CBD vs Indica: Difference and Comparison

CBD and Indica are sources of medicinal drugs that provide a proper formula that helps cure many diseases and physical discomforts. They are considered cannabinoid-related as they produce cannabis.

Their growth has been stimulated as their presence in the medicinal world has surprised everyone. A plant that is used for the production of recreational drugs is now used to cure illness.

Key Takeaways

  1. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants, while Indica refers to a specific strain of cannabis with higher CBD and lower THC levels.
  2. CBD products are used for their potential therapeutic effects, while Indica strains are valued for their relaxing and soothing properties.
  3. Indica strains can still produce psychoactive effects due to THC content, while CBD products aim to minimize these effects.

CBD vs Indica

The difference between CBD and Indica is that while Indica is a plant from which many compounds of medicinal as well as nourishment values could be derived, CBD is just a single and unique compound used as a medical drug to treat patients and help them cure illness. Indica also gives CBD from its latex or leaves,, which must be extracted for use.

CBD vs Indica

CBD is a drug derived from the species present in the Cannabis genus. Many people use them for varying reasons.

Most commonly used as a medicinal drug, people tend to take it as a recreational drug even though their effects are barely higher than a pinch of a regular recreational drug.

Indica is a species of the genus Cannabis and contains almost all the drugs commonly extracted from the regular Cannabis species Sativa.

This plant has slight variations from the Sativa species based on the percentage of compound present in it. This means the number of drugs in the plant’s latex, roots, and leaves.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCBDIndica
A Plant Species of CannabisNoYes
Fragrance ObtainedNoYes, from compounds extracted
Chemical Structures PresentOneMany as it has multiple compounds within it
Can Produce Essential OilsNoYes
Help in Counterattacking THCYesNo
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What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a drug derived from the Cannabis plant, irrespective of the plant species. This chemical compound found in the compound tissues of plants, such as hemp or the joint drug marijuana, is used for medical purposes.

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If people try to take CBD for recreational purposes and get high, they will not achieve their goal. This is because the percentage composition of the part that makes people lose balance and talk abnormally is low in CBD.

But on the other hand, CBD has more elements that are helpful in the medicinal field. And over the years, as scientists discover its values, CBD is slowly gaining momentum among the medical fraternity.

Due to its highly versatile nature, it proves to be effective in treating many diseases or at least helps reduce symptoms of more significant affective illnesses.

Pain during labour or after a heart surgery, along with epilepsy, is among the many diseases CBD help reduce or even cure.

Drugs that are also obtained from any cannabis plant and make people high can be countered by CBD. The symptoms of being high on other drugs include anxiety or paranoia, or even heavy happiness.

CBD is effective for humans as a medicine because it also binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the body, just like hyperactive cannabinoids. After binding to the receptors, they provide medicinal relief to people.

cbd tincture

What is Indica?

Indica is a species of plant that falls under the cannabis genus. They are host to various drugs and essential compounds that are useful for many industries, such as perfumes and oils.

Even though Sativa is the most common cannabis genera, Indica also has almost equivalent qualities. The composition of drugs present in Indica is lower when in comparison to the Cannabis sativa.

Indica holds CBD and other psychoactive drugs, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), in the leaf and stem compound tissues.

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The drugs are mostly extracted through the latex or even after drying up the stem or leaves and then soaking them in chilled chemical formulations.

The leaves of Indica are small and broad compared to the elaborate leaves present in the Sativa species. Indica can be seen as a small shrub due to its limited growth up to 2-6 feet in height.

The pigmentation is darker than Sativa as more chlorophyll presence is detected in the Indica of the cannabis genus. Indica is most commonly preferred to be grown indoors due to the minor nature of the plant.

Even the flowering season is minor, and the plant takes over nine weeks to mature at the least until it can be harvested. Indica does well in both extreme climatic conditions that are hot and cold.

The medicinal drugs found in Indica have many benefits, such as physically soothing someone and giving people mental relaxation. It is used to extract medicines needed for anxiety and depression.

It is believed to have originated in India,, so the species have been named Indica. It’s grown in Asian countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Singapore, etc.


Main Differences Between CBD and Indica

  1. CBD is a chemical compound seen as a drug whereas Indica is a whole plant species from which CBD and many other drugs are extracted.
  2. While compounds extracted from Indica can be used for preparing essential oils and perfumes, CBD isn’t used for such purposes as it has medicinal values alone.
  3. CBD can counterattack the many other drugs produced by Indica outside the plant body whereas these drugs don’t counterattack within the Indica body.
  4. CBD has a single chemical structure and formula whereas Indica, playing host to many such compounds, has multiple chemical structures within it.
  5. CBD can make a person high whereas other compounds in Indica can make a person hyperactive or push them into depression.
Difference Between CBD and Indica
  1. https://jcannabisresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42238-020-00028-y
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0968089615000838
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.