Dexamethasone vs Prednisone: Difference and Comparison

Dexamethasone and Prednisone are artificial corticosteroids used to boost the immunological mechanism and reduce irritation.

Both medications are used to treat various illnesses, such as osteoarthritis, gastroenteritis, asthma, pneumonia, skin disorders, and infections.

There were no conflicts discovered between dexamethasone and prednisone. This does not imply that no exchanges exist.

Always seek the advice of your healthcare practitioner.

Key Takeaways

  1. Dexamethasone is a more potent corticosteroid than prednisone, with a longer-lasting anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Both drugs treat various inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, but dexamethasone is more commonly used for severe or acute cases.
  3. Dexamethasone has a shorter half-life than prednisone, which can lead to less frequent dosing.

Dexamethasone vs Prednisone

Dexamethasone is a more potent corticosteroid than prednisone and is used in more severe cases. Prednisone treats conditions such as asthma, allergies, and inflammatory conditions. It is also an immunosuppressant in certain autoimmune diseases and organ transplant patients.

Dexamethasone vs Prednisone

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid medicine that is deployed to treat rheumatoid arthritis, a variety of skin conditions, severe allergic reactions, breathing problems,

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chest infections, neurological damage, eye pain after corrective surgery, central venous disorder, and tuberculosis when combined with antimicrobials.

Dexamethasone can also be used to cure certain cancers. 

Prednisone is a corticosteroid medicine used to inhibit the immunological system and reduce irritation in disorders, including respiratory problems, COPD, and rheumatologic diseases.

Along with many other corticosteroids, it is also utilized to reduce excessive blood phosphorus caused by cancer and electrolyte imbalance. It is administered orally. Prednisone is not an abused medication.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDexamethasonePrednisone
Brand nameDecadron is the brand name. Deltasone is the brand name.
Time of treatmentThis is for a short time.It can cure certain forms of cancer and, on rare occasions, cerebellar edema.
TolerationBetter toleratedLesser tolerated.
TreatmentIt thinned skin and agitation.Prednisone cannot treat such diseases.
Side EffectsStomach discomfort, disorientation, skin disease, excessive hair growth, menstrual irregularities, increased hunger, easy bleeding, stress, or melancholy. Thinned skin and agitation.
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What is Dexamethasone?

Chronic inflammation, blood/hormone illnesses, allergic skin reactions, autoimmune disorders, glaucoma, respiratory distress, bowel obstructions, cancer, and immunologic system illnesses are all treated with dexamethasone.

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It is also utilized to diagnose adrenal gland disorders. 

Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid, which is a kind of medication. It lowers your immune system’s reaction to many illnesses, which helps to alleviate symptoms, including inflammation and allergic responses.

Use this medicine by mouth, exactly as prescribed by your physician. To avoid stomach distress, take it with meals or dairy.

Unless directed by your physician, take this medication in pill form with a cup of warm water. 

If you are taking this medication in a fluid state, start by measuring the dosage with suitable measuring equipment.

Your medical state and reaction to the medication determine the duration and amount of drug. Take this medicine precisely as directed.

Keep a close eye on the dose regimen. To avoid adverse effects, your physician may try to lower your medication from period to period gradually.

Do not discontinue this medicine without first visiting your physician. 

When this medication is abruptly discontinued, several symptoms may worsen. You may also have vomiting, disorientation, fatigue, or muscle/joint discomfort.

Your physician may gradually lower your dosage to avoid these effects while you are discontinuing therapy with this medicine. For further information, speak with your doctor or physician.

Note any unusual or severe complaints as soon as possible.

What is Prednisone?

Prednisone is utilized to cure various ailments, including osteoarthritis, autoimmune conditions, respiratory problems, severe infections, skin conditions, cancer, vision problems, and immunological abnormalities.

Prednisone is a glucocorticoid, which is a type of medication. 

It reduces your body’s immunity to many illnesses, which helps to alleviate symptoms, including inflammation and allergic responses.

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Dizziness, puking, decreased appetite, heartburn, difficulty sleeping, night sweats, or acne are all possible side effects. Inform your doctor or prescriber immediately if any of these side effects persist or deteriorate.

This drug may occasionally cause your blood glucose to increase, which can lead to or exacerbate diabetes. 

If you have signs of hyperglycemia, like excessive thirst or urine, contact your doctor immediately. Prevent being near individuals who are seriously ill or infected.

Contact your health care provider for preventive therapy if you have been subjected to chickenpox or mumps. These disorders can be severe, if not deadly, in those who use steroids. 

An overload of prednisone is unlikely to result in life-threatening complications.

Long-term usage of high steroid dosages, on the other hand, can cause indications including thinner skin, easy flushing, changes in the form or position of fat mass,

increased acne or facial growth, menstruation issues, infertility, or loss of desire for sex.


Main Differences Between Dexamethasone and Prednisone

  1. The brand name of dexamethasone is decadron, even though it is no longer accessible on the market, and the brand name of prednisone is Deltasone. Even that is no longer accessible on the market.
  2. The treatment time for dexamethasone is only for a short while, whereas the treatment time for prednisone is for a short while, as well as for a long while whereas applicable.
  3. Research suggests that dexamethasone is better tolerated than prednisone.
  4. Dexamethasone can be used to cure some special forms of cancer and maybe sometimes cerebellar oedema as well. But, prednisone has no such properties for the cure.
  5. Dexamethasone’s adverse effects vary from prednisone: gastrointestinal discomfort, disorientation, skin disease, abnormal hair development, hormonal imbalances, excessive hunger, easy bleeding, stress, or unhappiness. Prednisone’s adverse effects that differentiate it from dexamethasone include brittle skin and antagonism.
Difference Between Dexamethasone and Prednisone
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.