DigitalOcean vs AWS: Difference and Comparison

DigitalOcean is a private firm that provides cloud storage structures to its clients.

Since computer applications are developing widely, the storage system faces a heavy task as applications need dynamic memory and external memory infrastructure.

DigitalOcean is an America-based company that serves this need.

AWS is Amazon’s cloud computing platform. It provides users with high computing facilities as well as storage. They promise dynamic web access and high operating speed.

They have a pay system that calculates only the amount of services the user uses and is one of the best in the business for cloud computing.

Key Takeaways

  1. DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider that offers a range of simple and affordable hosting solutions for developers and businesses.
  2. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform offering a wide range of computing, storage, and networking services.
  3. DigitalOcean is more affordable and user-friendly but has fewer features and less scalability than AWS.

DigitalOcean vs AWS

DigitalOcean is a simpler, more affordable option that is great for developers and small businesses and offers easy-to-use, pre-configured virtual machines. AWS is a more complex and comprehensive platform that also offers more robust security features and a more extensive global network.

DigitalOcean vs AWS

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDigitalOceanAWS
SecurityDigitalOcean has many data centres worldwide, protected from physical threats.AWS is way better in security because of the GuardDuty feature, which eliminates the risks of electronic threats.
ServiceOnly the physical storage is provided as a service, hence it falls under the Infrastructure as a Service category.The user only needs to operate the application manually. The system fulfils the rest of the functionalities.
CompatibilityOnly Linux OS is compatible with the system.OS is not a constraint, and any operating system can run AWS.
TargetDigitalOcean targets small-scale application developers.Anyone who needs a huge amount of hardware can use the AWS system.
SupportBugs may occur with the software, which is to be handled individually.Customer support is also a service provided by them.
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What is DigitalOcean?

When cloud servers and storage facilities were improving daily, the Uretsky brothers were keen on providing a combined platform that provided both.

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This is how they found the DigitalOcean firm, which now has data centres in many countries around the globe. DigitalOcean marked a huge success in the technical market within a few years of its invention.

The servers provided by DigitalOcean come under the category of virtual private servers. They provide a Linux Operating system interface with lower computing power than the physical structure.

The corporation’s success was the low-cost input o hardware for users and the high storage efficiency of the machine.

Both block storage, as well as object-based storage, are provided by DigitalOcean. They also have tutorials for system administrators to understand the working of their model.

Besides these facilities, the pricing model of DigitalOcean is very much investable and reasonable.

DigitalOcean is a boon for technical start-ups because of its service, guides, and initial investment.

The problem with them is that they suit only small-scale needs; hence, if the project flourishes, more hardware is to be provided.


What is AWS?

The Amazon Web Service platform is a wide tech environment where clients can buy services ranging from storage to supercomputers.  They have server farms worldwide to fulfil every user’s needs.

Right from using their servers to their huge supercomputers, the payment is after the completion of a service.

Any operating system can access these services. Also, they provide a wide range of graphical interfaces and hardware options.

This is the key reason AWS has been the best in the business for every client since its beginning in 2006. Initially, more than 100000 developers signed with them for their services. Also, they have a good UI to attract users.

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Due to their customer support and high security, clients, including Netflix and NASA, are notable.

This marked the growth of AWS. Besides servers and storage, they also provide networking, database, and other developer tools to enhance a project.

There is a slight complication in the clarity of their pricing since there are many hidden costs.

This is required for the smooth operation of their highly secure systems but may be huge for people who are engaged in small-scale businesses.

Main Differences Between DigitalOcean and AWS

  1. DigitalOcean and AWS are secure, but DigitalOcean provides only physical security, while AWS secures software and hardware.
  2. Only infrastructure service is provided by DigitalOcean, whereas AWS has a storage structure and developer tools for support.
  3. Linux OS is needed in the case of DigitalOcean, while the operating system is not a concern for AWS.
  4. Since only storage is provided by DigitalOcean, small ad temporary business dealers go with DigitalOcean. Due to AWS’s vast service area, most leading developers move with AWS.
  5. If software bugs are present in the system, DigitalOcean does not provide adequate debugging services. AWS, on the other hand, supports constructive customer care to clear them.
Difference Between DigitalOcean and AWS
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.