Tenderloin vs Filet Mignon: Difference and Comparison

As there is a lot of confusion between tenderloin and filet mignon, what is their difference? Many people think that tenderloin and filet mignon are the same; the only difference is that they have different names.

Well, let me tell you, they both look like they are similar, but they are very different.

Key Takeaways

  1. Tenderloin is a cut of beef from the loin region of the animal, known for its tenderness and delicate texture, used for dishes like beef Wellington or sliced into steaks.
  2. Filet mignon is a specific cut of tenderloin taken from the smaller, more tapered end, resulting in small, round steaks that are particularly tender and sought after for their delicate texture and flavor.
  3. Both tenderloin and filet mignon are prized beef cuts, but tenderloin refers to a larger portion of the loin, while filet mignon is a specific, smaller cut within the tenderloin.

Tenderloin vs Filet Mignon

The difference between tenderloin and filet mignon is that tenderloin is the long portion of the beef that runs along the animal’s spine’s sides. On the other hand, filet mignon is a little more tender than the rest; its tenderness is almost indistinguishable.

Tenderloin vs Filet mignon

Tenderloin is the long, narrow, lean muscle found in the lion, the most tender beef cut. It is the source of tenderloin steak; its elements are t-bone and porterhouse steaks.

It is considered the most widely tender cut of beef and one of the most expensive.

A filet mignon is a beefsteak taken from the smaller end of the tenderloin and psoas major of the cow carcass, a steer or heifer. The word filet means thick boneless slice, and mignon means dainty.

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Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonTenderloinFilet Mignon
Part of meatTenderloin is a lean cut of meat with no bone.Filet mignon is the meat’s lean cut with no bone, but it does not have a great flavor.
Type of cutTenderloin is the whole muscle cut of the meat.Filet mignon is also the meat’s muscle cut, but it is the portion that tapers down the tenderloin’s end.
Cooking and servingYou can cook it as one piece after that; it can be cut into pieces or medallions and then cooked individually.It is wrapped in bacon to get the flavor and add fat to the edge of the meat.
ChoiceA group of people can enjoy the whole piece of tenderloin.A single person can enjoy a piece of the filet mignon.
ExpensiveIt is costly but less costly than the filet mignon.It is considered one of the most expensive cuts.
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What is Tenderloin?

The tenderloin is the muscle you can find between the sirloin and the top lion. It is considered the most tender portion of meat as it does not have to do much work in the form of exercise or weight-bearing for the animal.

You can easily sell it as the whole filet or rounds or cut across the tenderloin’s grain in medallions, which weigh up to 4-6lbs. You can sell it as trimmed or untrimmed.

These untrimmed tenderloins have fat content and silver skin from the cow‘s sides to be removed before it gets cooked. Tornadoes are in the middle of the large medallions cooked individually.

The tenderloin’s top end is chateaubriand, a meal for two people to share. It is a good steak for barbecue as it gives less fat and causes fewer flare-ups on the fire; it reduces the chance of the fire.

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It is one of the most expensive dishes on the menu, frequently ordered at a high-end restaurants. Tenderloin can go well with different types of sauces and dressings.


What is Filet Mignon?

The filet mignon is the cut of the tenderloin. It gets very much confused with the whole tenderloin, as when we cut tenderloin into medallions; it is considered filet mignon.

The word filet mignon is correctly used as the conical end part of the tenderloin. You can evenly slice the filet mignon into thick steaks resembling medallions.

It is tender but not considered to have a great deal of flavor. Filet mignon goes very well with different sauces and dressings, and it is considered one of the most expensive cuts of meat.

It should be marbled with strands of fats that add tenderness. The word mignon is the French word that part of tenderloin in French is called Filet de Boeuf.

The name filet mignon is used in french to describe pork tenderloin. This dish is very quick and easy to cook for a chef; although the chef does not favor the dish, it is one of the popular meats and is very expensive.

This meat is considered a healthy choice for people as it is lean meat. This meat cut lacks flavor but is referred to as the King of steak.

filet mignon

Main Differences Between Tenderloin and Filet Mignon

  1. Both tenderloin and filet mignon get confused as both are cut from the same side of the beef’s muscle.
  2. Tenderloin is a whole piece of meat. On the other hand, filet mignon is the tapered end of the tenderloin.
  3. Both tenderloin and filet mignon is the lean cut of meat with no bone.
  4. There is no preference for tenderloin, and filet mignon is part of the tenderloin. The group can enjoy the whole tenderloin, whereas the individual can enjoy the peace of filet mignon.
  5. Tenderloin can be cooked as a whole part; after it is cooked, it can be cut into pieces or medallions; after that, it can be cut. On the other hand, filet mignon is wrapped in bacon to get more flavor and add some fat to the meat’s edge.
Difference Between Tenderloin and Filet Mignon
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.