Baptist vs Presbyterian: Difference and Comparison

There are many religions, and because of that, there are different types of beliefs. Sometimes people from one religion may come with different thoughts and religious practices.

Baptists and Presbyterians are among those. Baptists only have faith in Jesus, while Presbyterians have faith in both Jesus and newborn babies born in their residences.

Presbyterians believe that everything that happens is destined or predecided. But Baptists believe that hope in Jesus or God only can lead to heaven, and nothing is predecided.

Both groups believe in God, but their way of practising and thinking makes them different.

Key Takeaways

  1. Baptists and Presbyterians are different Christian denominations with different theological beliefs and practices.
  2. Baptists believe in baptism by immersion and the separation of church and state, while Presbyterians practice infant baptism and emphasize the sovereignty of God.
  3. Baptists rely on personal faith and individual responsibility in religious matters, while Presbyterians strongly emphasize the church’s role in guiding believers.

Baptist vs Presbyterian

Baptist is a denomination in Christianity, with emphasis on faith, personal salvation, and the authority of the Bible. They practice baptism by immersion. Presbyterian is a denomination with emphasis on God’s sovereignty, the authority of the church, and the importance of both faith and good works.

Baptist vs Presbyterian

Baptists only have a belief in Jesus as they only keep those people who believe in Jesus. They do not purify children. Baptists believe that redemption can only be done if someone truly believes in Jesus.

This means that a person can only be forgiven for his\her sins if they have an accurate and consistent belief in God.

Presbyterians believe in both Jesus and newly born babies. They believe that freshly born babies should get purified or baptized.

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They do not follow the Bible fully; they say things should be followed at human convenience. Presbyterians believe that the death of Christ was totally for the selected ones.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBaptistPresbyterian
RepresentationThe term Baptist represents a group of people with a clear and consistent belief in Jesus.Presbyterians are those people who believe in both Jesus and newly born babies who have Christianity as their religion.
Church differencesBaptist churches are independent and controlled by the meetings of the followers who believe in Christ.Presbyterian churches have different layers of governance. In churches, general assemblies are held by the council.
Baptization or purification.They do not believe in children’s purification.They believe children born as Christians should be purified or baptized.
RedemptionThey believe that redemption can be achieved only if someone has true faith in God.Presbyterians do not believe in redemption. Instead, they believe in the destination.
Bible acceptanceThey fully believe in Bible sayings and do not go against them.For them, both Bible and human reasons are important.
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What is Baptist?

Baptists are people or communities who believe that nothing is predecided and that Jesus leads to heaven.

They fully believe in Bible teachings and follow Bible sayings very strictly. Baptists do not believe in the purification of children.

They believe that nothing is predecided and God decides everything. They do not believe that christ’s death was only for the selected ones.

Baptists say that sins may be forgiven with true faith in God. They also believe that redemption is only achieved by those people who have clear and consistent faith in Jesus.

Baptist churches are independent and controlled by the meetings of the followers who believe in Christ. In their churches, prayers are not recited as loudly as in Presbyterians’ case.

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Their churches are independent and controlled by the meetings of the followers who believe in Christ.


What is Presbyterian?

Presbyterians are those people who believe in both Jesus and newly born babies who have Christianity as their religion.

They believe that children born as Christians should be baptized, or the purification process should be done on them. They do not believe in redemption but in God’s mercy.

Presbyterians say that God has already decided their fate, and no one can change that. They believe in predestination.

They give importance to Bible sayings but also consider human reasons as necessary. In their churches, prayers are recited loudly by all the present members.

They believe that Jesus’s death was only for selected ones. They also say that only faith in God cannot lead to salvation as God predecided everything.

Presbyterian churches have different layers of governance. In churches, general assemblies are held by the council.

presbyterian 1

Main Difference Between Baptist and Presbyterian

  1. Baptists are those who only have belief in God, while Presbyterians are those people who believe both in God and newly born babies.
  2. Presbyterians believe that children born as Christians should be baptized or purified. But Baptists believe that children should not be baptized; instead, those who have evident faith in God should be baptized.
  3. Baptists fully believe and strictly follow the Bible’s sayings. Presbyterians also give importance to the Bible, but they follow the Bible’s sayings at their convenience.
  4. Baptists believe that redemption can only be achieved if someone truly believes in God. But Presbyterians do not believe in redemption; instead, they believe in the destination.
  5. In baptist churches, prayers are not recited loudly, but in Presbyterian churches, prayers are recited loudly by all the members.
Difference Between Baptist and Presbyterian
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.