Facebook vs Bebo: Difference and Comparison

Social networking sites have been very influential in the lives of people ever since they gain popularity. Nowadays, people are more concerned about their social lives on these networking sites rather than in actuality.

Some of these social networking sites that are popular on the Internet are – Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, WeChat, Line, Telegram, Hike, Hangouts, Bebo, and many others.

These sites allow their users to chat with their online friends, share pictures and videos, express their opinions, campaign for their business online, etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. Facebook is a global social media platform, while Bebo was a social networking site popular in the 2000s.
  2. Bebo targeted a younger demographic, whereas Facebook appealed to a wider audience.
  3. Facebook acquired Bebo’s intellectual property in 2020, and Bebo no longer operates as a social network.

Facebook vs Bebo

The difference between Facebook and Bebo is that the social networking site Facebook is available in many languages whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the social network site Bebo is available in only 7 languages that are – German, Dutch, English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and French.

A private company owns the Facebook company, but on the other hand, Bebo company is a subsidiary online service provider.

Facebook vs Bebo

Facebook is a very popular social networking website on the Internet. The worldwide popularity of the same is tremendous and cannot be matched with anyone else.

The company was founded in the year 2004 and was just meant for the students at Harvard University on an initial basis. But in 2006, it was available for everyone just above 13 years old.  

Bebo is a popular social site in America and was founded in January 2005. Although it was launched after 6 months on the Internet, that is in July 2005.

The website allows its user to chat with their friends and stream videos on the platforms. The company underwent bankruptcy many a time, but every time they came back and made a mark.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFacebookBebo
Founded ByMark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz  Michael Birch, Xochi Birch
Founded In February 2004January 2005
Type of WebsitePrivateSubsidiary online service provider
LanguagesMultilingual approximately in 111 languagesMultilingual but limited to 7 languages
HeadquartersMenlo Park, CaliforniaLos Angles, California
ParentFacebook IncorporationThe Monkey Inferno
Number of FeaturesMultipurpose featuresLimited features
Launched InFebruary 2004July 2005
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What is Facebook?

Facebook is the most popular and widespread social networking site that is actively in use. At present, the platform has over 2.85 billion approximately active members.

The company was founded by a team of five people – Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes, and Dustin Moskovitz. They founded it and launched it in the year February 2004.

The platform was initially built for the students at Harvard University, which then gained popularity and reached other Universities in North America and then was available for everyone just above the age of 13.

Although a private firm owns the website, the parent company is Facebook Inc.

The multilingual languages offered by the platform are approximately about 111 in number. The features and benefits enabled by them to users are numerous. The main head office of the company is located in Los Angles, California.


What is Bebo?

Bebo is a social networking site that is based in America. The respective website was launched in the year January 2005.

But the company underwent huge losses, which led to its bankruptcy, but still, and the company relaunched the networking site in February 2021. In between the time period, the website was relaunched many times but lived for a shorter period.

The website was created and founded by a couple named Michael Birch and Xochi Birch. They founded the platform in the year January 2005 and launched it in July 2005 after a period of six months.

The headquarters for the company is located or situated in Los Angles, California, United States.

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The parent company for the website is The Monkey Inferno. Also, the website is categorized as a subsidiary online service provider.

The platform offers multi-languages, but it is limited to a number 7: German, Dutch, English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and French. The features on the platform for the users are very limited. 


Main Differences Between Facebook and Bebo

  1. The company Facebook was founded by the teamwork of five people and are – Dustin Moskovitz, Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin, and Andrew McCollum, whereas comparatively, on other hand, the company Bebo was founded by a couple named Michael Birch and Xochi Birch.
  2. The company Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004, whereas comparatively on the other hand, the company Bebo was founded in January 2005.
  3. Facebook is a company owned by a Private firm whereas, on the other hand, the company Bebo is a subsidiary online service provider.
  4. Facebook allows its users to use the platform in nearly approximately about 111 languages recognized from around the world, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the platform Bebo allows its users to access the platform in multi-languages, but that is too limited to only 7 languages that are – German, Dutch, English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and French. 
  5. The headquarters of the company Facebook is situated or located in Menlo Park, California, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the headquarters of the company Bebo is situated or located in Los Angeles, California.
  6. The parent company of Facebook is Facebook Incorporation, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the parent company of the Bebo platform is The Monkey Inferno.
  7. Facebook was launched on the same day as it was founded, but on the other side, despite being founded in January 2005, the Bebo platform was launched in July 2005.
  8. The features that are provided by Facebook are numerous, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the features provided by the platform Bebo are very limited.
Difference Between Facebook and Bebo


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  3. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2380718.2380746
  4. https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/49083183/An_Investigation_of_Motivation_to_Share_20160924-14566-nzv0ze-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1635345817&Signature=ShCto5oEKr2ZunxKDCukKhxECtN5xnDrfDLyd-W4dDco45VMLFoPPUSxDecdQeVRj2EhV-AgP~6meauw-w1lYjUV8AyUuq7ABWItLW0HeYy4mqMtPS3tfYlj3lOl0GRJMAXEvdKlQuEGdt9NdYu-E7VK3O5QXJGL~zQ7TgcAiSWaTaLEnF1uLuiokiL8BY3e1kypQArqwA0GyPk240LW~66zOvkOERR8BRb9pb6gC6adsUg4aEoSOGDHOczxJry8oLXM1KJ0nxdpCPvkXOEcAC7nsjeQ1WdrLDTtIQ07GBBmo8r9JcAgU~UOPs0dVChrBUzb6VJvVpHItrey5AZNJg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.