Day is observed under one of the two days set aside by individuals for the occasion, either during the vernal equinox timeframe. Earth Hour starts at 8:30 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m. on any day, especially towards the end of March.
  3. Earth Day is observed to inspire people to maintain and preserve the environment’s wildlife and greenery. People turn off their lights and illumination in their homes for Earth Hour to urge the control of non-renewable power sources.
  4. Earth Day had first been marked in 1970, according to authoritative reports. Earth Hour, on the other hand, was first observed in 2007.
  5. After UNESCO held a meeting in 1969 to dedicate an entire day to remember this occasion, Earth Day had first been recognized in the United States. On the other hand, Earth Hour was first celebrated in the Australian state of Sydney in 2007.
Difference Between Earth Day and Earth Hour
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.