AANP vs ANCC: Difference and Comparison

The AANP and ANCC are two exams that are held for nurses in America. Both exams are organized to qualify the nurses for advanced courses.

Even though both exams are associated with the same thing but they differ from each other in many aspects. The exam differs in many aspects, such as question patterns, timings, specialities, etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. AANP and ANCC are both certification boards for nurse practitioners.
  2. AANP certification is recognized by state boards of nursing and Medicare/Medicaid programs.
  3. Hospitals and healthcare organizations recognize ANCC certification.


AANP is a professional organization that offers certification exams for nurse practitioners, which is widely recognized and accepted by employers, healthcare organizations, and state regulatory boards. ANCC offers certification for nurse practitioners recognized by employers, healthcare organizations, and state regulatory boards.


The full form of AANP is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. This is an exam where the nurses have to qualify for their further continuation of education.

The AANP exam was established in the year 2013. Its headquarters is situated in Austin, Texas, United States. The AANP exams are inexpensive compared to the ANCC exam.

Also, AANP only certifies with three specializations to the nurses. The AANP offers only three speciality courses to nurses.

On the other hand, the full form of ANCC is American Nurses Credentialing Center. This is also an exam where the nurses have to qualify for their further education. It is governed by the American Nurses Association (ANA).

The ANCC exam was established in the year 1991, therefore it is much older as compared to the AANP. Its headquarters is situated in Silver Spring, Maryland. The ANCC exam is expensive. It offers more specialities as compared to AANP.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAANPANCC
Full-FormThe full form of AANP is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.The full form of ANCC is American Nurses Credentialing Center.
Governing BodyThe AANP is governed by the board of directors who are elected by the members of the AANP itself.The ANCC is governed by American Nurses Association (ANA).
SpecialtiesThe AANP has fewer specialties.The ANCC has more specialties as compared to AANP.
Question PatternThe AANP exam is associated with 150 questions, to be completed within 3 hours.The ANCC exam is associated with 200 questions, to be completed in 3-4 hours.
SyllabusThe AANP syllabus includes assessment, diagnosis, clinical management, and professional role.The ANCC syllabus includes assessment, diagnosis, plan, and evaluation.
Exam ExpensesThe AANP exam is inexpensive as compared to the ANCC exam.The ANCC exam is expensive.
EstablishmentThe AANP exam is new, as it has been established in the year 2013.The ANCC exam is old as compared to the AANP exam, as it has been established in the year 1991.
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What is AANP?

The AANP is an exam that is organized for nurses to further qualify for education. The AANP is governed by the board of directors.

This board of directors is elected by the other members of AANP. It includes four officers and eleven other regional directors. Mr Jon Fanning is the current CEO of AANP.

The word AANP stands for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Nurse Practitioners (NP) are eligible for this exam as it is an advanced course for nurses.

The AANP has fewer specialities. It has specialities courses like Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (A-GNP), Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP), and Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-C).

The AANP exam is associated with 150 questions to be completed within 3 hours. The AANP exam pattern is also different from the ANCC exam.

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The AANP syllabus includes assessment, diagnosis, clinical management, and professional role. The ANNP syllabus differs from the syllabus of ANCC. The AANP exam is inexpensive compared to the ANCC exam.

The fee for the AANP exam is less. The AANP exam is new, as it was established in the year 2013. Therefore, it is a new exam for the advanced course for nurses.


What is ANCC?

The ANCC is also an exam that is organized for nurses to further qualify for education. But, it has a slight difference from AANP.

The word ANCC stands for American Credentialing Center. The ANCC is governed by American Nurses Association (ANA). In other words, the ANA looks after or guides ANCC.

Nurse Practitioners (NP) are eligible for this exam as it is an advanced course for nurses. The eligibility for both exams is the same. The ANCC has more specialities as compared to AANP.

It has specialities courses like Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP-BC), Adult-Gerontological Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP-BC), Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-BC), Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (PPCNP-BC) and, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHPNP).

The ANCC exam is associated with 200 questions to be completed within 3-4 hours. The ANCC exam pattern is also different from the AANP exam. The ANCC syllabus includes assessment, diagnosis, plan, and evaluation.

The ANCC exam is expensive. The fee for the ANCC exam is higher as compared to the fee for the AANP exam. The ANCC exam is old compared to the AANP exam, as it was established in the year 1991.


Main Differences Between AANP and ANCC

  1. The full form of AANP is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. On the other hand, the full-form ANCC is American Nurses Credentialing Center.
  2. The AANP is governed by the board of directors, who are elected by the members of the AANP itself. On the other hand, the ANCC is governed by American Nurses Association (ANA).
  3. The AANP has fewer specialities. On the other hand, the ANCC has more specialities as compared to AANP.
  4. The AANP exam is associated with 150 questions to be completed within 3 hours. On the other hand, the ANCC exam is associated with 200 questions to be completed within 3-4 hours.
  5. The AANP syllabus includes assessment, diagnosis, clinical management, and professional role. On the other hand, the ANCC syllabus includes assessment, diagnosis, plan, and evaluation.
  6. The AANP exam is inexpensive compared to the ANCC exam. On the other hand, the ANCC exam is expensive.
  7. The AANP exam is new, as it was established in the year 2013. On the other hand, the ANCC exam is old compared to the AANP exam, as it was established in the year 1991.
Difference Between X and Y 2023 05 17T222007.399
  1. https://journals.healio.com/doi/full/10.3928/00989134-20161215-01
  2. https://journals.lww.com/neponline/fulltext/2008/11000/family_nurse_practitioner_certification_intensive.16.aspx

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. The detailed breakdown of the AANP and ANCC exams, including their question patterns and syllabus, is very informative and useful for nurses considering them.

  2. The ANCC seems to offer a wider range of speciality courses and a longer history, which may make it more appealing to some nurses.

  3. The comparison of AANP and ANCC offers a comprehensive overview of both exams, helping nurses make informed decisions about their professional development.

  4. The AANP, although a newer exam, offers a more affordable option for nurses looking to advance their education and professional qualifications.

  5. It’s interesting to see the emphasis on the governance and structure of each exam’s organization, providing insight into their oversight and management.

  6. I appreciate the clear and detailed comparison table between AANP and ANCC, it makes it easier to understand their distinctions.

  7. This article provides a very thorough and insightful comparison between the AANP and ANCC exams, highlighting their differences and similarities.

  8. The historical context and establishment dates for AANP and ANCC offer valuable perspective on the evolution of these certification exams for nurse practitioners.

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