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 Every day there is something new that comes up. Each invention is good until a certain period; people make full use of it and later get bored of it, or it is no more in use as its old.

This is the reason each industry, be it technology, fashion, education, or entertainment, gets new updates and upgrades to match the trend and needs of the users.

Every technology needs upgrades and updates to be up to date without any issues matching the market trend. Mobile phones get new system updates.

There are upgrades in their models. There is an upgrade in the machines used in the factories, etc. But these two terms are related to computer software and hardware.

Key Takeaways

  1. An update is a minor improvement or a bug fix, while an upgrade is a major improvement or a change in the version of software or hardware.
  2. An update is released to fix errors, enhance security or add new features, while an upgrade improves the performance or functionality of a system.
  3. An update is free or comes at a minimal cost, while an upgrade may require additional investment.

Update vs Upgrade

The update refers to improvements made in the existing product by removing bugs and errors and adding new features. It is not a large-scale change. The upgrade is a term for renewing the business model by introducing major changes, such as improving hardware and software functionality.

Update vs Upgrade

An update has many meanings according to the context, such as providing someone with up-to-date information, modifying something that exists, an extra piece of information, or recently updated software.

From a technology ( computers, mobile phones, etc.) point of view, it is related to software and hardware. They are codes in the form of patches that are released to address problems or activate certain functionalities in the version.

An upgrade is said to be done when a product is replaced with a newer version. From a technology point of view, it is a replacement of hardware and software with a new or better version to improve its characteristics.

The upgrades are available on the internet for the users to download—for example – installation of additional RAM or larger hard disks, different versions of operating systems, etc.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonUpdateUpgrade
 Definition To make and keep something up to date. To raise something to a higher standard by adding or replacing a few components.
 Frequency of Occurrence Occurs frequently  Comparatively less
 What Does it Do Modifies the present software Replaces the older version with a new one
 Importance Revises your device, repairs security loopholes, removes computer bugs, etc. Access emerging technology with new features to support industry, etc.
 Charges Usually free of cost. Generally has charges
 Types A Security update, service packs, critical update, etc Rolling upgrade, non-rolling upgrade, cold install, etc.

What is an Update?

An update has various meanings based on what context it is used. Giving someone new (up-to-date) information, modifying something that exists, etc., can be a few examples of an update.

If we talk about technology (computers, mobile phones, etc.) updates, they are related to software. They carry codes in the form of patches released to solve certain issues or to add and activate specific functionalities.

Whenever there is an issue, updates are released to fix them.

The update helps us modify the present product for a better version. Updates occur regularly. It tries to solve all the issues that occur over time. Updates only modify the present installation version, and hence there is no charges/cost for it.

People tend to update when new ones are available to avoid and solve problems. They then get a better version that runs smoothly until a new update occurs.

You may see pop-ups on the screens to notify you about the new update availability. Updates are considered an important factor that helps you in multiple ways.

  • It revises your device and repairs security loopholes.
  • Removes computer bugs.
  • Remove outdated features and adds new ones.
  • It saves us from hackers by updating security flaws.
  • Covers the security holes with software patches
  • It helps in protecting our data.

There are various types of updates available – security updates, service updates, critical updates, update rollups, etc.


What is an Upgrade?

An upgrade raises something to a higher standard; it improves the condition by replacing the product with a new or superior one. It is like replacing your present mobile phone with a better version of the same model.

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Developing and adding new features take time, so upgrading doesn’t occur often; working on it might consume time.

Upgrades are available on the internet for users to download. You might have to pay for upgrading as they have commercial software. They no longer use the older version of the software; they develop new ones or patches, and they might involve costs.

There are a few free software also available in the market. When you run a significant upgrade, the code number of the release version may increase.

Due to the costs involved in upgrades and just getting a few more additional features, users may tend to avoid upgrades. People also get used to the older version and may not want to upgrade. 

Hardware upgrades like installation of additional memory, replacement graphic cards, and software upgrades like changing the version of an operating system of various programs or tools.

Upgrades are important and are made to access emerging technology with new features to support the industry and to meet the demands of the constantly changing market trends.

With all the benefits involved, there are risks too. When you upgrade software, there is a possibility that the new version might contain a bug leading to malfunction.

Few upgrades can be a problem for the data, as if the power fails in between the upgrade, there is a high chance of you losing data, so it is important to have a backup before upgrading. Rolling upgrades, non-rolling upgrades, and cold install are some upgrades.


Main Differences Between Update and Upgrade

  1. An update is to make and keep something up to date, whereas an upgrade is to raise something to a higher standard by adding or replacing a few components.
  2. Updates can occasionally occur, whereas upgrades do not occur often.
  3. Updates are free of cost, whereas upgrades can be chargeable.
  4. Updates modify the present software, whereas upgrades replace it with a better version.
  5. A security update, service packs, critical update, etc., are types of updates, whereas rolling upgrade, non-rolling upgrade, cold install, etc., are a few types of upgrades.
  6. The update revises your device, repairs security loopholes, removes computer bugs, removes outdated features and adds new ones, etc. In contrast, upgrade access to emerging technology with new features to support the industry, meet the demands of the market, etc.
Difference Between Update and Upgrade

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.