Condole vs Console: Difference and Comparison

Sympathizing over a loss can be expressed by two terms in English. These two words are – condole and console. There is a lot of confusion and dilemma over both words.

Though both are used to provide sympathy over sorrow, they have distinct differences and are used in different contexts.

Key Takeaways

  1. Condole means to express sympathy or sorrow, while console means to comfort someone upset.
  2. Condole is used when someone has suffered a loss, while a console can be used for any situation where someone is upset or distressed.
  3. Condole can be expressed through words or actions, while consoling involves physical contact or emotional support.

Condole vs Console

Condole is a verb that means to express sympathy for someone or to grieve with someone, and this is mostly used in formal and serious settings like the death of a person. Console is a verb that means to comfort someone during a time of grief or disappointment and is mostly used in personal settings.

Condole vs Console

Condole expresses sorrow or sympathetic sorrow for someone undergoing a loss. It is used in serious and formal settings and denotes the death of a person. The corresponding noun of the word “condole” is condolence.

On the other hand, the word ‘console’ expresses comfort to the grieving person so that it can lessen the sorrow. It includes efforts to stand beside the other person. It is used in informal and personal settings.

The word can be used in various domains of loss and is not limited to the death of a person.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCondoleConsole
MeaningTo express sorrow or sympathy for someoneTo comfort a person at a time when he/she is undergoing grief or disappointment
UsageIt is used in formal and serious settingsIt is used in informal and for a wider range of losses and sorrows
TypeIt is an intransitive verbIt is a transitive verb
DenotesDenotes sympathetic sorrow for a lossDenotes sympathetic sorrow as well as comfort and solace to overcome that loss
ExamplesThe company members visit the hospital to condole the employee’s deathI tried to console her but he kept weeping and said it was all his fault
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What is Condole?

Condole is an expression of sympathetic sorrow with a person, individual, or group who is currently suffering. It can be used to express grief with the individual or group after a loss.

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The loss is in the form of death. Condole is an intransitive verb. The noun in correspondence of condoling in plural form is condolence.

In contrast, to condole, condolence is a noun. Condole is a traditional word. It has a formal meaning and is used in professional settings. Condole is suitable for written settings that express sorrow. The pronunciation of the word condole is “Kuhn-dole”.

Condole means to grieve and feel sorrow after misfortune or loss in earlier terms. The word was later revised. The current meaning of the word is to express sympathy to a person who is grieving or experiencing a huge loss.

To lament and grieve over can be termed as condoling.

Condole word is followed by the word “with”. Condole can be used in the sense of absolute.

Exemplar sentences would be “I condoled my friend over the loss of his father”, “Politicians unite to condole the death of the great prime minister “, and many other such sentences could be formed.


What is Console?

Console means to express sympathy and yet try to comfort the person who is grieving. The efforts to try to make the person feel less disheartened over the loss can be collectively termed as a console.

The pronunciation of the word console is “Kuh-n-sohl”.

Unlike console, it does not only provide an expression of sympathy but also efforts to cheer, soothe and comfort the other person.

It is used in informal and intimate settings where the latter genuinely cares for the former, who is in deep sorrow. Console involves emotional attachment and connotation and has the feeling of warmth.

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The console has a wide meaning. It can be used for losses in various domains and fields. Whenever a person is upset, dejected, or disappointed, the word console is acceptable.

It can be used to alleviate the trouble, grief, or sense of loss of someone. Example sentences are “I tried to console the sobbing woman” and “We should have tried to console the child, but we peeved”.

The console can also be used as a noun. The meaning thereby changes. Console, as a noun, means the controls of any electronic devices by which the device can be controlled and functioned.

It can be a computer console, root console, system console, or even cabinet for infotainment systems

Main Differences Between Condole and Console

  1. Condole refers to the expression of sympathy for sorrow, while console refers to the expression of sympathy as well as efforts to comfort the other person under grief.
  2. Condole is a formal term, while the console is an informal term.
  3. Condole is suitable in written format over cards and letters, while console involves physical efforts for the other person.
  4. Condole is used in serious sorrow settings like death, while the console is used for a wider range of loss and is not limited to death.
  5. Condole is an intransitive verb, while the console is a verb.
Difference Between Condole and Console

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.