Diamond vs Jarkan: Difference and Comparison

Diamond and jarkan are very beautiful gemstones and have significant value both in terms of cost and importance in various cultures.

There is another stone called cubic zirconia that resembles natural jarkan but is manmade and also less costly. Unlike diamond and jarkan, cubic zirconia does not have any significant astrological importance.

Key Takeaways

  1. Diamonds are natural gemstones formed under extreme heat and pressure, while Barkan is a synthetic or imitation gem.
  2. Diamonds are more valuable and expensive than Barkan due to their rarity and unique properties.
  3. Jarkan offers an affordable alternative to diamonds for use in jewelry and fashion.

Diamond vs Jarkan

Diamonds are naturally occurring minerals made of carbon. They are widely considered the most precious, and valuable gemstones used in jewelry. Jarkan, is a naturally occurring mineral that has a high refractive index, but It is not as durable as diamond, and it is not as valuable.

Diamond vs Jarkan

The hardness and sparkle of diamond among all other gemstones sets it apart and makes it a world-class element for making jewelry.

Diamond is a very high chemically resistant material and it also has the highest thermal conductivity among all the naturally occurring substances. Apart from mining, some diamonds have also come to the planet through meteorites.

Jarkan has very high refraction in general but the optical properties are rather associated with the quality of a jarkan. The jarkans that are used in making jewelry are of very high quality.

Those stones that lose their integrity due to radioactive elements can be repaired in the presence of very high temperatures.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDiamondJarkan
DefinitionDiamond is another form of carbon element with the highest degree of hardness.Jarkan, also known as “Zircon” in English is commonly known for its brilliant flashes of multicolored light called fire.
Chemical CompositionDiamond is made of 99.95% carbon in a highly pressurized form.The main chemical component in jarkan is ZrSiO4.
HistoryGolconda is known as the birthplace of diamonds and its discovery dates back to the 4th century BC.Jarkan is nearly 2000 years old and was mainly found in various Asian countries in the early days.
EtymologyThe word “Diamond” is derived from Old French and Latin languages.The origin of the name for this gemstone is believed to have its root in either Arabic or Persian language.
ColorDiamond is believed to be available in 12 shades of base colors.Though jarkan is found in several colors, the most valuable ones are blue, red, and green.
GeographyBrazil, Russia, and India are the largest producers of diamonds.The leading producers of jarkan are Australia, South Africa, China, and Indonesia.
CutDiamond’s cut heavily influences the price of the stone and the most common cut is round.Jarkan is commonly cut either in round or in an oval shape.
HardnessThe value of a diamond is 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness.The value of a jarkan varies from 6 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
BirthstoneDiamond is considered the birthstone for April.Jarkan is the birthstone for December.
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What is a Diamond?

The formation of diamonds requires very high temperature and pressure and is not possible on the Earth’s surface. The appropriate condition for the formation of diamonds is found nearly 100 miles below the Earth’s surface.

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After these diamonds are formed, the deep volcanic eruptions cause them to transfer onto the surface. Diamonds belong to the isometric crystal system and they can be transparent, translucent, and opaque.  

Though diamonds are used both as precious jewelry and industrial applications, their quality isn’t the same.

For example, only the best quality diamonds with minimum impurities are used for making jewelry and they have an approximate specific gravity of 3.52.

On the other hand, diamonds, in general, have comparatively a much broader range of specific gravity (3.4 to 3.6) but they have more impurities that are not suitable for making jewelry.

Diamonds for industrial purposes are crushed into abrasive powders.

The cut is crucial for diamond jewelry because a properly cut diamond increases its value. Among many diamond cuts, the round brilliant cut is the most popular one because it offers optimum sparkle.

And the sparkle in diamonds is caused because of their high luster which gives them the ability to reflect maximum light stroking on the surface.


What is a Jarkan?

Jarkan (or Zircon) resembles the look of diamond especially if it is colorless.

The color of a jarkan is very alluring and due to the flashes of light, some believe that the word was derived from the Arabic word “zarkun” which means vermillion or cinnabar.

Some legends say that jarkan might also be derived from the Persian word “zargun” which means gold-colored. In ancient times, people used jarkan to induce sleep or drive away from the evil spirits.

There are six shades of jarkan but the blue color was particularly a favorite in the Victorian age. Jarkan possesses a wide range of physical properties maybe because they grow in various types of rock.

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Jarkan contains radioactive elements as impurities and due to their presence, its crystal structure was damaged with time.

Depending on the degree of damage done to these stones, jarkan are categorized into three types, high, intermediate, and low.

High means the stone has retained its structure almost to the fullest whereas low means significant structural damage. Traces of uranium is very common in a jarkan.

Though mining and the popularity of jarkan started only a few thousand years ago, the jarkan that is found in Australia is the oldest mineral on Earth.

Apart from the colorful shades of jarkan, colorless jarkans also exist and they are known as “Matara”, named after a city where it is mined.

Main Differences Between Diamond and Jarkan

  1. Diamond is made of 99.95% carbon in a highly pressurized form whereas the main chemical component in jarkan is ZrSiO4.
  2. Discovery of diamonds dates back to the 4th century BC whereas jarkan was discovered nearly 2000 years ago.
  3. Diamond is believed to be available in 12 shades of base colors whereas jarkans are mainly available in 6 colors.
  4. Brazil, Russia, and India are the largest producers of diamonds whereas Australia, South Africa, China, and Indonesia are the leading producers of jarkan.
  5. Diamond is much harder than jarkan.
  6. Diamond is the birthstone for April whereas jarkan is the birthstone for December.
Difference Between Diamond and Jarkan
  1. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature07102
  2. https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-abstract/19/7/710/188433
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.