Blew vs Blue: Difference and Comparison

Words like blew and blue are quickly confused. Homophones are utterances that have identical phonetics but vary in wording and significance.

Many homophones exist in the English language, and they frequently confuse English learners. Blue and blew are similar words; they might seem the same but are worded and defined differently.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Blew” is the past tense of the verb “to blow,” which means to expel air through the mouth or to be moved by the wind.
  2. “Blue” is a color that falls between green and violet in the visible light spectrum, associated with the sky and the ocean.
  3. “Blew” is a verb describing an action, while “blue” is an adjective describing a color or a noun representing the color itself.

Blew vs Blue

“Blew” is the past tense of the verb “blow,” which means to move air or other gases or to be moved by air. “Blue” is a color described as similar to the hue of a clear sky or a deep sea. It is one of the primary colors, and is created by combining green and violet light.

Blew vs Blue

Blew seems to be a verb; it is the previous tense of the word blow. It refers to a fast-moving object, such as air or anything in the air.

In a figurative sense, we say someone who runs past everyone else to be blowing past. That sprinter isn’t genuinely flying, but he or she is relocating quickly compared to the others standing.

The color blue seems to be a noun. It is the 5th color of the rainbow and represents the color of the sky. There are a variety of colors of blue.

Blue seems to be a very infrequent color in nature. We find blue blossoms in less than one out of every ten plants, and even fewer mammals are blue.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBlewBlue
DefinitionExhaled forcefully.Color or hue.
TensePast tense of blow.No tense.
CategoryA verb.Noun and sometimes an adjective.
MeaningHas different meanings.Has a single meaning.
ExamplesTo cool the casserole, he blew on it.We are fortunate to have clear blue skies for the festival this weekend.
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What is Blew?

The meaning of blew is the past tense of the word blow, which means you push something vigorously using wind from your throat or like a breeze.

What a little kid did to the incense on his birthday dessert to make them move out is an instance of blew. What a massive storm did to the tree branches that were dispossessed on the lawn is an instance of the blow.  

Blowing someone off means dismissing, ignoring, or failing to follow through with social interaction. “He completely blew me off the other day!”

“The howling wind blew all the leaves away.” “That woman blew past them like a storm.” These sentences are all examples of the word ‘blew’. 

They also have different meanings and can be interpreted in various ways. People blow out candles on pastries and inflate party poppers — a person blows by guiding a steady stream of air from the throat. An air current travels when the breeze blows. 

Another manner of blowing stuff is to implode, tear, or destroy it: “I’ll blow a wheel if I continue driving over that shattered bottles,” or “I think I’m heading to blow my screen test.”

Money can also be blown by losing or frittering it. To blow is to expel air in a burst or waft. When the chilly breezes begin to blow, it’s the exact moment to shut the windows.


What is Blue?

Blue is a soothing color that is extremely rare in nature–only a few blossoms, plants, living creatures, and mineral deposits are normally blue.

Despite being so infrequent, it is so famous in our culture. Blue is a color that is frequently associated with serenity and cool, and calmness. Blue is seen as a color of complexity and stability since it is the color of the air and ocean. 

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Many people have found blue to be a soothing color. Undoubtedly, blue is by far the most popular favourite color, accompanied by green.

Since it soaks up colors in the red portion of the spectrum of light, the sea is blue. The sky is blue since blue light scatters more frequently in the atmosphere due to its shorter wavelength range. 

Blue eyes account for only 8% of the worldwide people. The ambience of Neptune is composed of hydrogen, krypton, and methane.

Methane, in particular, absorbs red light and reflects blue light outward. Uranus, like Neptune, is blue for an identical purpose. 

The blue morpho is one of the world’s biggest butterflies, with a five to eight-inch wingspan. Blue color character strengths include being enthused, sympathetic, conversational, empathetic, optimistic, sincere, and inventive.

They are concerned and want to make a difference in whatever they are a piece of. Blues is all about partnerships.


Main Differences Between Blew and Blue

  1. A color halfway between green and violet is blue, and blowing means to let out your breath in a forced manner.
  2. The past tense of the word ‘blow’ blows, whereas blue is a word that has no tense.
  3. Blew is mainly considered a verb, whereas blue is a noun. We may use blue as an adjective in some cases.
  4. Blew has different meanings, whereas blue has just a single meaning.
  5. An example of the word ‘blew’ is “He blew the whole thing out of proportion!” An example of the word ‘blue’ is “I am in love with the blue dress.”
Blew vs Blue – Whats different

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.