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What is Pericarditis?

Pericarditis is a medical situation. It is the inflammation of the pericardium. It is a part that surrounds the heart. When the pericardium comes to be inflamed, it can induce chest pain. This sharp pain can worsen when the patient lies down, breathes heavily, or coughs.

Patients might also notice irregular heartbeat, breathing complications, fever, and fatigue. The reasons for pericarditis include viral or bacterial infections, cancer, chest injury, and more.

Medications that reduce inflammation and pain can treat this condition. Removing excess fluid from the pericardial sac is helpful in a few cases.

What is STEMI?

ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, or, in short, STEMI, is a classification of a heart attack. Its occurrence is seen when a coronary artery is completely blocked. It happens when heart muscle cells die because of a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

Through ECG, a professional can see the effective areas of a STEMI patient. This heart attack is a matter of emergency, and immediate treatment is needed. Through treatment, the professionals restore the blood flow of the affected areas to stop additional damage.

A patient of STEMI can come across several signs and symptoms, including pain and discomfort in the chest and pain in the jaw, neck, arm, or back. Medication like aspirin and anticoagulants, along with others, can control the situation. However, in some cases, patients may need coronary artery bypass surgery.

Difference Between Pericarditis and STEMI

  1. Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium, the membrane surrounding the heart, while STEMI is a type of heart attack caused by the complete blockage of a coronary artery.
  2. Diagnosis of pericarditis involves ECG and echocardiogram tests, and ECG and cardiac enzyme blood tests diagnose STEMI.
  3. Pericarditis risk factors include autoimmune disorders, viral infections, cancer, or kidney failure. On the other hand, in the concern of STEMI, risk factors are high cholesterol and blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and a family history of heart disease.
  4. A person suffering from pericarditis will experience sharp chest pain that aggravates while lying down. Along with this, fatigue, fever, and weakness are also common signs. At the same time, a person suffering from STEMI will encounter signs such as severe chest pain that spreads to the neck, jaw, arm, and back. Sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting are common in this condition.
  5. Pericarditis can be resolved within a few weeks; however, chances of recurrence remain. But the prognosis of STEMI depends on the severity of the heart damage.
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Comparison Between Pericarditis and STEMI

Parameter of ComparisonPericarditisSTEMI
DefinitionA type of heart attack occurs when a complete coronary artery blockage occurs.It is a type of heart attack that occurs when a complete coronary artery blockage occurs.
SymptomsHere, sharp chest pain, fever, weakness, and fatigue are experienced.In this, severe chest pain, back, jaw, or neck pain, vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath, and sweating are witnessed.
PreventionOne can prevent it by treating underlying infections and avoiding triggers such as strenuous exercise during acute episodes.One can prevent it by controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, and healthy weight, quitting smoking, and exercising regularly.
TreatmentAnti-inflammatory medication can treat the situation.Immediate reperfusion therapy and specific medications can treat the condition.
Mortality rateThe mortality rate is low in this.Its mortality rate is higher than pericarditis.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.