10w30 vs 0w30: Difference and Comparison

Being a car owner, one must know about a lot of things. From motor oil to tires, many factors help maintain the car better. Motor oil’s specifications and grades are noted to find the best possible motor oil for the specific car.

Moreover, motor oil’s viscosity helps in turning on the engine quickly, and depending on the season, the viscosity of the oil varies. 

Key Takeaways

  1. 10W30 oil exhibits a higher viscosity at lower temperatures, whereas 0W30 oil maintains a lower viscosity in colder conditions.
  2. 0W30 oil offers improved fuel efficiency and better cold-start performance than 10W30 oil.
  3. 10W30 and 0W30 engine oils provide engine protection, but 0W30 is more suitable for cold climates.

10w30 vs 0w30

The difference between 10w30 and 0w30 is that 10w30 has a high viscosity. On the other hand, 0w30 has a low viscosity. Moreover, 10w30 is not much suitable for winters, while 0w30 is used in winter due to very low viscosity. Lastly, 10w30 is mostly suitable with high-duty engines, while 0w30 is suitable with vehicle SUVs, Small Vans, and Trucks. 

10w30 vs 0w30

10w30 is a motor engine oil that has a high viscosity and has a viscosity index of 140. As compared to 0w30 motor engine oil, it has the thickest oil at a low temperature.

Indeed, it is not suitable for winter. Moreover, the temperature range is -0.4 to 86 F. Furthermore, it is compatible with high-duty engines. 

0w30 is a motor engine oil that has a low viscosity and has a viscosity index of 167. As compared to 10w30 motor engine oil, it is the thinnest oil at a low temperature.

Indeed, it is suitable for low temperatures. Moreover, the temperature range is -40 to 86F. Furthermore, it is compatible with vehicle SUVs, small vans, and trucks. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparison 10w300w30
Viscosity 10w30 has a high viscosity.0w30 has a very low viscosity. 
Viscosity Index10w30 motor engine oil has a viscosity index of 140.0w30 has a viscosity index of 167. 
Weather suitability 10w30 motor engine is not suitable for low temperatures. 0w30 oil is good for winters. 
Thickness10w30 has thick motor engine oil.0w30 has the thinnest motor engine oil. 
Compatibility10w30 motor engine oil is suitable for heavy-duty engines.0w30 is suitable for vehicle SUVs, small vans, and trucks. 
Temperature range 10w30 motor engine oil temperature range lies between -0.4 to 86 F.0w30 motor engine oil temperature lies between -40 to 86F.
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What is 10w30?

A higher viscosity number signifies the use of the motor engine oil in high temperatures than in winters. 10w30 is a multigrade oil used in several temperatures. It doesn’t only flow in winter but also helps in the lubrication of the engine. 

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Many motor engine oil has a similar SAE rating, such as 0w30, 5w30, and 10w30 motor engine.

Besides, these are compatible with today’s modern small engines that protect engine components, thereby having a longer span. With that, they are more economical than high-grade oil. 

Moreover, 10w30 has a very high viscosity and has a viscosity index of 140, making it suitable for temperate weather conditions. Indeed, it is not that effective in winter as the oil is thicker and the temperature range of the oil lies between -0.4 to 86F. 

Furthermore, 10w30 motor engine oil is compatible with heavy-duty engines and is preferably used in the summer and spring seasons. As for the fuel economy is kind of average. Meanwhile, the significant benefit of the 10w30, it offers good sealing. 


What is 0w30?

Another motor engine oil is 0w30, where 0 denotes viscosity at a low temperature while 30 denotes viscosity at a high temperature. 

A lower viscosity number is used in the motor engine oil in winters not in higher temperatures. 0w30 is a multigrade oil mostly used in winters due to the lower viscosity that allows free flow despite the low temperature.

It flows easily in winter as it is thinner but also helps in the lubrication of the engine.

In fact, it has a similar SAE rating at a higher temperature to 0w30, 5w30, and 10w30 motor engine oil. Besides, it is mostly used in harsh winters as the lower viscosity results in quick circulation of oil around the engine immediately after ignition. 

Moreover, 0w30 has a very low viscosity and has a viscosity index of 167, making it suitable for harsh winter weather conditions. Indeed, it is highly efficient in winter as the oil is thinnest and the temperature range of the oil lies between -40 to 86F. 

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Furthermore, 0w30 motor engine oil is compatible with vehicle SUVs, small vans, and trucks, and is preferably used in extremely cold conditions.

As for the fuel economy is considered to be the best among all other motor engine oil. Meanwhile, the significant benefit of the 0w30, it offers faster circulation at ignition and quickly reaches all parts of engines. 

Main Differences between 10w30 and 0w30

Motor engine oil is opted according to the temperature as well best fit for the specific vehicle. The viscosity of the motor engine is affected in the different temperatures which can cause problems for the vehicle.

Even, the vehicle’s engines don’t start soon due to the thickening of the motor engine oil in the low temperatures. 

  1. 10w30 has a high viscosity, while 0w30 has a very low viscosity. 
  2. 10w30 motor engine oil has a viscosity index of 140, while 0w30 has a viscosity index of 167. 
  3. 10w30 motor engine is not suitable for low temperatures. On the other hand, 0w30 oil is good for winters. 
  4. 10w30 has thick motor engine oil, while 0w30 has the thinnest motor engine oil. 
  5. 10w30 motor engine oil is suitable for heavy-duty engines, while 0w30 is suitable for vehicle SUVs, small vans, and trucks. 
  6. 10w30 motor engine oil temperature range lies between -0.4 to 86 F, while 0w30 motor engine oil temperature lies between -40 to 86F.
Difference Between 10w30 and 0w30


  1. https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/821196/
  2. https://www.jstor.org/stable/44472010
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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.

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