Air Purifier vs Air Ionizer: Difference and Comparison

The main Motto of an Air Purifier and an Air Ionizer is common which is to make the quality of air more suitable to breathe. But the methods by which the two devices work are completely different.

Air Ionizer is considered a type of air purifier.

The Air Purifier uses HEPA filters which trap the dust particles into it selfs. Whereas, the Air Ionizers increase the weight of the dust particles around it, and due to the increase in weight they fall off on the ground which needs to be collected later.

Key Takeaways

  1. Air purifiers use filters, such as HEPA filters, to trap particles and clean the air, while air ionizers release ions to remove contaminants.
  2. Air purifiers are more effective at removing larger particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander, while ionizers work better for smaller particles and some gases.
  3. Air purifiers require filter replacements, increasing maintenance costs, whereas air ionizers have fewer maintenance requirements.

Air Purifier vs Air Ionizer

The difference between The Air Purifier and Air Ionizer is that they both work on two separate phenomenons. The air purifier mainly works on the principle of suction of air using a motor fan and a filter is required which is of different types as per requirement.

But the most commonly used filters are HEPA filters, Activated Charcoal filters, and PM25 filters for household purposes. This filter absorbs in all the dust particles, pollens, soil, ash, dust mites, etc.

Air Purifier vs Air Ionizer

The Air Ionizer generates negative ions using a generator and induces the negative electric charge into the molecules. It produces these negative ions using very high voltage and producing a negative charge at the airflow unit.

The negative ions make the particles in the air heavy as a result the particles settle down and the air gets purified.

The ionizer has a drawback that the particles which settle down, again blow in the air so it needs to be cleaned from time to time which makes it a tedious process to use an ionizer. Whereas the filters used in air purifiers themselves trap the dust particles and other pollutants in their filters which can be changed after a considerable period.

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Which gives the air purifier an upper hand over the use of an air ionizer. But also has the advantage that ionizers can also trap the bacteria and dander.

Which the HEPA filter in a normal air purifier cannot trap.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAir PurifierAir Ionizer
WorkingIt draws air into the system and passes air through filters.Negatively charged ions and air molecules are blown in the air which increases the size of particles in air heavy resulting in their settling down.
Purification capacity of Particulate matterTraps air dust particles, ashes, soil, etc. but cannot trap bacteria.It affects even very tiny-sized bacteria and dander.
MaintenanceMaintenance involves just changing the HEPA filters annually.Need to vacuum or clean the dust settled down at regular period.
Annual cost on maintenance.Rs 1000 -Rs 1500 /yrNo cost spent.
Environmental Effects.they cause no harm to the environment.They release ozone gases to decrease the odor which may cause harm to the environment.
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What is Air Purifier?

Air Purifier is a device working on electricity that is composed of a motor, fan, air blower, and a vacuum along with several filters to trap all the pollutants. Air purifiers suck in all the air from the surroundings and pass it through HEPA (“high-efficiency particulate air“) filter.

The HEPA filter traps in all the dust particles, ashes, dust mites, soil particles, pollens, etc. And then the quality, filtered, pure, and fresh air is passed out.

Air Purifiers are very efficient and very commonly used for household applicants. It needs negligible maintenance and no further cleaning of dust is required.

They are easy to use, and only the HEPA filter needs to be changed annually. Air purifiers work on electricity, are easy to use, and are portable.

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Air Purifiers can filter different types of pollutants but the bacterial pollutants and Dander present in the air cannot be purified using these air purifiers. Which is a major drawback with air purifiers.

Air purifiers using HEPA filters are pollutant-free and environment safe i.e. they do not emit any harmful gases like ozone.

air purifier

What is Air Ionizer?

An Air Ionizer is an electric device used to purify the air in the surroundings and decrease the pollutants present in the air. Air Ionizers use high voltage energy to produce negatively charged ions and flow them into the room.

These molecules further interact with the pollutants in the atmosphere and increase their weight. As a result, these pollutants fall off the ground and hence the air gets purified.

Air Ionizers are at advantage in terms of removing the small microscopic pollutants. Air Ionizers can affect the microscopic bacteria and dander present in the air.

But Ionizers carry few disadvantages. Air Ionizers settle down the dust and other pollutants, which need to be cleaned from time to time using a vacuum cleaner, etc.

Which is a tedious process and time-consuming. Then the particles also again get back into the air after some time making the air ionizer look less efficient.

Air Ionizers also emit ozone gas to nullify the odor which may be harmful to humans on long time exposure as well as affect the environment.

air ionizer scaled

Main Differences Between Air Purifier and Air Ionizers

  1. Air Purifiers are very efficient and a good option to use for houseful purposes. Air ionizers need frequent house cleaning as the dust particles and ashes settle down due to an increase in weight.
  2. Air Purifiers do not release ozone gases which the Air Ionizers do. Causing further harm to the people and environment.
  3. In the air purifier the HEPA filters need to be changed every year costing an annual price to be paid. whereas in the case of ionizer there is only a one-time investment.
  4. The Bacterial pollutants present in the air cant be filtered through the air purifiers but the ionizers increase the weight of bacteria causing them to settle down and hence decreasing the chances of bacterial infection.
  5. Air purifiers and Air ionizer both help in increasing the air quality and reduce the AQI level but using two completely different phenomenons.
Difference Between Air Purifier and Air Ionizer


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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.

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